I GOT SCAMMED BY FACE82... Vol.2 Updated and STILL SCAMMED... Updated on 3/21/09 check 22 PG


Apr 29, 2007
Alright so I wont go into what happened in the last thread because obviously it was locked for a reason but here it goes.... As some of u know I sold Face82 aDS 11/12 CDP on febuary 16, 2009. He sent his payment using Paypal and then after 10 days initiated a chargeback. Face claims that he was using his friendsaccount and that the chargeback was initiated because his friend was using a company card and the company thought it was a fraudulent purchase...... Now I willadmit Face is the one whom initially contacted me and told me of paypal giving him his money back
he assured me that he would get it handled. Now to fast forward me and Facetried a number of methods at getting the money to me at first he said he sent the money USPS but he put the wrong zip code on it so they had to return theletter..... then he claimed to have tried to send it Western Union but they wanted to charge him 51 dollars to send 450 dollars he claimed all he had was 450so he couldnt send the money (because yes i wanted my money in its entirety, after all Paypal ripped that money from my paypal account, in fact im actuallynegative right now because of this
) Aftrer that Face assured mehe would put the money into my Wachovia account and he said that it would be no problem. Now I created Volume 1 of this thread say last thursday and Faceassured everyone that I was may have been over reacting and that he would put the money into my account last Friday, he even sent me a text telling me themoney was Cash deposited into a wachovia location around 6 30 last friday....now i gave face the benefit of the doubt because honestly he is a cool dude butits now Wed of the next week and hmm the money has yet to have shown up. I asked face for boht a receit number and the number to the branch because he said hechecked on it yeterday and they claimed there was a problem with the system somehow...... It has now been abother 24hrs and I still dont have the money not tomention I called both branches (which by the way say they close around 5 so there is no way he deposited that money at 6 30) that he gave me the number to andnot only do they claim that the deposits never happened they also say that the contact person face told me to ask for doesnt work there.... All i want is mymoney or my DS 11/12 Pack back and to Warn NTers about doing business with one ur famed NTers....

Sold Face 11/12 pack 2/16/09
Face or face's friend initiated chargeback on Paypal on 2/26
Face assures me he will give me my money either way
still waiting.......

made thread on NT it got a lil outta hand and was locked my apologies... there are no threats of any kind in this thread but i would like my MONEY......
Shoutouts as always to legit NTers who handle their business in the correct formats
I depoosited money in his account. *%! you and *%! this thread. And when pay pal clears you, u gota send it right back.

Peace goin back to sleep
this is why i dont do biz over the net....post count =/= trustworthiness

edit: oh, apparently, it's about to be on
Yo Money was never in the account Face u know we cool and everything but countless ppl have asked whats up.... Hell im wondering the same thing if paypalclears the money u right i will give u what due but untill then like i said I been scammed by u which aint cool man I just texted u what u can do so im sayingwhats up get off the comp and handle business man
That's the money you could have been saving with Geico, cue "Somebody's watching me...."
@ peeps tryna defend him...like come on

Does NT have a list of scammers/ people to avoid doing business with?

back in 02', I asked the mods to do that...but it'll be useless really. lots of legit folks here went AWOL after scamming people...OMWN anyone?
Also, they can just make up another SN after getting banned.
I worked for a bank and when you deposit Cash it clears the instant the teller presses that deposit button
, Hes mad suspect ... good luck
if you make a cash deposit before 3:00, the deposit should go through right away. if you make it anytime after 3, it should go through by the next day. thereare a few wachovias near my house and most of them close at 5, but there is one that closes at 7 so i guess it's feasible that he made a deposit at 6:30,but it definitely should have showed up by the next day. he's lying.
is he (Face) not the same guy that was going to jump on a flight because he did not get his 11/12 pack from someone in 24 hours? Now that its the otherwayaround you holiding up? I dont know all the facts so who knows but if thats the case thats real suspect.
Originally Posted by BrownRepublican14

Originally Posted by Face82

I depoosited money in his account. *%@ you and *%@ this thread. And when pay pal clears you, u gota send it right back.

stop frontin. just say it....GOT EM!

Funniest part about this comment is I want him to do the same thing Yo thank u to the real NTers for not defending this dude I can't believe dudes isactually laughing like that's what's popping... I def had them suspectnotions about dude after he told me he deposited the money at like 6 30 but Itried to give dude the benefit of the doubt.... Matter of fact Im still trying to work wit dude I told him jus fax me a copy of the receit or jus email it tome. He'll he. Can even post it on NT.... Bet he won't tho I also said jus call me from the branch and lemme handle it wit the teller it could all bedone wit
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