Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

Respect for admitting what it really was.
Again, I don't understand why a parent would allow their child to make such a life-changing decision with the hormones.


We cannot continue down this path

If anyone is wondering where are world is headed, watch this movie.
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Excellent article that touches up on many different point including the origin and creation of Fortnite, gaming addictions and liability lawsuits

They lost their kids to Fortnite

A group of Canadian parents say their kids are so addicted to the video game Fortnite that they’ve stopped eating, sleeping and showering. Now these parents want to hold its tech-giant creator accountable.
some BS lol. Unplug the wifi or take the phone. simple as that.

and this is coming from a parent who's son threw the PS controller & broke the tv cuz of a fortnight troll.
Respect for admitting what it really was.
Again, I don't understand why a parent would allow their child to make such a life-changing decision with the hormones.

This brings up the argument of transgendering being considered a mental illness
very interesting
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