You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

People walking faster/crossing the street diagonally/clutching their purse as I walk by. Black people aren't looking to jack you, chill with that.
Co sign. And when you walking to the store from the parking lot and some clown *** soccer mom almost breaks her neck trying to lock her car doors :smh:
Hot mid Atlantic/North East Weather. :x

**** summer time b, gimme Autumn year round. 

Infinitely this. I swear I'm going to find somewhere where the weather is between 40-60 year round and spend the rest of my life there.

?? Explain lol ^^^

You're at your desk, minding you're business, doing your job and..

" know that blah blah.."

Anytime you look like you MIGHT not be doing something...


Dude talks to me about **** he KNOWS I'm not interested in. :smh:
I hate when people dont have proper manners when eating... this 1 supervisor at my job is always eating and continues to chew and talk to people at the same time... i just think its disgusting and finish eating your food before talking to people... and then another coworker of mines slurps their food while eating... this is especially bad when they are eating soup like come on man :smh:
Im tired of black chicks getting different color weaves especially blonde...just wear your natural hair
Just saw this on campus today..

90%+ white university, making us all look bad
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With the pastel colored lipstick to go with it.
and those nicki minaj pointy bird claw looking fake nails...especially when they glue on stuff like a flower/butterfly etc....

Especially grown women... im like you to old to be idolizing jocking a rapper... that's on some teenage heart throb type ish....
People who cry when they meet a celeb

Grown *** adults too
man this remind me awhile back when they was hot took my daughter and niece to see mindless behavior and grown @%% women were doing this along with asking them to sign their breast butt etc.... im like really you a 20 something 30 something y/o chick feigning for some 6 grade schlong...
People who cry when they meet a celeb :smh:

Grown *** adults too :smh:

man this remind me awhile back when they was hot took my daughter and niece to see mindless behavior and grown @%% women were doing this along with asking them to sign their breast butt etc.... im like really you a 20 something 30 something y/o chick feigning for some 6 grade schlong...

Repped for surviving that. :lol:
Dudes who piss in the stall when there are urinals open. I need to take a **** you douche

I do this cause dudes I know be playing too much sometimes and sometimes the piss will jump back onto my track/nylon pants. It does grind my gears when I go in the stall and see piss on the toilet w/ random toilet paper pieces everywhere. :x
Dudes who piss in the stall when there are urinals open. I need to take a **** you douche

I do this cause dudes I know be playing too much sometimes and sometimes the piss will jump back onto my track/nylon pants. It does grind my gears when I go in the stall and see piss on the toilet w/ random toilet paper pieces everywhere. :x

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