I understand that you shouldn't be insecure, so you shouldn't be worried if she has some male friends. But, at the same time, even if you know she is 100% loyal, why does she permit some of these guys to stay in her life?
It depends on the type of relationship. Yes, every guy has some desire to smash any girl. But there are different levels. There are the girls who you are friends with but not on the level of putting in any effort. You don't do stuff alone, etc. Then there are girls who you do put some effort in with, i.e. hang out alone, simp, etc. Finally there is the really rare case of a girl who you do hang out alone with, for example, but you have no intention of smashing, i.e. you're fine with being friends. It's not that you would reject smashing but you don't need to.
To me, if the guy's relationship falls into the 1st or 3rd category, then it's fine. But the 2nd category is not. The problem in all this is that it's hard to distinguish categories 2 and 3, and it makes no difference to the girl which category she's in. She benefits either way.
Anyway, in the end, it's lose-lose. Either you just say nothing and are powerless... Or if you say something you come off as weak.