What Offends You??

I get offended when people with children use the, "Unless you have kids you don't have a valid opinion on how to raise kids" card. I seriously get annoyed by that man
Here's a serious question for you RC.

If you were in the subway, and you witnessed children misbehaving in front of their parents, how would YOU react?
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I hate when people yell GREEN in the car.

Motha ***** I'M DRIVING. Stop counting down the light and let me drive.

Same people who do that are the same people who drive 35 in a 55. **** outta here
i dont see that happen but i hate that when the light just turns green that people feel the need to honk their horns like bruh chill out the light just changed 
People who say "why are you so sensitive about race?" :smh: it's always non minorities that say this.
When my family tells my wife stuff to tell me ......

Super christians.....

Espn intellectuals
When my Father-In-Law can't speak to me up front with his concerns and has to go through my wife.

When family members gossip about you and your family but immediately deny everything when you confront them about their 'concerns'.

People who don't say 'thank you' for opening the door for them.

People who gossip about things/people who you or your spouse moved on from. Why bring it up? What is the benefit of bringing up information that no longer concerns or benefits us?!


- When passengers in my car tell me to clean turn on the windshield wipers when it's beginning to rain. I know when I need to turn on my wipers. Shut up! lol
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Ah, I see the shoe fits.


Yeah, the clown shoes look good on you breh. Matches your red nose and afro.

You went to one of the lowest ranking colleges in the United States, and be on NT talking like MIT was banging down your door. Your college's SAT composite range is 1040-1280. The average for MIT is 2200. You're a prime example of the tragic black/white achievement gap, a walking statistic, and you're on NT talking like your low rank college degree has the firepower to even execute a dismissive kill shot in IT. Your college is a nerf dart with the fletching chewed off. Breh, you're among "sneakerheads, movie buffs, and sports fans". Instead of taking your little opportunity to make something of yourself, you want to strut around on NT like you're an IT prodigy. I know real CS majors, some Ivy League, some are middle school dropouts and they don't act like you. Nobody gonna kiss your *** on NT for graduating college, out of respect everyone including me will give anyone who graduated college props. But on the real stop acting like you're better than anyone because you can get put on that Summer Jam screen, early.


View media item 1974441

Who has beef with Yeah? Dude is one of the chillest people on this site :lol:

He's chill the way George Zimmerman or O.J. Simpson is chill. He be low key looking for problems online, to validate his fishbowl existence in Minnesota.  Acts like he's the only person in the world to graduate from college, and that somehow makes him an "expert" able to talk down to people.

...he thinks because I spoke on it, somehow it applies to me.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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The only thing that really offends me is "you are lucky you are skinny and can eat what ever you want" comment.

I am at the gym 4 days a week and play soccer on my off days and i watch my diet. I put in work. Because you are fat and lazy doesn't mean that i am too and just got lucky with my genetics. I work for what i have.

Other things like bother me or get on my nerves...but thats the big one that actually offends me
I'd be mad as hell if I hit the gym 4 days a week and still looked skinny... lol
People that always complain so that they can put on a show in front of people or think they have unlimited access to your time to complain. It’s ok to get things off your chest but work to fix the problem or take your *** to a professional that gets paid to hear your ****.
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People that always complain to so that they can put on a show in front of people or think they have unlimited access to your time to complain. It’s ok to get things off your chest but work to fix the problem or take your *** to a professional that gets paid to hear your ****.

A family friend is like this and just because my wife used to work with her, she acts like she can call her everyday after work to complain and talk crap about all the drama at her job.
when people ask me for advice then just do what they want anyways...

this happens especially with fatt people who think because they eat "healthy" they are going to lose weight.

like i just spent 10 minutes telling you what you need to do and the next couple of days you are eating honey buns and a coca cola then you have the nerve to complain about your stomach hurts. 

like stop fooling  yourself you're a fat *** and you always will be. 
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