2018 NBA Playoffs Thread

Who will win The Finals

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But those were the examples you gave in saying why Kobe was more skilled.
no. they were the ones i gave showing the areas where he was MORE skilled than lebron. hence why i also only mentioned rebounds and passing for lebron. and called them both jack of all trades. they both have zero deficiencies. but theyre better in some areas than the other. and where kobe has ELITE footwork, lebron doesnt. kobe has an ELITE postgame... lebron doesnt. why would i mention every single thing theyre both skilled at? its a wash. just mention the things one has over the other.

Can someone be elite at something but inefficient at it?

hmmmm..... i dont think so. but peoples definitions of inefficient vary wildly. many dont think kobe was a good 3 pt shooter and then compare him to the ray allens and klay thompsons... which ignores kobe often pulled up in peoples faces off the dribble. situations REALLY get ignored in judging people based solely off stats.

imo... u cant be elite AND inefficient at something.

Bron and Kobe both have basketball IQs off the charts. Bron still relies more on his athleticism even at this stage and the way the game has evolved with small ball he still has a huge advantage at this point. At age 33 and 34 Kobe was mostly a below the rim player that relied on craft, his legendary footwork, and counter moves. I'd say that's using more skills.

whats crazy is im starting to wonder when lebrons prime was. im inclined to say during the miami run cuz it was just incredible to watch. but.... THIS season... dude is a totally complete player. hes a legit 3pt threat, hes more aggressive than hes ever been attacking the rim, and is willing to kill whoever is under,near, or by the rim. hes never been that kinda guy till now. really makes u wonder.
whats crazy is im starting to wonder when lebrons prime was. im inclined to say during the miami run cuz it was just incredible to watch. but.... THIS season... dude is a totally complete player. hes a legit 3pt threat, hes more aggressive than hes ever been attacking the rim, and is willing to kill whoever is under,near, or by the rim. hes never been that kinda guy till now. really makes u wonder.
Shame it took him till his 15th season to become this guy
whats crazy is im starting to wonder when lebrons prime was. im inclined to say during the miami run cuz it was just incredible to watch. but.... THIS season... dude is a totally complete player. hes a legit 3pt threat, hes more aggressive than hes ever been attacking the rim, and is willing to kill whoever is under,near, or by the rim. hes never been that kinda guy till now. really makes u wonder.

Yea it's crazy to see. He's never played this confident before and shown all the tools to this degree, maybe it's by necessity or maybe it's just for recognition since the accolades are done in some respects.
Kobe more skilled than the best player to ever touch a basketball cause he made inefficent fadeaway jumpers?

Buckets are buckets.

it cant be this hard to grasp.

hakeem was more skilled then shaq but shaq was better. same concept. lebron is the more dominant player.
THANK YOU. somebody gets it. more skills =/= better. thats why the saying is jack of all trades MASTER OF NONE. theyre both jacks of all trades, they can both do it all. but kobe is ELITE at more things than lebron is ELITE at. its that simple.
Yea it's crazy to see. He's never played this confident before and shown all the tools to this degree, maybe it's by necessity or maybe it's just for recognition since the accolades are done in some respects.

i dunno. his mentality has changed clearly. dude sees someone about to challenge him at the rim and thinks to himself "if he dies, he dies" midair. lebron is on a whole different level this season. if he plays like this next season too... you might have to say he just hit his prime at 33. lebron is making flashy passes now which comes from that confidence. he even tries to dribble a little bit now. granted its trash, but even so... his confidence is thru the ROOF this season. and its translated to some incredible work
i dunno. his mentality has changed clearly. dude sees someone about to challenge him at the rim and thinks to himself "if he dies, he dies" midair. lebron is on a whole different level this season. if he plays like this next season too... you might have to say he just hit his prime at 33. lebron is making flashy passes now which comes from that confidence. he even tries to dribble a little bit now. granted its trash, but even so... his confidence is thru the ROOF this season. and its translated to some incredible work

He's still in his prime which is incredible, I still think his peak years were 12 and 13 in Miami. He was a beast on BOTH ends of the floor then.
"ive never seen lebron get shut down the way ive seen kobe get shut down."

nah you added this after i quoted you. i dont agree with this at all. elite defenders can make lebron flat out quit on his team and weve seen it multiple times. there arent many who can shut down lebron, but its DEFINITELY happened
Kobe is a more skilled scorer, that's not even a question. Shooting, footwork, postgame, the different moves.
saw this on reddit before this season started.


3 -10 feet
44.8 percent

10-16 feet
lebron 36.7
kobe 43.9

16-24 feet
lebron 38.5
kobe 40.2

free throws


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