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PS4 to Reach 69 Million Sold by 2019, Xbox One 39 Million - Report

By 2019, there will be around 108 million combined PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems in the market, with Sony's console leading the way with 69 million sold. Microsoft's Xbox One will make up the other 39 million.

This is all according to data featured in a Game Developers Conference presentation from World of Tanks developer Wargaming creative director and executive producer TJ Wagner that was recently made public.

Another slide from the presentation claims there are 36 million active PS4 consoles in the market today, ahead of an estimated 19 million Xbox One systems. Wargaming got its numbers from sources including Superdata, IDG Consulting, and IHS, so bear in mind that these numbers don't come directly from the source.

In terms of official numbers, Sony said in January that the PS4 had sold nearly 36 million systems worldwide. Microsoft does not share Xbox One sales figures, but it was reported that, months ago, there were around 18 million active Xbox Ones in the market.

In 2015, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said Sony's lead in the current-generation console sales race was so large that he was unsure that Microsoft would ever be able to catch up. It doesn't sound like Microsoft is stressing too much in its No. 2 position, either. "We're not motivated by beating Sony, we're motivated by gaining as many customers as we can," Spencer said at the time.

The full Wargaming GDC presentation is stuffed with interesting insight about the free-to-play market on console and more. You can check it out here or read DualShockers' roundup of key points.


:wow: :lol:

I knew there was big gap in sales this console gen but didn't know Sony's lead was this huge.

But hey XB1 game still claim in they're title they "won"
Early Ratchet & Clank PS4 review 9 out of 10:

•Great weapons
•Meaningful additions to narrative

•Solid, responsive controls

•Minor technical issues

Rating (out of 10): 9

This generation of video games has seen more than its fair share of remakes and remasters of classic games. Some of them are with merit, others have been disappointing, and Sony appears to be one of the biggest offenders. We've seen almost every major franchise get a remaster or re-release. Be it lacklustre high definition releases like Uncharted, or meaningful additions like Gravity Rush, the company's had to make do with rehashing its greatest hits in lieu of a strong roster of exclusive games this generation.

And then there's Ratchet & Clank. Not to be confused with the 2002 PS2 game of the same name, it's a re-imagining of the breakout platforming and shooting hit that helped the PS2 become one of the most successful consoles ever. Thanks to its title, it could be easy to label Ratchet & Clank as simply a crisper looking version of a beloved classic. However, there's more to this remake. For starters, it looks good enough to give Pixar's animated offerings an inferiority complex. It's built ground up for the PS4 with environments ranging from giant factories to cities under siege, all of which are stunningly polished.

From the fur on protagonist Ratchet's head, to the metallic sheen on the many killer robots you encounter, it's evident that a lot of love went into making this game go above and beyond your usual reboot.

Sony might be billing Uncharted 4 as its visual masterpiece, but Ratchet & Clank does a fine job of showing what the PS4 is capable of. Great looks aside, there's a fair bit of story-telling. The game is set in the fictional galaxy of Solana with human-like creatures and alien lifeforms coexisting in relative peace. You'll take on the role of Ratchet, an anthropomorphic furry character known as a lombax. Soon enough, you'll meet Clank, a robot set for the scrapyard. It's here that things start to snowball into a plot that has you saving the planets of the galaxy from certain doom.

Old timers might notice that the game's events take place at a faster clip compared to the original. This is because the plot has been modified to include elements from the upcoming animated film. There's an expanded origin story and a slew of cutscenes including footage from the movie. It does a good job of keeping players up to speed with what's going on and is accessible to newcomers as well.

For the most part it's an entertaining adventure filled with witty one-liners that take stabs at nerd culture and video game pre-orders as well as some easter eggs that poke fun at other franchises like Halo.

The narrative isn't the only element that's received significant enhancements. Gameplay is suitably improved as well. Rather than sticking to the same controls and weapons from the original, developer Insomniac took inspiration from later games in the series, such as the PS3 classic Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools of Destruction. This results in a snappier, more intuitive gameplay experience that makes the best use of the Dual Shock 4 controller, with features such as the ability to strafe and jump just as you would expect in a modern platforming game. The controls are accurate and responsive, making traversal a hassle-free affair.

The majority of the game has you playing as Ratchet, with Clank strapped to your back, providing you added manoeuvrability by letting you hover in the air or propelling yourself underwater. At times you'll play as Clank, navigating through smaller pathways and interacting with Gadgebots - diminutive robots that can allow him to access to higher ground or open doors. These sections are a welcome break from the shooting and jumping segments that make up the core gameplay. Apart from this, Insomniac has managed to inject a healthy amount of freshness in the gameplay too, with new sequences and bosses to encounter.

This is possible because unlike the original, events here are narrated by Captain Qwark - a cowardly, vain superhero who is Ratchet's idol. Without spoiling much, it results in a refreshed game with an excellent sense of pacing, and a whole lot more to do. But the biggest draw is the arsenal at your disposal.

Much like Sunset Overdrive, the Resistance series, and Insomniac's previous Ratchet & Clank games, this reboot is packed with a variety of interesting guns. And there are a lot of guns, backed up by a robust upgrade system allowing you to increase range and damage or add new effects to your attacks. From the Groovitron which could make hulking monsters quite literally dance to your tune (with each foe having its own animation) to the Pixelizer, which turns enemies into 8-bit characters, the variety is aplenty. That's not even counting what you can unlock by collecting cards or holocards as the game calls them, dropped by enemies in combat or through exploration. All of these go a long way in making Ratchet & Clank a joy to play as each weapon has a different and unique impact on the opposition.

Our grouses are minor and technical. For one, there was minor slowdown in some busy sections and motion blur is liberally used. Though some might prefer its use, we would've like an option to turn it off.

All in all, if you're new to the series, this game a great starting point. At the same time, if you're someone who has played every game in the franchise (including the half-baked spin-offs) there's more than just a sense of nostalgia to bring you back. With extraordinary attention to detail and a slew of warranted, purposeful additions to core content and gameplay, Ratchet & Clank on the PS4 is well worth the price of entry.

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What's the release date of R&C?

This Tuesday the 12th.

And it's already dirt cheap if you pre order it off amazon and have prime or if you have Best Buy Gamers club unlocked.

It should be $32+ tax.

For a new game. Not just a remastered or re hash of the original game from the PS2 era.There seems to be a lot of confusion over that.
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Honestly I didn't get into Ratchet & Clank games until the PS3 era. I didn't play the OG's back in the PS2 era.PS2 era GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, and Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec ruled my PS2 era playing time.

Heck PS3 era introduced me to R&C, MLB The Show, Shadow Of The Coloussus, ICO, and God Of War games.
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Honestly I didn't get into Ratchet & Clank games until the PS3 era. I didn't play the OG's back in the PS2 era.PS2 era GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, and Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec ruled my PS2 era playing time.

Heck PS3 era introduced me to R&C, MLB The Show, Shadow Of The Coloussus, ICO, and God Of War games.

At least give Up Your Arsenal a shot. By far the best of the PS2 R&C games.
Does anyone know what happened to Rime?

Sony sold the IP rights for RIME back to the devs.

Rumor was that the game wasn't going no where and Sony got fed up of wasting money.
It's still meant to be coming out on all plautforms now but I've given up hope for it.

And Deep Down.

Same story with Japanese devs developing their own engines.

Takes agesssss.
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For those that beat BB, how many hours did it take you?

Just want to know the average time.

I'm not sure how long it took me to finish it, I'd guess 40 hours, got a platinum tho, the chalice dungeons were time consuming.

Oh and if you want a platinum and don't wanna play the game 3 times, save your file on a flash drive before you get to the ending . And have 3 umbilical cords.

The guy who said BB and DS3 look the same, there are differences but they are extremely similar. I've been playing DS1 the past month and then DS3 since Wednesday, and trust me, I get confused sometimes because there are areas that are similar to areas from other souls games. I still absolutely love every minute of it and am going to play the hell out of DS3.

Praise the sun!
does DS3 have those long save breaks in between gameplay?

What I am saying is i used to get pissed when i would get killed in BB with mad souls because i couldnt make it to the next lamp or back to the previous lamp to save the game.

still enjoyed BB tho probably never trade it in i refuse to let that game make me give up :lol:
Ds3 playing similar to bloodborne was my highest hope for ds3.
Def copping after i beat quantam break.
does DS3 have those long save breaks in between gameplay?

What I am saying is i used to get pissed when i would get killed in BB with mad souls because i couldnt make it to the next lamp or back to the previous lamp to save the game.

still enjoyed BB tho probably never trade it in i refuse to let that game make me give up :lol:
There's actually a lot of bonfires (save points) a lot more than bloodborne had.

The game is like if Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne had a child.... It's everything I wanted it to be.
guess ima go ahead and put in my order for DS3.

I do like the fact it has more weapons than BB.
Does anyone know what happened to Rime?

Sony sold the IP rights for RIME back to the devs.

Rumor was that the game wasn't going no where and Sony got fed up of wasting money.
It's still meant to be coming out on all plautforms now but I've given up hope for it.

Thanks. That sucks. I thought the game would of been done by now.

EDIT: Read that post. Woooow if that's true. :smh: :smh:
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