Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I said before that God is a wrestling promoter. He created this storyline. KNowing damn well the Devil was going to do what he was going to do BEFORE he created him. If he knew that, why create him unless you just want to be entertained by it all?
God created ALL and has power over ALL correct? Now if man created evil then God is NOT the creator of all. On top of that man by that virtue has power over God.

How did man create evil when the devil, who's existence predates man, is evil? Man did not create evil. The devil supposedly already disobeyed God. Evil already existed before man

Too hard for God to do? How insulting is that to the being who has power and domain over all. God is complete power and perfection is he not? In the bible he hell his people left and right. I guess now nobody is worth his time.

And how is it "your job" when the bible teaches to just trust in God and all will be given to you?

Over simplified. The Bible does not say trust in God and you will be GIVEN everything. If trusting is all it took then everybody would do it.

Again think of man as a child to God. If your child is bad enough, you disown them. Hell is for those who went against God to the death. God was often merciless in the old times. That's why they say be a God FEARING Christian. Understand he owes you NOTHING. But out of grace and mercy you still breathe. Out of his love for you.

He is perfection. He is righteousness. He is beyond our understanding. He's not quantifiable by numbers. He can't be accurately described by words. THAT is what it means to be perfect. We are imerfect. We do imperfect things. And as imperfect things we can't grasp and understand perfection.

If you can humble yourself to understand that, many things would start to make sense. Understanding that you DON'T understand the script... Is what a Christian does.
I said before that God is a wrestling promoter. He created this storyline. KNowing damn well the Devil was going to do what he was going to do BEFORE he created him. If he knew that, why create him unless you just want to be entertained by it all?

GREAT question. That honestly nobody knows the answer to. And that's the point I just made. We CAN'T understand why God did certain things. He knew what the devil would do but let it go on anyways. Maybe to serve as an example. Maybe to give people the choice of who to follow? Who knows? But certainly it's not as trivial as entertainment. That's a human characteristic
God not killing us is mercy? I highly doubt that. That's not love, that's an ultimatum. Let not forget the kids born with terminal illnesses doomed to die in months or years. That's love? Their minds can't even "accept" God. That's a one way ticket to hell

God knows ALL, past, present, and future. NOTHING is unknown to him. By that virtue he knew what you will do and become no matter what "free will" you believe you have. If he created EVERYTHING then sin is part of that EVERYTHING. If he is perfection than this is just part of his nature.

You keep likening God to us when just a page ago you (or someone else) said you can't given human traits to God. Bottom line is your analogies don't really work with the situation. You're "over simplifing it".

You give God all this credit and then discredit him by saying we do what we want and can go against him.

No offense but much of what Christians do was actually mandated by catholic Kings and rulers. "Christian" ways today are actually a mix of pagan and other religions
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God not killing us is mercy? I highly doubt that. That's not love, that's an ultimatum. Let not forget the kids born with terminal illnesses doomed to die in months or years. That's love? Their minds can't even "accept" God. That's a one way ticket to hell

God knows ALL, past, present, and future. NOTHING is unknown to him. By that virtue he knew what you will do and become no matter what "free will" you believe you have. If he created EVERYTHING then sin is part of that EVERYTHING. If he is perfection than this is just part of his nature.

You keep likening God to us when just a page ago you (or someone else) said you can't given human traits to God. Bottom line is your analogies don't really work with the situation. You're "over simplifing it".

You give God all this credit and then discredit him by saying we do what we want and can go against him.

No offense but much of what Christians do was actually mandated by catholic Kings and rulers. "Christian" ways today are actually a mix of pagan and other religions

You become less objective the more this goes on. Again you're asking why God doesn't do the things you want him to. And no, I'm not giving him human characteristics, as I said a few posts ago.. We got some of ours from Him. We get to do what we want because he gave us that freedom.
You become less objective the more this goes on. Again you're asking why God doesn't do the things you want him to. And no, I'm not giving him human characteristics, as I said a few posts ago.. We got some of ours from Him. We get to do what we want because he gave us that freedom.

This is where logic stops and faith begins I guess. God is perfection yet only can creates imperfect beings. You could argue that would make God imperfect by default
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What? NO inconsistancy??

Theological doctrines:

1. God is satisfied with his works
Gen 1:31
God is dissatisfied with his works.
Gen 6:6   The verse says "The Lord regretted that he had made man... and his heart was deeply troubled".  God is given human emotions frequently to figuratively describe him, same with how anthropomorphism and parables for man to understand the spiritual. God was lamenting for the wickedness of His creations. He is omniscient so He already knew man would sin, so it indicates He laments as a father would a rebellious son.
2. God dwells in chosen temples
2 Chron 7:12,16
God dwells not in temples
Acts 7:48 2 Chronicles was a record of Israel during the Old Covenant with God, when God dwelled in the temple(building). Acts takes place during the New Covenant, where God does not dwell in the temple(building), but rather in the temple(body).
3. God dwells in light
Tim 6:16
God dwells in darkness
1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2 The wording is so wonky on these. Dark clouds as in the clouds are thick. Could be more to it.
4. God is seen and heard
Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:1/
Ex 24:9-11
God is invisible and cannot be heard
John 1:18/ John 5:37/ Ex 33:20/ 1 Tim 6:16 The prophets have seen visions, appearances and angels. Most of which they had to hide their eyes due to their sinful nature, lest they should die. No one has seen God face to face in all His glory but Jesus.
5. God is tired and rests
Ex 31:17
God is never tired and never rests
Is 40:28 Another illustration of God to be understood figuratively after man's attributes. It is not that God is tired and needs rest, but as a representation of the need to rest as the law states and similarity to what God Himself did upon finishing creation.
6. God is everywhere present, sees and knows all things
Prov 15:3/ Ps 139:7-10/ Job 34:22,21
God is not everywhere present, neither sees nor knows all
Gen 11:5/ Gen 18:20,21/ Gen 3:8 His Spirit is everywhere. In these verses, he appeared physically.
7. God knows the hearts of men
Acts 1:24/ Ps 139:2,3
God tries men to find out what is in their heart
Deut 13:3/ Deut 8:2/ Gen 22:12 The Lord knows all, and he will still let events come to play to test the hearts of man. If God decided to take charge of everything we do, there would be no need for self-control. He gave us life for more reasons than I can even understand. To experience and be apart of His grand story, even as our actions and decisions playing apart of the end of it all. To have a relationship built on trust with the all-knowing God. 
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I asked this before and it never got answered.

Does the concept of boredom exist in Heaven because there is NO way that praising forever can be entertaining for the one doing the praising. If you think about it, Heaven is just the lesser of two evils. You don't want to go to Heaven for Heaven's sake, you want to go to avoid hell.
This is where logic stops and faith begins I guess. God is perfection yet only can creates imperfect beings. You could argue that would make God imperfect by default
again for the third time, you're assuming your logic, is on par with God. Logic can not explain God. I've never said logic can. You can argue ANYTHING you want. I can argue why grass is gray if im colorblind and id be right! But logic can only go as far as YOUR level of understanding. hence the math problem i posted earlier. 

God does not think like you and me. We dont understand. We try to...but we cant. There wont be an explanation for why the devil exists hidden between scientific proofs somewhere. There is no equation on why God made women so fine to tempt you but commanded you not to cheat. There isn't some new technology that will show Jesus' DNA in a tomb in a cave.

You have a fundamental flaw in your thinking. Your logic applies to what you KNOW. you dont know God and its not possible for you to. Im a very logical person. But when it comes to molecular biology... my logic doesn't apply. You have to be able to go into things knowing...that u dont know anything... for you to learn.

Youve continuously asked why God wouldnt do things the way you think he should. Short answer is, cuz hes smarter than you. He sees the ocean and you saw the seashell. And thats ok! None of us can see the big picture. But youre not even open to THAT ideology so you'll never see anything beyond what you think now.
I asked this before and it never got answered.

Does the concept of boredom exist in Heaven because there is NO way that praising forever can be entertaining for the one doing the praising. If you think about it, Heaven is just the lesser of two evils. You don't want to go to Heaven for Heaven's sake, you want to go to avoid hell.
thats why you choose that other religion so you can at least have virgins to play with 
I asked this before and it never got answered.

Does the concept of boredom exist in Heaven because there is NO way that praising forever can be entertaining for the one doing the praising. If you think about it, Heaven is just the lesser of two evils. You don't want to go to Heaven for Heaven's sake, you want to go to avoid hell.
more human characteristics applied to God. boredom bruh? Speak for yourself. God is magnificent and all-powerful. To be able to even stand in that presence makes everything worthwhile. Your own slice of paradise. You cant even grasp the concept of when time began or when it will end. Forever is a concept you thought about in passing. How can u tell what doing ANYTHING forever will be like lol.
Logic aside the definition of perfection is pretty clear. By that definition God is not perfection.

You're also assume your logic makes sense with God. By your logic God created a proverbial obstical course for people to run. Small few get to serve him forever while the other die. All predetermined of course.

You keep saying nobody knows what God think, then you tell us how God thinks :lol:
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Logic aside the definition of perfection is pretty clear. By that definition God is not perfection.

You're also assume your logic makes sense with God. By your logic God created a proverbial obstical course for people to run. Small few get to serve him forever while the other die. All predetermined of course
but ive been saying WE cant understand the whole time. the difference between me and you is that i admit i dont know s***  about his reasoning and im ok with that. but lately, this past year...ive trusted the process and it worked out exactly like i thought. i had faith and was rewarded like i hoped i would be. im starting to understand
more human characteristics applied to God. boredom bruh? Speak for yourself. God is magnificent and all-powerful. To be able to even stand in that presence makes everything worthwhile. Your own slice of paradise. You cant even grasp the concept of when time began or when it will end. Forever is a concept you thought about in passing. How can u tell what doing ANYTHING forever will be like lol.
Lol can't tell if you are serious
solid answer there sport. exit is in the top right of the screen.
Because I can't tell if you are serious with that answer?

I mean you said BORED, as if it is unfathomable that someone can be bored in the presence of greatness as if God is going to be hooping or doing acrobatics or something.

That is why my initial point was, the concept of boredom MUST not exist at that point because there is no way you can praise him FOREVER and be entertained by it.
Because I can't tell if you are serious with that answer?

I mean you said BORED, as if it is unfathomable that someone can be bored in the presence of greatness as if God is going to be hooping or doing acrobatics or something.

That is why my initial point was, the concept of boredom MUST not exist at that point because there is no way you can praise him FOREVER and be entertained by it.
bruh u getting borderline disrespectful saying God is hooping or doing acrobatics cmon now...
He brings up a solid point choice words aside :lol:

If heaven is serving God 24/7 you have the ability to do that now but choose not to. Why wait till you're dead when you can do that now and virtually ensure you're going to heaven in the process. Could it be that's not people's idea of "heaven"?
He brings up a solid point choice words aside

If heaven is serving God 24/7 you have the ability to do that now but choose not to. Why wait till you're dead when you can do that now and virtually ensure you're going to heaven in the process. Could it be that's not people's idea of "heaven"?
could very well be. bible says theres no need for any of that in heaven. bible says the angels rejoice. i personally cant fathom it. i try to imagine light so bright that i cant see coming from a person. i try to imagine overwhelming aura. wanting to do nothing but praise him. its hard but thats probably because again, im in no state or dont have the capacity to understand it yet
But now that I remember, when I was little in Sunday school one teacher told me there were every type of video game in heaven. "In heaven there will be every video game there. Better than Second (Sega) Genesis."

That is what he told me. Feeding kids BS
 But now that I remember, when I was little in Sunday school one teacher told me there were every type of video game in heaven. "In heaven there will be every video game there. Better than Second (Sega) Genesis."

That is what he told me. Feeding kids BS
is the online multiplayer though? 
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