You know you are a Jordan collector when...

when u run out of room to store ya j's cuz u dont want to take em out the boxes.
when your to busy looking at this post instead of doing homework
When your mother offers to send you to get help for the addiction
When people think your rich just because you have alot of shoes
When you have to let your cousin wear your new j's sometimes because you have to hide them at his house
when your addiction has gotten in the way of a relationship
when you want j's more than Box (its true) (not gay)
When a fresh pair make you hard
When you sell everything you have to get them
When you see fakes you take a piece of paper and write down every reason their fake and hand it to the person whos wearing them true story
When you get suspended from school when you beat someone up for stepping on your sneakers
when you send regular e-mails to reporting stores selling fakes
Originally Posted by Ineed23s

You look at future release dates and match them up with your pay days...

You constantly take the shoes out their box, just to look at them and touch them...

dang...nailed it lol
Ineed23s wrote:
OKAY OKAY OKAY... I know I know... no need for immature responses.. just thought we would have some fun.. and get some funny responses.. I was granted permission (
) To go ahead with the thread.. anyway....
You know you are a Jordan collector when...

You look at future release dates and match them up with your pay days...

You constantly take the shoes out their box, just to look at them and touch them...

Not only I look at the future release date & match them up with your payday , I put the future release date on my calendar on my cell-phone too
When your friend get a new pair of jordans, you are the first person everyone goes to to find out if they are fake or legit. When you get pissed when someonesays that someone else's fake 13's look nicer than your legit fire red 3's. When your friends want to get your attention, they start talking aboutjordans.
when your to busy looking at this post instead of doing homework
When your mother offers to send you to get help for the addiction
When people think your rich just because you have alot of shoes
When you have to let your cousin wear your new j's sometimes because you have to hide them at his house
when your addiction has gotten in the way of a relationship
when you want j's more than Box (its true) (not gay)
When a fresh pair make you hard
When you sell everything you have to get them
When you see fakes you take a piece of paper and write down every reason their fake and hand it to the person whos wearing them true story
When you get suspended from school when you beat someone up for stepping on your sneakers
when you send regular e-mails to reporting stores selling fakes
Ha!! That pretty much sums it up...
When your dad asks you " why when i go in your room i see nothing but shoes with the number 23 on the back?" true story
....when you walk around with a magic eraser in your bag "JUST IN CASE"

....when you walk down the block looking at your feet and sayin damn these are hot

....when you look at you refelection on store windows to see how good you look in your jordans!!!

....when you have a bag full of silca gel packs and stuff your boxes with them when yo get that new pair

....when you sneak out of bed in the middle of the night to go catch that 6am release and you wife asks you where da hell did you go?

....when you are constanly catchin people starting at your feet

....when kids come up to you and think your og color retro III - VI's are ACTUALLY OG III - VI's (NIKE AIR)
...when you don't walk on grass but instead take the longer way around on concrete or something.'re sitting in your class and you constantly look down to your feet and check your new shoes out.
...people say "omg a new pair AGAIN?!"
when u pay 350+ dollars for your grails, that u know ull never even wear. (spacejams last weekend off ebay
) couldnt resist.
when you go in your closet and count your jordan boxes when you know damn well how many you have lol
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