AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Hearing cars driving by blowing their horns is :pimp:

It's only a start but today is a great day
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Anyone have the Marine interview. At work and can't see it.
Caesar Goodson Jr is going to take the biggest L

thats the thing though he won't get the worst charge of second degree depraved.
he will say "i stopped at the stop signs" you can't prove intent

I don't know what he did as far as picking up Freddie Grey to load him into the van. But not strapping him in can be proven the rest will be gross negligence. I dont' know how that parleys into jail time but something says that they won't do more then a few years if any at all. First time offenders...cops...probation for all of them maybe Goodson sees minimal jail time
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She's actually much more attractive in person. TV doesn't do her enough justice.
well there it is...

Nts first official dime...

Side note: my girl works with troubled youth... I dead *** be wanting to put a baby on her when I see her changing lives
thats the thing though he won't get the worst charge of second degree depraved.
he will say "i stopped at the stop signs" you can't prove intent

I don't know what he did as far as picking up Freddie Grey to load him into the van. But not strapping him in can be proven the rest will gross negligence. I dont' know how that parleys into jail time but something says that they won't do more then a few years if any at all. First time offenders...cops...probation for all of them maybe Goodson sees minimal jail time

yeah I mean in reality a lot of these charges will probably get dropped but at least it's a start

none of them will ever be cops again which is probably the most important thing if nothing else can be proven in court but I bet some of them serve a couple years
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A cop serving a year or two is better than nothing. Like cops literally be skating so something is better than nothing
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