What Offends You??

When you offer someone a drink and they take it to the head.

Like Bruh, I got cups
Pseudo intellectuals. You know, the type to see a headline, google the topic, and then act like an expert until they're thoroughly dismissed by someone with actual expertise.

Happens all the time on this site with tech, real estate, and other topics. And when you bring out those white pages, user manuals, FHA documentation, etc... People try to save face by insinuating they were trolling or playing devil's advocate.
I agree with this, and I'll add know-it-all's to the list as well. Nothing more annoying than someone who thinks they are the expert of everything 
Wats good wit dat watch tho looool.

Son tryin to know wat time it is on tatooine :rofl:

There aint that many time zones bruh

Dat watch is straight offensive b

:rofl: ill take that

Its a slide rule, easy for quick calculations when I'm offroad and don't have a phone handy.

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Owned a Nexus device purchased straight from Google.

This 6S absolutely ***** on it in all categories except piracy :lol:
When someone says that Android OS is as smooth and stable as iOS. :smh:

It is...if you get a Nexus android where google CONSTANTLY updates ur ****.

Nexus android phones >*

All ios phones work, b.

No need to dig through the barrel to find one that ain't ****

Until u try to update a old *** iphone w/ da latest OS..then it turns to ****.

Even ½ baked Androids phones have entire communities optimizing OS that prolong em long after their usefulness...
Owned a Nexus device purchased straight from Google.

This 6S absolutely ***** on it in all categories except piracy :lol:

I'm saying though. :lol:

Every experience I've had with an Android device has had lag issues.

That new galaxy 7 edge doesn't even work right. I slid my finger from the side to bring up the mini edge menu, and the **** took me like 10 tried before it felt like working.

Android phones are over compensation. Dudes get geeked cause you can do all this mumbo jumbo stuff on them. But who needs all that in their pockets fam?

My 6S+ touch ID is so damn fast the phone unlocks and all I want to do is check the time. The phone works exactly how a phone should. IT JUST WORKS

But you know what Ninja, this ain't eem the time nor place for us to get into this debate.

We shall dance that dance in another thread.
Wats with the watch? Is it because yeah is that one guy who owns the sti ?or is that another user I'm thinking of ? Waitwut?
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