Father's Rights .....

parents need a mutual agreement then.

make and sign a clear cut contract that covers before during and after pregnancy of what should happen. it sounds crazy.

i don’t think it’s easy the discuss the reasoning. just some type of solution.
Why not just find a relationship with the right person that you trust so that you don't have to get the government involved when making decisions like this?
nothing is 100% safe, but if you can preform a simple action that will greatly reduce the risk to under 1% but still not choose to do so because of backwards logic like "its not 100% safe tho" then it still is your fault and your responsibility.
My man, are you that incapable of comprehending such a simple statement?

Let me write it down for you ...

What if you are in that 1% that used protection that was ineffective and she got pregnant.

My bad, simple... is her body, you shouldn't have ****ed, rub one out.

Got it partner ... I seriously thought you was better than this.
being a father imo is waaaay tougher than being a mother
now im not speaking of being a single mother
being a father is mentally tough and draining
people may not believe it
but the pressure of being "the man of the house"
is hard
ur making sure everyones needs ur kids ur wife
are above urs
ur the last one out of the burning building in a fire
ur the last one out the wreck in an accident
ur the last one to eat
so on and so forth

Reasons (selfishly) I waited so long for my 1st (month old this week). It can be tough for fathers who want to be fathers
I know your reading comprehension is better than that. When I said for whatever the reason, I was taking into account a guy wearing or not wearing protection. If your sole purpose to using a condom is to prevent a child, then you're an idiot.

However, condoms aren't 100% and there are countless cases of condoms rupturing and a child being the result of those sexual actions. Which leads me to the point, if an accident does happen, why does a Male have no rights?

What if you are the father to be and she goes and gets an abortion??? There's no reprocutions and there's nothing you can do about it. Again, taking the males right to be a part of such an important decision.

For everything else in this world people fight for rights, for this, it is what it is??? Seems like a very poor mindset ...

No I see what you’re saying, I don’t have a strong opinion on any of the arguments on either side. I just thought it was kinda funny you seemed to ask for opinions on a subject, then seemed to come off as ready to fight someone over your view on things. That’s not helpful on my part, I know, but it be like that sometimes......

But to kinda contribute, you asked why the woman has the rights in certain situations and I think it’s because she’s the one that has to carry the child, so society determined that she gets more of a say based on that I guess. That seems fair to me in someways but also unfair too.

One way of thinking that makes me lean towards it being fair to the women is that if you believe that women have less rights in society (i.e. we live in a patriarchy), then that’s a small victory for a group of people that can be disenfranchised in society. Similar to welfare, or Affirmitive Action.

Now I lost my train of thought and am just babbling so in conclusion, I see your point and agree, and I also see the opposite points being made and agree
Why not just find a relationship with the right person that you trust so that you don't have to get the government involved when making decisions like this?
what if the situation is with your wife of 15 years and concerning a down syndrome baby?

Again simple ... dont **** your wife, wear a condom, pull out. Simple ... got it partner.....

Oh what if you want to keep a mistake but she doesnt ... simple is her body go find one that wants one ... you have no rights .. simple .
Got it partner ...


Dudes in here with the complete absolute circumstance of a pregnancy with no room for objectivity. But be the same dudes *****ing about privacy and rights.


I'm cool .....
Is cook, you cant comprehend and are just looking at one possible consequence of having a child. Thanks for playing .....
Lol bruh, remove your head from your ***. You proposed a bad argument, it happens, no need to be condescending about it.
My man, are you that incapable of comprehending such a simple statement?

Let me write it down for you ...

What if you are in that 1% that used protection that was ineffective and she got pregnant.

My bad, simple... is her body, you shouldn't have ****ed, rub one out.

Got it partner ... I seriously thought you was better than this.
Then you man up and take responsibility.

It sucks but it is reality and you don't get to just change reality when it doesnt go your way.
which is fine and cool
but still doesnt mean we have to trade shots
a person is liable not to even listen to ur argument
once u throw a shot
they tend to just reciprocate
and then both u guys instead of having crucial and important dialog
and getting an understanding yall arguing and not hearing each other
specially something like this
my dad was NEVER there for me
my moms never tripped off child support none of that
moms had me when she was 15
besides me having my first at 15 my mom did a great job raising me and my sister by herself
we didnt want or need for anything
and with not having a father
i knew what i didnt want my kids to experience
and i want to always add a new way to look at it
another angle
cause folks always talking down on dads

oh I'm with you cousin, I'm all about a respectful exchange of ideas.

just saying the same way you noted that a mf would be ready to flip the family car if he comes home and sees his wife with the mailman, this subject can immediately push someone's monkey button.

pure 200 proof emotion...justifiably so.
Lol bruh, remove your head from your ***. You proposed a bad argument, it happens, no need to be condescending about it.
A bad argument? That's why there are individuals in both side of the fence. It's clear to me, you don't even understand what's an argument. LoL

I'll put my head back in my *** now. Much better than entertain you ...
what if the situation is with your wife of 15 years and concerning a down syndrome baby?
Again, it comes down to having a good and healthy social fabric in your household, which is both partners responsibility to build and maintain.

If that unfortunate situation comes up, its on the married couple to work it out together.
CRAZY indeed! And that’s the problem with our society.
Contract this, contract that. A mans WORD has no merit these days. But, with all the excuses men make these days acting like divas, I can see why women resort to such measures/foolery .
bruh u aint even lying
even when i know im a regret it
i ALWAYS keep my word
Then you man up and take responsibility.

It sucks but it is reality and you don't get to just change reality when it doesnt go your way.
Ok now we are getting somewhere ....

So why should the guy the only one liable? Didnt she consent?

So now you have potentially have a guy that took every step to protect himself an now he has no voice of what happens to a child he is ready or not ready to have?

Man up is not an answer that I should be acceptable. Especially is the dude has expressed he wants or doesnt want to be in the kids life.
Ok now we are getting somewhere ....

So why should the guy the only one liable? Didnt she consent?

So now you have potentially have a guy that took every step to protect himself an now he has no voice of what happens to a child he is ready or not ready to have?

Man up is not an answer that I should be acceptable. Especially is the dude has expressed he wants or doesnt want to be in the kids life.
Okay so what is your solution?

Woman wants kid, man wants abortion. What should happen?

Man wants kid, woman wants abortion. What should happen?
Again, it comes down to having a good and healthy social fabric in your household, which is both partners responsibility to build and maintain.

If that unfortunate situation comes up, its on the married couple to work it out together.
So marriage is simple right?

**** out of here bro. You trying to simplify **** to make your stance absolute.

Marriage takes works ... plenty of marriages go broken on the strength they cant agree on things, what makes you think a healthy marriage with exiting kids cant go broken because an unhealthy fetus?

This is not just about paying support but just the rights in itself .. if you cant comprehend then I let you be.

I already see your logic and stance .... a Male is the only one responsible for the actions of two consenting adults.

Another brainwashed ideology passed down.

The same way dudes are the bread winners of the home , etc etc etc.
A bad argument? That's why there are individuals in both side of the fence. It's clear to me, you don't even understand what's an argument. LoL
I mean plenty of individuals on both sides of the flat earth fence.....not exactly a good point to make here
So marriage is simple right?

**** out of here bro. You trying to simplify **** to make your stance absolute.

Marriage takes works ... plenty of marriages go broken on the strength they cant agree on things, what makes you think a healthy marriage with exiting kids cant go broken because an unhealthy fetus?

This is not just about paying support but just the rights in itself .. if you cant comprehend then I let you be.

I already see your logic and stance .... a Male is the only one responsible for the actions of two consenting adults.

Another brainwashed ideology passed down.

The same way dudes are the bread winners of the home , etc etc etc.
No, the point is that its not simple but you still need to take responsibility.

If responsibility was simple then you wouldn't have all these dudes running around coming up with logic on why its okay to avoid it.

On the other side of the coin, females who complain about getting knocked up or having too many kids are just as bad. Acting like they have no control over their own choices.
Okay so what is your solution?

Woman wants kid, man wants abortion. What should happen?

Man wants kid, woman wants abortion. What should happen?
first instance
woman should have kid
but if going into it knowing man doesnt want the kid
and u still have it
maybe the dad shouldnt be liable
u knew u was gonna need help while pregnant
and that he wasnt gonna be there
why still put ur kid through that
hell i remember struggling as a single dad
**** was tough as hell
but i didnt run and try to get child support
i made sure i had a job
and took care of business

if dad wants kid
mom doesnt want it
woman should have the kid and give to dad to raise
without expecting help from mother

dont think thats a perfect solution though
and maybe unrealistic
but still
first instance
woman should have kid
but if going into it knowing man doesnt want the kid
and u still have it
maybe the dad shouldnt be liable
u knew u was gonna need help while pregnant
and that he wasnt gonna be there
why still put ur kid through that
hell i remember struggling as a single dad
**** was tough as hell
but i didnt run and try to get child support
i made sure i had a job
and took care of business

if dad wants kid
mom doesnt want it
woman should have the kid and give to dad to raise
without expecting help from mother

dont think thats a perfect solution though
and maybe unrealistic
but still
It seems like this would just give men a free pass to go raw and pass all the consequences to the woman.
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