The NBA Draft Thread

I think it would be nice to have a secondary ball handler out there for D'Lo (this is why Randle and Ingram are so important) to free up D'Lo for spot ups and what not. Also be nice to have said ball handler be a competent shooter too because outside of Swaggy and D'Lo this team sucks at it.
Don't really see how DLo and Monk in backcourt would be a good fit. Would much rather pair DLo with Ball. Lonzo is a much better fit with the system that Walton is looking for, emphasizing ball movement.
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I'm not aruging againt the Lakers taking Fultz, they absolutely should if they have the chance.

I'm just saying that I still think D'Lo will be fine.

I expect him in a year or two to make a major leap in his shooting percentage. There is a few 40% from three seasons lurking in that guy.
Dlo's numbers have been sick since all star. He keeps that up and I'll start to see why everyone has been so high on him from day one
D'Lo has the pedigree of an elite ballhandler/shooter but it just hasn't fully come to fruition yet.

He also didn't have a coach or play on a real team until this year, I'm giving him another 2 years before I make any definitive mark on him.
Are most Laker fans down on DLo? That's what it seems like from an outsider prospective. Meanwhile, fans from other teams seem to be really high on him.
Are most Laker fans down on DLo? That's what it seems like from an outsider prospective. Meanwhile, fans from other teams seem to be really high on him.

Only the idiots, honestly. And given it is the Lakers' fanbase, there are a lot of idiots :\
Are most Laker fans down on DLo? That's what it seems like from an outsider prospective. Meanwhile, fans from other teams seem to be really high on him.

He's a player like I said, this basically is his real rookie year when you consider his situation last year with Byron and Kobe farewell tour.

He's got a great coach who will get the most out of him.
I like D'lo but appears to be too slow to be a star and not a good enough shooter to be a star.
Yea this where im at with Russell, doesnt have the athleticism/explosion needed and hasn't shot lights out to balance out his lack of speed yet...see him as a solid starter/high level backup and he wouldnt stop me from drafting any of the PG's in this draft
He's a player like I said, this basically is his real rookie year when you consider his situation last year with Byron and Kobe farewell tour.

He's got a great coach who will get the most out of him.
Completely agree with all of this. Perhaps this is something that is a little easier to comprehend as an outsider looking in as opposed to someone that watches them every night.
Especially guards, PG is the hardest position to play in the league. Really hard to come out there and be a star from day 1.
I like D'lo but appears to be too slow to be a star and not a good enough shooter to be a star.
This but I think he has a great chance to improve as a shooter maybe if he plays with better players where he can play off ball sometimes
I still believe in Dlo at point but it wouldn't stop me from taking Fultz or Ball. Dlo can excel off the ball too. Plus it's not like he's never gunna have the ball in his hands if the lakers get fortunate enough to draft either Fultz or Ball.

It wouldn't stop me from taking Fultz but I wouldn't draft Ball if I'm the Lakers.

Why not?

Are most Laker fans down on DLo? That's what it seems like from an outsider prospective. Meanwhile, fans from other teams seem to be really high on him.

The ones with no damn sense are. Acting like he's a 5th year player right now.
If you pay close attention to D'Lo's footwork you'll notice how inconsistent it is from jump shot to jump shot. He's always contorting/leaning his body after he releases the ball too. Small stuff like that is why his jumper fluctuates as much as it does.
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D'Lo has the pedigree of an elite ballhandler/shooter but it just hasn't fully come to fruition yet.

He also didn't have a coach or play on a real team until this year, I'm giving him another 2 years before I make any definitive mark on him.

does he have the pidegree of an elite shooter?

I brought this up at draft time; low ft%, and according to DX he was a 32% 3 point shooter in HS/AAU.

No one thought of him as a deadeye.

projecting him to be an elite shooter is a risky endevour and if he's not an elite shooter he's not a star period.
Yeah on off-season with footwork drills will have him looking much better. In addition there's literally no spacing on the court when he's playing. He & NY are the only shooters on the squad and ny has struggled since the break. JC is an average shooter at best. It's why I don't mind drafting Ball. Ball/Dlo shooting potential is through the roof.

Also, wanted to comment on guard development. I feel like the bigger you are, the easier it is to come in and dominate in the NBA. Centers/Bigs can come in right away and play at a high level. It usually takes guards way longer to reach their full potential. In particular, point guards take forever to develop. People need patience.
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does he have the pidegree of an elite shooter?

I brought this up at draft time; low ft%, and according to DX he was a 32% 3 point shooter in HS/AAU.

No one thought of him as a deadeye.

projecting him to be an elite shooter is a risky endevour and if he's not an elite shooter he's not a star period.

My fault for some reason I thought he was like 85% from the FT line, must have been confusing him with someone else.
If you pay close attention to D'Lo's footwork you'll notice how inconsistent it is from jump shot to jump shot. He's always contorting/leaning his body after he releases the ball too. Small stuff like that is why his jumper fluctuates as much as it does.

yup, I really cooled on him during the pre draft process, the poor high school shooting and poor FT shooting had me spooked.

but then i remember reading workout reports about, and watching this vid with a shooting coach kind of shaing D'Lo on how serious he took his shooting.

from what I can tell

D'angelo thinks he's a natural shooter, and that's cool in college, but in the NBA real elite shooters take it super serious, their shot prep practice, pre game regimines, shot prep, footwork...everything is measured and considered carfully.

I just don't get the sense D'lo takes his shooting that serious.
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If you pay close attention to D'Lo's footwork you'll notice how inconsistent it is from jump shot to jump shot. He's always contorting/leaning his body after he releases the ball too. Small stuff like that is why his jumper fluctuates as much as it does.

yup, I really cooled on him during the pre draft process, the poor high school shooting and poor FT shooting had me spooked.

but then i remember reading workout reports about, and watching this vid with a shooting coach kind of shaing D'Lo on how serious he took his shooting.

from what I can tell

D'angelo thinks he's a natural shooter, and that's cool in college, but in the NBA real elite shooters take it super serious, their shot prep practice, pre game regimines, everything is measured and considered carfully.

I just don't get the sense D'lo takes his shooting that serious.
He actually started to get on a fixed routine recently to help improve his game.
He actually started to get on a fixed routine recently to help improve his game.

well good.

I thought he could be a manu type early in his college season but now I have a hard time believing he is going to be better than a 38 year old manu, given that 38 year old manu is probably quicker. :lol:
well good.

I thought he could be a manu type early in his college season but now I have a hard time believing he is going to be better than a 38 year old manu, given that 38 year old manu is probably quicker. :lol:

Damb...But it's true.
D'lo should take notes from Andre Miller and Chauncy Billips on how to operate in the post. He has the length and size to be effective from the post. I think that can make him much more versatile as a PG exploiting mismatches against smaller PGs. He should use his size advantage since he is playing like he got weights in his ankles.

It's also consistent with him working on his footwork.
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