Thee NT Police Run-Ins Thread

I've been pulled over 3 times in the last year. Ran a red light the first time, I was speeding and cutoff a cop the second time, and I was just speeding the third time. Didn't have any form of identification during any of the three stops and was let go with a warning each time.

I 100% thought I was getting hit with at least three tickets during the second stop.
Like 5 years ago I had a bright red challenger with chrome wheels , I was pulling out of a Walgreens parking lot , had not had the radio on yet and this white dude drives pass with his windows down blasting music . Some how the cop “mistakenly” thinks it’s me and pulls me over on the side street.

Dude Is like your music is too loud in a residential area , I’m like naw that wasn’t my music. He’s like well it looked like you were on the phone talking ... I’m like nope i have Bluetooth so it doesn’t make sense for me to have my phone to my ear .

He’s like well let me see your license , i unbuckle my seat belt and take my wallet out my back pocket . Dude goes run my license and comes back and is like “you know i should Write you a ticket for no seatbelt” :stoneface:

I’m like fam you just seen me take it off and he’s like oh well you don’t have a front plate so that’s 2 tickets . 1 for not having the plate and 1 moving violation for driving without the plate :sick:

Another time in the same neighborhood, different car an officer said my music was blasting (told him I had factory stereo) gave me a loud noise ticket. When he pulled me over he said he tried to pull me over before but couldn’t catch up to me ... I’m like Wut

Went to court where a distant uncle is the judge and the cop actually showed . He told me just pay court costs and the cop was pissed , saying how he always sees/hears me blasting music .... not true

**** the police
Went out with some friends on a Friday night and drank too much. Blacked out and woke up in a homeless shelter. The staff told me the Police found me passed out laying somewhere in downtown and dropped me off at the shelter..

I can count on one hand the amount of times I've literally laughed out loud on NT.

This is definitely one of those few times.
I've been pulled over 3 times in the last year. Ran a red light the first time, I was speeding and cutoff a cop the second time, and I was just speeding the third time. Didn't have any form of identification during any of the three stops and was let go with a warning each time.

I 100% thought I was getting hit with at least three tickets during the second stop.
Hmmm? Warning each time.....
Just got pulled over last night, lol.

Cop was just mad because we passed him a little close while he as trying to get into his car. His fault though, parked in the middle of the street with no lights on in a blind corner. He then floors it to catch up to us...tells us we were speeding, lol. Then asks me about my baseball cap.

Cop: "Hey, are you a Pittsburgh Pirate fan?"
Me : No, why? What's your team?
Cop: "Oh, no. I don't watch baseball. Just curious what the P stood for”
Me : The P is Primitive, skate brand. *Rolls eyes*

Dude had nothing on us and let is go. Just happy he only took 5 minutes of my time. Funny to see how fragile a cop's ego can be. Mad because we cut too close to him, lol.
Last one that stood out said I didn't stop at a sign, but I'm 100% sure I did. This was on a dark street in a predominantly white suburban neighborhood . So he gets to the window and asked if I know why I was pulled over so I say no.

Him: you didn't stop at the stop sign
Me: yes I did
Him: no you didn't
Me: yes I did
Him: you did *puts his hand on his gun as he says it this time*

Didnt say another word. Wasn't about to die over a stop sign by some intimidated ******* in Vienna , VA.
Like most here mine are all dwb

Most memorable ones...

Late 2000's I had an accord with a body kit on it. Straight Fast and Furious style, looking back I was wylin but hey that was the times. Anyway I was on a road trip from new orleans to dallas with my girl at the time. Riding on the highway and going through one of them hick towns.

Notice a cop in my rearview mirror but I'm doing the speed limit so I pay it no mind. At some point dude is literally riding along side me for maybe a good 5 miles. I figure he's waiting to get off on the next exit. I glance at him for a second and he makes eye contact. At that moment dude literally slammed on his breaks so that he could get change lanes, get behind me and throw on the sirens. I'm like wtf and my girl is mad shook.

I pull over he approaches the car and asks for license,registrattion, etc. He says I was speeding I know I wasnt cuz i had cruise control on. He runs my license and comes back to the car gives me a speeding ticket and then says do you have any "drugs or guns in the car" I tell him no. And he asks to search the car. I tell him no he has no warrant for that and he gets p 'oed and starts looking around and gives me another ticket for expired brake tag. Then proceeds to tell me what you doing in this kinda car anyway

Next most memorable one ....

On my way to pick up my wife from work. We had just had our first child so had just started going back to work. Its late maybe 11 ish at night and I pick her up from the hospital. So she jumps in the back seat to make baby talk with the lil one and what not and I leave the hospital lot. No less than a block away a cop car pulls us over. I have no clue why. Me and wifey spooked at this point. He gets to the car and says do you know why I pulled you over. I say no. Completely perplexed at this point. He says and i **** you not " because the top of your license plate holder partially covers the word Texas " So he then shines his bright *** flashlight into the back seat where my wife and kid are. I see his facial expression change as if he saw a dead person. He then tells me he's gonna let us go and to change out the license plate holder. To this day I have no clue what he thought he saw in our back seat as I pulled out of the hospital but with that wack *** reason he gave for pulling us over I just knew it was about to go down and I was gonna see a jail cell on some bullish
When I was 13 years old I was sitting on the corner eating chicken pieces and fries. Cop drives past, stops in front of me. Dude goes: "what's your name?" So I tell him. I then see him pull up his computer and run my name. Without saying anything dude just drives off :lol:

Some real Nazi Germany sh*t. Just minding my business and dude tries to get me caught up. Probably looking to see if I had warrants or something. I was just a little kid.
Relatively few experiences with police throughout my 24 years of living, all positive with one exception where a cop literally asked me to conduct an illegal firearm sale. Disclaimer: I am white, though that should be pretty obvious throughout this entire post.

Got stopped 8 or 9 times on the route to my school for cycling with a broken front light, ordered to get off my bike and walk on all occasions but never ticketed. After they left I just got back on the bicycle.
Never been pulled over in a vehicle.

In what was admittedly far from my proudest moment I once raised my middle finger and shouted "**** the police" at a police van late at night while I was pretty wasted. I think I was 19 at the time so about 5 years ago.
There was a music event in the city and I had just walked a friend home and was on my way back there. That's when I saw the police van.
The van pulled over and asked me to repeat what I said. I don't recall exactly what I answered but I think it was something along the lines of asking how they were doing.
They basically told me to get lost and go home despite me being blatantly wasted and shouting a profanity at them.
Again, not my brightest moment.

My most recent interaction with police was last year. I had inherited a bunch of firearms (6 in total) from my dad and believed most of them were unregistered due to only finding any kind of paperwork for 2 guns, which I turned in for resale at the local gun store. The gun store owner knew my dad so I privately asked her to examine the guns I believed to be unregistered and see if they could dig up any paperwork.

I got some very shady visitors to my house shortly after my dad's passing from old white dudes bluntly asking me if I was open to sell them a firearm in an "under the table deal."
One of those shady visitors was a local cop in uniform. He first showed up to my aunt's house and then later came to my door to literally ask if I was willing to sell an unregistered gun to his friend.
I was baffled that someone would come to my door to just bluntly ask me that, much less a cop in uniform, but I quickly responded by referring him to the 2 registered guns I turned in to the gun store.
I said I had no awareness of any additional firearms at the time and that I would inform the police if I found any additional guns in my dad's house.

At the time I thought the cop was trying to pull some kind of entrapment scheme but it turned out he did in fact have a friend who was interested in illegally purchasing a firearm. I found out because that guy later showed up to my door to bluntly ask the same question. I asked some locals and it turned out the cop had a bit of a reputation for shady firearm related activities.
Despite him showing up in uniform to both my aunt and my house, I thus had no reason to believe he was there on official police business and I proceeded looking for any signs of paperwork for the guns in hopes of being able to sell them (legally).

I did find some parts of paperwork but only incomplete parts that were insufficient. Our laws grant a certain period of time after inheriting firearms where you can't face any legal repercussions for possessing illegal firearms, ammunition, not having a permit, ... but I thought I still had an additional month when in reality I had just passed that timeframe.

Not much later I then received this letter from the police in which they somehow described every firearm I had in my possession including serial numbers. I don't have the slightest clue how they had all that information. One of the guns turned out to be a shotgun where the barrel could fold entirely in half and the caliber meant it had been outlawed since 2006 so I was convinced that had to be unregistered, yet it was still on the letter. When I got the letter it hit me that I got the firearm inheritance law's timeframe wrong and that unlawful firearm possession was no longer legally protected in my case.

I then went to the police asap with all the firearms and ammunition. I told them I had found them in my dad's house and was holding on to them for a while to search for paperwork so I could sell them. I made no mention of the expired timeframe, meaning I was technically breaking the law on firearm possession every day since the expired timeframe. The police officer was very friendly and cordial, though towards the end he did catch me off guard a bit by suddenly asking "so why didn't you turn them in before the letter?" inbetween small talk and quickly changing his body language to a serious probing look. I replied that I was simply searching for paperwork so I could sell them instead of turning them over to police.
Which was more or less the truth, though I deliberately left out any mention of the expired timeframe. The officer continued to look at me for a few seconds of silence but then responded "Ok then, just sign this here and you're free to go.

The officer was definitely fishing for something with that sudden probing question in the middle of small talk but other than that it was very friendly and formal. No complaints from me there.

That's about it for police interactions throughout my 24 years. I imagine my experiences would have been pretty different if I was a person of color, even in our country where the police functions way better than the US police system.
Just got pulled over last night, lol.

Cop was just mad because we passed him a little close while he as trying to get into his car. His fault though, parked in the middle of the street with no lights on in a blind corner. He then floors it to catch up to us...tells us we were speeding, lol. Then asks me about my baseball cap.

Cop: "Hey, are you a Pittsburgh Pirate fan?"
Me : No, why? What's your team?
Cop: "Oh, no. I don't watch baseball. Just curious what the P stood for”
Me : The P is Primitive, skate brand. *Rolls eyes*

Dude had nothing on us and let is go. Just happy he only took 5 minutes of my time. Funny to see how fragile a cop's ego can be. Mad because we cut too close to him, lol.

Just got followed by the EXACT same police officer tonight. September 16th and now October 1st. This happened again on the EXACT street coming off the same main avenue.

We turned right into that small street and sure enough this dimwit officer is driving towards us while driving in the middle of the road...not left or right lane but literally the middle. Anyway, he slowly moves over and stops right beside us as he makes eye contact with my brother and I. We continue to travel along and he sure enough makes some hasty driving and floors his patrol car down the street to catch up to us. Now this is the same cop who accused us of speeding yet here he is hitting 60+ down a dark narrow street, ironic. He turns off all his lights and pulls up behind us as we're making a stop and ready to pull into our driveway. My bro stops the car halfway up the sidewalk entrance and the cop hits us with the bright spotlight aiming at our rear windows for a few seconds. I think he realized who we were again and he just jetted off down the street. One more time and I'm going to make a complaint with the Police department. **** that guy.
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