40k salary for a job you like or 100k for a job you don't like?

Happiness is the wrong word. Money can a calm of mind I feel. A person who can meet all his financial obligations and can also afford to just get away as he/she feels/needs is in a better mental state than someone who is struggling paycheck to paycheck or worse yet, meal to meal.
Outside of necessity people create their own finacial obligations. Of course someone completely struggling will have it ultimately worse. Didn't think that was even worth saying
Things have definatly changed mentality wise. Before people "listened to their gut" and hired taking a chance. Now, not so much. The real job paradox of today's generation, you need experience to land a job but you can't gain experience with landing a job. Basically you're SOL. Now there's the "just get in" mentality, and I get it, but sacrificing years to bottom pay isn't a good choice for some people, or even a viable option. It also ensures nothing

This is also the generation of "because I know you". People are being hired to run things but don't know how. In 30 years small industries and companies will be in shambles
Good point, and some of it is already happening. I think this is part of the reason Target Canada went under. I knew some very questionable acquaintances who were working for them, in managerial and executive roles. 
Good point, and some of it is already happening. I think this is part of the reason Target Canada went under. I knew some very questionable acquaintances who were working for them, in managerial and executive roles. 

No mystery really. The last generation build these companies, know the ins and outs, have the connections, ect. This generation is just a bunch of book smart dudes with no actual experience. They know how to maintain but don't know how to progress. Once things go south there isn't an equation for human relations. Then it's just on to the next job, no personal ties
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No mystery realky. The last generation build these companies, know the ins and outs, have the connections, ect. This generation is just a bunch of book smart dudes with no actual experience. They know how to maintain but don't know how to progress. Once things go south there isn't an equation for human relations. Then it's just on to the next job, no personal ties

But can't you partially blame the previous generation and their cost cutting initiatives when running these same companies? Instead of fostering long term relationships with employees, they try to get the most out of them and when they burn out or you need to cut costs boom they are gone. Our generation has that mentality because we've seen it happen to our parents, our friends, acquaintances, fellow alumni, and the lot. It really isn't all that surprising. It's really a double edged sword. Accounting firms are having the same issues and it's why there is so much consolidation now amongst firms in the middle of the pack (outside the Big4). The same is happening in other industries. A lack of investment and interest is having negative long term effects.
Haven't read a single reply in this 10 page thread. I dont need to. what a joke.

People love to take the "I'd rather be happy" cop out....oh please. six figures opens up any avenue you'd ever imagine. Making Six figures Means you can afford just abiut any luxury car AND Luxury Housing you want, with plenty of fun money leftover. Vs choosing the option of 40 where you'd probably struggle with basic life expenses.

Money CAN buy happiness, and anybody who says it can't us full of dog ****. PERIOD.
LOL @ this.... 

Weed was talking, my bad.

I'd take more pay and be "less happy?" (Not flat out depressed) over less pay and being on cloud 9 every day
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look around man..... 

rich people are every bit as depressed as broke people 

you're just a materialistic person Chewie, and that's ok...... but stop acting like people that choose to be right mentally are losing 

in their eyes, you're the loser...... we're all individuals and value different things 
Yea, he's not the smartest person that came out of my high school but he was by far the hardest working. Hard work pays off, wish I had his drive at times :smh:

I'm going to assume he's getting carry if he's getting paid like that...and if he's getting carry, the firm must be widely successful.
I'ma tell you like this.

I'd take 500k a year with a happy home/family life over being a lonely millionaire any day.

But I'd take 100k over 40k whether my boss gives me a hard time or not
I'm going to assume he's getting carry if he's getting paid like that...and if he's getting carry, the firm must be widely successful.

Far from it, it's a smallerish/medium firm and he researched and closed some deals on his own. Out of all the associates they hired within the last few years he was one of the few they kept past the 3 year contract. I mean I went to a very good prep school so me saying that he wasn't the smartest isn't saying he wasn't smart. It's just that we had brilliant people who were just lazier.
Far from it, it's a smallerish/medium firm and he researched and closed some deals on his own. Out of all the associates they hired within the last few years he was one of the few they kept past the 3 year contract. I mean I went to a very good prep school so me saying that he wasn't the smartest isn't saying he wasn't smart. It's just that we had brilliant people who were just lazier.

Got it. Then imagine once he gets a % of the 20%.
look around man..... 

rich people are every bit as depressed as broke people 

you're just a materialistic person Chewie, and that's ok...... but stop acting like people that choose to be right mentally are losing 

in their eyes, you're the loser...... we're all individuals and value different things 

Ya that's my bad, deleted what I said, was smacked lol.

Me being materialistic? I wouldn't say that. It's one thing to take slightly less pay to be happy...but to turn down a job where you'd literally make THREE TIMES as much? That's kinda pushing it lol.

Hey, if folks feel more at peace with themselves and feel "whole" with their lives, that's completely okay. I'm just saying, sometimes you owe it to yourself to sacrifice not loving your job at the expense of financial freedom. This of course is a case by case basis, based on the individual and their desires.

Again, it's extreme to say you'd take a high paying job and be MISERABLE....vs saying youd take a high paying job and "not love what you do."

In my personal experience, I much prefer making what I make now and not in love with my job, vs what I made 6 years ago at a jib i LOVED making about 75% less.

Either way, whatever makes each individual happy, go for it! And again I apologize for coming across as a d-bag earlier!
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Both the well off and the poor can be depressed. Difference is a lot of the poor's issues stem from not having money.
Every big problem in my life money can solve.... So I'm taking 100k. I make a little over 40k now tho and in Michigan I'm far from poor. I can live a regular life but I love money more than anything so I'm always down to make more.
Living in NY/NJ i need that 100... I can't relate to living any place else because I don't know what its like. Life would probably be completely different, I'm just guessing.
Living in NY/NJ i need that 100... I can't relate to living any place else because I don't know what its like. Life would probably be completely different, I'm just guessing.

40k is enough anywhere in the country, there's ppl living with less in every city
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