Mature Topic: Can people born gay?

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

why would someone choose to be gay? so yea i believe you are born gay, or have something happen to you during your life


Just how most were born straight, some were born gay. It happens.

As a straight male, why would one WANT to be gay? You don't just wake up one day and say, "well.. I want to take it in the *%% today.. soooo I'mgonna look for a man".

One of my best friends is gay, he said he started thinking boys were cute in grade 3... in ##*!@*% grade 3!
Originally Posted by yungchamp

A+ Are you curious OP because you might be gay?
Yes, you can be born gay. I'm friends with a lot of homosexuals, and nearly all of them told me that they knew from a VERY early age. I love how it'salmost always the religious people who swear that they aren't born gay, because you know that that means god did it.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.
so are you trying to say its a disease?

there are a lot of studies out there in regards to this topic, but no solid evidence. Again its a personal preference people make.

please post of link of said proof if Im wrong, but it just doesnt make sense for people to be born gay. The penis goes directly into the vagina dang!
Human reproduction is a very complex process. I think its plausible to essentially have a 'girl in a guy's body' and vice versa. I mean, we evengot homosexual activity in the animal kingdom. Homosexuality can also be thought of as a population check so it does have a place in this world.

My answer: yes
Ahhh, the good ol' "Are people born gay" post. Let me bring back one of my old posts:

This really isn't a controversial question. To see why, one must first define what "gay" means.

Does one define it as 1) a conscious or explicit choice to have relations with the same sex? Is it 2) a conscious or explicit choice to be attracted to thesame sex? Or 3) is it simply defined as an attraction to someone of the same gender (no need for a conscious decision)?

The first definition is really basic, and nobody would argue that if one defined "gay" in this manner, people could easily choose whether or notto be gay. In other words, people can choose to have relations, or they can choose not to.

But that is a very basic definition (yet a necessary one for the discussion). Lets make it a little more realistic and look at the second definition.

The second definition is better, yet incomplete. However, it really points out the silly thinking of those who believe that attraction is easily changeable. If one uses the it to define "gay," then they're saying that this person can choose to be attracted to something; likewise, they can"unchoose" to have this attraction in any instant (since, of course, it is a choice). With that logic, one can also choose what colors they like,and when they want, they can decide that they don't really like that color anymore. To give yet another example, this logic would infer that one canchoose what food they like, and (again) when they want they can decide that they don't really like the taste of that food. Ridiculous, right? If anyonebelieves this, then I would challenge them $10 paypaled to 1) choose to like raw pig brains and 2) eat them as if they were eating a normal lunch, with nohesitation (kingkrux not allowed).

I think the third definition is the best one to use, since it is less elementary than 1, less restrictive than 2, and more realistic than both. If it isdefined as an attraction to someone of the same gender, this means this attraction could come from who knows what. But we all know that there are only twopossible broad categories that is attributed to this attraction: genetics and environmental factors. It is probably impossible to tell how much each of thesetwo factors contribute to homosexual attraction, but it is extremely likely that both contribute. The evidence that supports this belief comes from science. For example, homosexuality is found all throughout the animal kingdom. Also, twin studies also provide insight about heritability of traits.

In my opinion, people are born with a certain genetic propensity to be gay (by the 3rd definition) that actually may fluctuate in certain stages of life. However, environmental factors affect whether that person is attracted to individuals of the same sex. A person considered gay by the third definition,however, may not be considered gay by those who use the first definition. Thus, the definition of terms is usually the root of most disagreements.

Another way to think about defining gay (ideas stolen from wikipedia) is to think about three things:

1. Attraction (to same sex person )

2. Behavior (with same sex person)

3. Identity (as being gay)

Some may define being gay as one of these three, or some combination. For ex:

1. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender, but that person might not engage in homosexual behavior, and that person may not identify himself asbeing gay.

2. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender and may engage in homosexual activities with that person, but may not identify herself as beinggay.

3. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender and identify himself as being gay, but not engage in homosexual activities.

4. Someone may engage in homosexual activities with the same gender, but may not be attracted or self-identified as gay (probably rare though).

5. Someone may engage in homosexual activities with the same gender and may identify herself as being gay, but may not be attracted to that person (againprobably rare).

6. Someone who may say they're gay, but not have an attraction to the same gender nor engage in homosexual activities.

7. Someone may have an attraction to the same gender, engage in homosexual activities, and identify himself as being gay.

Once again, the key question to keep in mind is: by what criteria am I using to define what "gay" means?

Then you can answer whether or not you think being gay is genetic or not. If you incorporate #1 (attraction) as a criteria for your definition, I thinkyou'll come to the same conclusion as me.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

JoseBronx wrote:

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.
so are you trying to say its a disease?

there are a lot of studies out there in regards to this topic, but no solid evidence. Again its a personal preference people make.

please post of link of said proof if Im wrong, but it just doesnt make sense for people to be born gay. The penis goes directly into the vagina dang!

What does that have to do with being gay... even a gay man would enjoy putting his penis in a vagina. Being gay is a mind set not a physical act. To truly begay a person has to be attracted to the same sex. You can use your mentality on any object you could stick your penis in.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
I see that you haven't taken the sexual introduction class yet
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.
Hopefully that's big enough for people to see.

bump for this answer
I think it's like a defect

like people born without a certain part of their body or certain functions of the brain

being gey must be something similar, like a brain disease...... instead of being born crazy or blind dudes are born loving a good sized penis
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.
Did being gay cause the chemical imbalance, or did the chemical imbalance cause the person to become gay? Just something for you to think about.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.
so are you trying to say its a disease?

there are a lot of studies out there in regards to this topic, but no solid evidence. Again its a personal preference people make.

please post of link of said proof if Im wrong, but it just doesnt make sense for people to be born gay. The penis goes directly into the vagina dang!

No one is saying it is a disease, YOU said that. A lot of people are born a lot of different ways, not all of it has to make sense. Go google INAH 3.Really...people like you need to enroll themselves in a basic psychology or human sexuality course. A lot of ya'll are just talking out of your %%$ basingit on what you think is correct.
The two organs are used to reproduce, obviously the two hetero sexes naturally attract each other. Like I said I understand it being a mind set because it apersonal choice.
I do believe its a personal choice, but then again i do think a person can be born gay.

heres my reason

my cousin was gay all his life hes 19 btw, but at one point he convinced himself so hard that he was straight bc thats how society is the way its supposed tobe in his area. he even had sex with a women and he told me he just didnt like it, it just didnt feel right to him. So he just went to being himself and be gayfreely. he said he knew he was gay ever since he can remember being 2 yrs old playing with girlie stuff.

Either way, i hope gay marriage laws can pass in every state, it not fair to them that marriage has to be a man and a women, why cant the marriage be for loveitself?
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

The two organs are used to reproduce, obviously the two hetero sexes naturally attract each other. Like I said I understand it being a mind set because it a personal choice.
Seeing you argue is like seeing someone who failed high school geometry explain linear equations.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

The two organs are used to reproduce, obviously the two hetero sexes naturally attract each other. Like I said I understand it being a mind set because it a personal choice.

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.

I was about to say the same thing. How are you going to say "there's no way people are born gay", people there's studies outthere, think before you talk, it would make everything so much easier and there would be less problems in the world.
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