Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

From Reddit:

• Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while traveling above a certain speed; Trainers will have to indicate they aren’t the driver (looks like an annoying feature as you'll get a pop up even if your GPS wanders too fast)

•Fixed a bug that prevented ”Nice,” ”Great,” and “Excellent” Poké Ball throws from awarding the appropriate XP bonuses. (Catch rate appears to be the same)

•Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time, so please choose your new nickname wisely (available in the settings)

•Resolved issues with the battery saver mode on iOS and re-enabled the feature (update isn't actually available for iOS yet)

Other fixes
What I've found

• New sightings system

•Fix for swiping left and right on Pokémon screen to browse Pokémon. Much smoother animation like it was before the last update.

•Minor text fixes. Transfer confirmation text has changed, and no more horribly pixelated gym text


Trying to work it out, so far doesn't look too different from 3 step apart from a name change and grass instead of steps?

Credit to u/AlbelTelWicked for this new info, show them some love!

It scans the area around you roughly every ~15 seconds
Any new pokemon that spawn on this scan will be added to the sightings list.

If a pokemon despawns it will be removed from the sightings list.

If you move too far away from a pokemon it will be removed from the sightings list.

I found this distance to be around 700ft/200m (which is what I believe the 3 step max use to be).

Could the new system use a cone of vision?? Does facing a Pokémon make it appear in sightings, and disappear upon looking away?

I don't believe this will be the final tracking solution that Niantic have said they are working on, most likely a placeholder for a future update/band aid solution
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the pop up when driving could be very annoying, my brother and friends sometimes cruise down Wilshire Blvd and just hit up a couple of dozens pokestops

it's going to be such hassle if the pop up happens every few seconds that it senses we're going a bit too fast

15 second area scan could make it more difficult to encounter when moving too, 10 seconds was already a bit bothersome
From Reddit:
All these reminders about where not to play it, Niantic needs to release an update that will make me want to play it. This game is looking washed right now. Gym battles are still horrible, moves are still ridiculously unbalanced, IVs somehow made it into the game, but serve no real purpose, catch rates all *****d up, Pokemon allocated all poorly, got Santa Monica looking like they invented Pokemon while everybody else gettin trampled by rats and caterpillars. Bout to just say eff it and buy a DS cuz this game ain't worth the headache.
The gyms absolutely suck. But what's worse is barely getting any potions out of stops.

Until fixed I'll just keep hunting.

Currently working my way for a golem and dragonite. My Dex is coming along nicely :smokin 110 for 110
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I'm sick to my stomach!
A freaking 1101 Golduck took one look at my Trainer level and dipped out on me after a Greatball and a Razz

He ain't let me get a chance to prove myself....

But on the bright side
Found a Dratini and Dragonair x2
Dragonite coming soon
Got to re-perfect my curves again. Last update it was extremely easy to over curve it now them thangs barely moving 

Also when you're going to transfer a pokemon the text of are you sure is right in your face.

don't understand the grass in the nearby list 
I haven't done gym battles yet, but is it just tapping on the screen? If so, that seems extremely easy. Don't you just have to tap really fast?
Is there a site where it can predict what moves your Pokemon will have after evolving? TIA

No..serebbi had something up..that i posted in here before..it seemed to work..but now it definetly dosent

Idk if it was removed with one of the updates
Haven't played enough but this upgrade looks a hell of a lot better than last that took out everything.
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