Where do you get your money from & what do you do?

I was doing well for myself in sales, but I just lost a lot of money in an investment I had in Baltimore
Work and other things

I taught myself since young never to limit myself to only 1 source of income
starbucks barista and sometimes selling a little mary if i need a little side cash
I am in the middle of pretty much doing everything. I been flipping alot of kicks lately but prior to that i was gettin OD amounts of money from theParents.... I usually save up a lil over 2000 a summer tho so that i can come into school with a good amount of money (especially since i pretty much have yetto work in college)
This thread would be 20 pages if as many people who posted their new Gucci and Nike pickups on the daily posted here.
I work after school at this law firm M-S. When the weathers right I caddy saturday (when not at the firm), and sunday mornings. I also bus tables on sundaynights and a couple week nights. I plan do work full time at the firm this summer and still keep the other jobs...I got college coming up.
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