The Top Four Things People in Their Twenties Waste Money On


Im actually good on all of those... The only one in question would be #2, but I've cut back on that over the past year. :smokin
I was guilty of like 2 of those in my 20's.  Never spent too much on rent.  I either stayed with a roomate or had a long-term GF and we split the rent.  I actually managed to find cheap rent in NY on a number of occasions and decent apartments too.  Used to spend money on Coffee everyday, and used to spend alot on going out.

Now I make coffee at home every morning.  Also got used to the taste of black coffee, so less money on milk, etc...  I'll get coffee out once in a while if I have to but I can't remember the last time I walked into Starbucks and spent $5 on a latte.

Now it's going out to eat on the weekends.  If we go out with friends, dinner almost always includes drinks, and that's where it all adds up.  My wife was trying to figure out our budget, and she looked up all our charges to restaurants and bars.  Not counting the times we used cash, we spent about $580 in 2 and a half weeks on going out.  Add in the times we used the cash one of us had on us, it was closer to $700.  That's well over $1000 a month average on just eating out and ordering drinks.  Gots-ta CHILL...
Definitely guilty of lunch during the work week, gotta stop eating at Chick Fil A hurts my pockets so bad :smh:. Not rushing to getting an apartment though, want to stash at least 6 months of rent and utilities don't want be one of those moving back in after graduating.
I've been spending a ton of money on workout gear. But I guess it's fine since this is probably my number 1 hobby right now. Hopefully I won't need much else since it all adds up. Workout clothes (dri-fit shirts/shorts), Weight belt, weightlifting/squat shoes, wrist wraps, etc. I'm going to try to spend less on supplements since they're not really necessary.
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I think that 25-30% of your salary is too high. It should be based on needs. If my salary doubled overnight, I don't need a bigger/nicer place, mine is just fine for me.

As for these usual downfalls, I see Starbucks and eating out KILL my friends' paychecks. I pretty much survive on peanut butter or turkey sandwiches, carrots, and apples.
If you're not use to cook for yourself or don't know what to look for you can end up spending an excessive amount. Cooking my own food has saved me so much money.
Thats the thing though . Can I ? Sure but honestly with the time it takes+ the whole process +dirtying dishes etc. I lose my appetite afterwards
Food kills me. Dont really spend much on anything else. I get hungry fast and will probably get two meals a day between college classes. Also one coffee a day
#2 on the list is the only one that applies to me.
Where I live/work is full of fast food spots. :smh:
Never going to have to worry about the first one in a while.
Once I'm out of my Nursing proper, I'll be chilling with my parents for a while.
At least that way I can save up all my money AND help them around with the bills, upkeep of the house, and such.

For me it's buying lunch. I have a section of the freezer in the break room fulled with small frozen dinners I brought like a month or two ago :smh:

Coffee more once or twice every other month

Stay home with moms so :rolleyes

Not a party animal
with todays food prices, shopping at the grocery store isnt saving much money over eating out, provided your eating good. sure you can eat ramen noodles everyday but who wants to do that?

with that said

laker games
charity (giving your family and homies money or buying them things/food is considered charity)

in no particular order

im 25 and for the past 4 years thats where i spent lots of money on, not much of a party animal like i used to be, cant be 18 forever and im not gonna be that 30 year old dude posted in the corner of the club on a friday night, i used to laugh at those kinda dudes.

i figure for the next 5 years itll go something like this

shopping clothes/gear
laker games

so technically i cut off the alcohol and drugs :lol:

honestly i dont see myself not spending money on the above things in the forseeable 10-15 years, i mean those are life things to be enjoyed and lived.

dont forget, money is a tool to make your life better, or worst depending on how you look at it, but at the end of the day, your not eating your 100 dollar bills, its not keeping you warm, its not talking to you, its not playing cards with you, and it can go away faster than it came. thats it.
That point about the iphone is not true, I know plenty of people who have the 3g-3gs and their phones are messing up with all sorts of glitches and bugs, eventually you have to upgrade...

But back to the topic yall are really spending $75 when yall go out? I know the one tbing I burn money on is food, and in my head its justified because its

#1.)  Apartments They Can’t Afford.   A lot of 20-somethings think they DESERVE a nice apartment, even if they just got out of school and don’t make much money. In reality, if you’re 22 years old, you should probably be living in a cramped apartment with a roommate or two.

#2.)  Lunch During the Workweek.   People in their twenties are much less likely to pack a lunch.  And if you spend $15 on lunch five days a week, that’s $3,750 a year.  You can pack your own lunch for a fraction of that.

#3.)  Partying.   If you go out one night a week and spend $75, that’s $3,600 a year.  And a lot of people in their twenties go out WAY more than one night a week.

#4.)  Coffee.   People of ALL ages are guilty of this one.  But people in their 20s are more likely to order expensive drinks like cappuccinos, because they still haven’t learned to tolerate a NORMAL cup of coffee…which you can make for about 15 cents. If you spend $5 at Starbucks five days a week, you’re spending over a thousand dollars a year on coffee.
pretty good list. I'd add smartphones to the list as well. Most people don't need smartphones and definitely don't need $100+/month plans. Brand new tech in general is a waste (although I'm bad about it too). People are gonna look back and say "did I really need a new iphone and ipad every year?", especially when you can wait a couple of months and get it for half off in most caseshttp://

FYI, energy drinks like Red Bull and 5 Hour have displaced coffee as the go-to high priced caffeine source.
I packed a lunch for work after reading this thread. I have to stop spending money so easily when it comes to fast food. That money could be used for groceries instead, and would last longer.
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