Father's Rights .....

I mean plenty of individuals on both sides of the flat earth fence.....not exactly a good point to make here

:lol: hey now...hey.

let's not start that nonsense, we got 500 years of hard science on one side of that "debate" whereas with this We The Species just determined like 50 years ago that it's okay to prematurely terminate a pregnancy and that's not even universal.

it's fair to examine how much sense the current arrangement makes.

It seems like this would just give men a free pass to go raw and pass all the consequences to the woman.
Are you ****ing kidding me?

Bruh ... I'm dead serious when I tell you i thought you was better than this.

You are quick to say, Man Up but in this case, it gives the guy a free pass to go raw????

Why wouldnt it be the womans responsibility to tell the guy to wear a condom. Or flat out no????? How about birth control???? LoL

SMH .....

Yet is incomprehensible to think you guys are brainwashed. FoH
It seems like this would just give men a free pass to go raw and pass all the consequences to the woman.
yeah but then goes back to responsibility
theres condoms for women too
dental dams and all that
as well as not just letting any dude run up in u raw
there has to be accountability on BOTH sides
thats all im saying
as well as folks always just putting the blame on the guy

My guy coming home this month
:lol: hey now...hey.

let's not start that nonsense, we got 500 years of hard science on one side of that "debate" whereas with this We The Species just determined like 50 years ago that it's okay to prematurely terminate a pregnancy and that's not even universal.

it's fair to examine how much sense the current arrangement makes.

Notice how I didnt even reply to the dumb **** posted. Sometimes, you have to look at the poster vices what's being posted.
:lol: hey now...hey.

let's not start that nonsense, we got 500 years of hard science on one side of that "debate"
This is exactly my point, the fact that an argument or debate has a sizeable amount of proponents on both sides doesn't make it legitimate.
Are you ****ing kidding me?

Bruh ... I'm dead serious when I tell you i thought you was better than this.

You are quick to say, Man Up but in this case, it gives the guy a free pass to go raw????

Why wouldnt it be the womans responsibility to tell the guy to wear a condom. Or flat out no????? How about birth control???? LoL

SMH .....

Yet is incomprehensible to think you guys are brainwashed. FoH
well the point is if you are the man in the situation, it is 100% your responsibility. If you are the woman in your situation, it is 100% your responsibility.

Everyone needs to take responsibility and stop with this weak finger pointing blame game complaining about how life is unfair.

And because it needs to be said, it is not easy to have this mentality it is natural for us to want to look for reasons to let ourselves off the hook. But that mindset doesn't lead to a good future.
well the point is if you are the man in the situation, it is 100% your responsibility. If you are the woman in your situation, it is 100% your responsibility.

Everyone needs to take responsibility and stop with this weak finger pointing blame game complaining about how life is unfair.

And because it needs to be said, it is not easy to have this mentality it is natural for us to want to look for reasons to let ourselves off the hook. But that mindset doesn't lead to a good future.
Who is pointing fingers ...

And if you dont think Child Support is unfair, then you know nothing.

Like just because a man is a millionaire he has to paid millions for a child while a deadbeat dude gets to paid 50???

You're right ....
what that has to do with the scenario? SMH
Are you really this dense? You presented a hypothetical scenario to make your argument. I stated what you can do to prevent that scenario from happening if you're really that concerned. Can't afford a kid? Do what you can to limit the risk of having a kid. Afraid to have a kid with down syndrome? Do what you can to limit the risk of having a kid. You just don't want responsibility for your actions. It's that simple.
Are you really this dense? You presented a hypothetical scenario to make your argument. I stated what you can do to prevent that scenario from happening if you're really that concerned. Can't afford a kid? Do what you can to limit the risk of having a kid. Afraid to have a kid with down syndrome? Do what you can to limit the risk of having a kid. You just don't want responsibility for your actions. It's that simple.
Dense???? Your solution is abstinence, anything short. **** you, man up!!!!
Dense???? Your solution is abstinence, anything short. **** you, man up!!!!
Yes, in the real world, there are consequences. Most adults should understand this. It's ironic that you tell me to man up when you're trying to find reasons to avoid responsibility.
Yes, in the real world, there are consequences. Most adults should understand this. It's ironic that you tell me to man up when you're trying to find reasons to avoid responsibility.

I agree. But consequences go both ways. Women shouldn’t let deadbeat bums bust inside of them like that vag is niagra falls. Can’t cry foul when you let some bum knock you up and he ends up being a bum.

Men shouldn’t be busting inside with no dambz given if they aren’t ready to be a father. Can’t cry foul if you knock some chick up and she wants to have a little family while you’re not ready for it.

Women have more to lose in these two situations though since they’re the ones getting pregnant so there’s more potential consequences for them than it is for men when it comes to this topic in my opinion.
I agree. But consequences go both ways. Women shouldn’t let deadbeat bums bust inside of them like that vag is niagra falls. Can’t cry foul when you let some bum knock you up and he ends up being a bum.

Men shouldn’t be busting inside with no dambz given if they aren’t ready to be a father. Can’t cry foul if you knock some chick up and she wants to have a little family while you’re not ready for it.

Women have more to lose in these two situations though since they’re the ones getting pregnant so there’s more potential consequences for them than it is for men when it comes to this topic in my opinion.
I agree with everything you just said. I'm for free birth control for women to minimize this risk for everyone, and I'm for better sex education (but that's a whole other topic, and I'm not trying to drive the topic in that direction). If OP is really that scared, smash using a condom and BC.
Agreed on the better sex education part. Entirely different topic, but the sex education in this country is very questionable.
Agreed on the better sex education part. Entirely different topic, but the sex education in this country is very questionable.
This is another case of lack of responsibility. The lack of sex ed would not be such a big problem if more parents took it upon themselves to educate their children not just on sex but how to respect the opposite sex rather than passing it on to an education system people already have 0 faith in.
I agree with everything you just said. I'm for free birth control for women to minimize this risk for everyone, and I'm for better sex education (but that's a whole other topic, and I'm not trying to drive the topic in that direction). If OP is really that scared, smash using a condom and BC.
Smh ...

Talk about taking responsibility .
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