Mature Topic: Can people born gay?

Im no expert at the subject but everything Ive read about this topics seems to end in "a fail theory" or "in the next 10 year........"etc. No solid evidence, so if Im wrong can some one please post a link with info.

Im out because I have to work tomm. but I will bump this thread later
[h1]Stria terminalis[/h1][h3]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/h3]
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[/td] [td]This article needs additional citations for verification.
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2008)[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][th=""]Brain: Terminal stria[/th] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][tr][td]Dissection of brain-stem. Lateral view. (Stria terminalis labeled at upper right.)[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Latin[/th] [td]stria terminalis[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]Gray's[/th] [td]subject #189 808[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]NeuroNames[/th] [td]hier-268[/td] [/tr][tr][td]NeuroLex ID[/td] [td]birnlex_937[/td] [/tr][/table]
The stria terminalis (terminal stria) is a structure in the brain consistingof a band of fibers running along the lateral margin of the ventricular surface of the thalamus. Serving as a major output pathway of the amygdala, the striaterminalis runs from its corticomedial division to the ventral medial nucleus of the hypothalamus.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h2][edit] Anatomy[/h2]
The stria terminalis covers the thalamostriatevein, marking a line of separation between the thalamus and the caudatenucleus as seen upon gross dissection of the ventricles of the brain, viewed from the superior aspect.

The stria terminalis extends from the region of the interventricular foramen to thetemporal horn of the lateral ventricle, carrying fibers from theamygdala to the septal nuclei, hypothalamic, and thalamic areas of the brain.It also carries fibers projecting from these areas back to the amygdala.
[h2][edit] Functions[/h2]
It participates in anxiety and stress responses.

The stria terminalis also appears to be indicated in gender identification and inparticular, the feminine essence theory of transsexuality. Studies have shown that male-to-female transsexuals are found to have female-normative cellproliferation in the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc), whereas a female-to-male transsexual was found to have male-normative BSTc cell proliferation.[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup] It is thought this is mediated bydiminished and excessive androgen levels respectively in utero and neonatally.
[h2][edit] Additional images[/h2][table][tr][td]

Deep dissection of brain-stem. Lateral view.
[/td] [td]

Dissection of brain-stem. Dorsal view.
[/td] [td]

[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by NEIGHB0RH00D

JohnnyRedStorm said:
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or

Its a personal choice.
No actually it's a chemical imbalance that leads to people becoming gay, but thanks for furthering the ignorance movement.


But, yea, people cant be born gay.
how do you explain gay animals?
from my understanding its like a gene mutation, anything can happen from birth.
They've actually discovered a gene linked with homosexuality. Many people who are homosexual are born with it, however it does not mean you can't behomosexual without it.

Personally, I believe true homosexuality develops prior to birth.
ask 100 homosexuals if they chose to be homosexual and i am absolutely sure not a single one would say they chose to be gay.
Couple points.

First of all there is no conclusive evidence supporting this one way or the other.

Second, if there was a way to know if a person was born gay, or had a gay gene, i bet there would be a significant number of people who were gay, butweren't really gay. What is the significance of that?

You can be born mentally ******ed. What does that mean? Does that mean it is natural? I think the issue is larger than whether or not you are born with it.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Yes, you can be born gay. I'm friends with a lot of homosexuals, and nearly all of them told me that they knew from a VERY early age. I love how it's almost always the religious people who swear that they aren't born gay, because you know that that means god did it.
So true religion plays such a negative role in many important situations...
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

I do believe its a personal choice, but then again i do think a person can be born gay.

heres my reason

my cousin was gay all his life hes 19 btw, but at one point he convinced himself so hard that he was straight bc thats how society is the way its supposed to be in his area. he even had sex with a women and he told me he just didnt like it, it just didnt feel right to him. So he just went to being himself and be gay freely. he said he knew he was gay ever since he can remember being 2 yrs old playing with girlie stuff.

Either way, i hope gay marriage laws can pass in every state, it not fair to them that marriage has to be a man and a women, why cant the marriage be for love itself?
I Agree.. I Have a Similar Story about a good Friend Of Mine
He Was Dating Chicks and getting it in but he did not like what he was doing he just wanted to be accepted by his piers as being STRAIGHT but after a while hecould not take much of putting on the Front of Being Straight ..
Now He is Homosexual but He Says that he can remember being Gay since a young age..

I Think Being gay Might not having proper parenting I.E: Single Mom, Dad Who Doesnt Not Care or Something Along Those Lines.
They don't choose to be gay, you can't help who you're attracted to
Let's be honest, with all the negative views towards homosexuality why would someone CHOOSE to be gay
Yeah theres been test to conclude that people can be born gay. Thats not to say all people that are gay are born that way since people do get influenced. Butdefinately some, im guessing the majority, are born gay.
Most people think about homosexuality vs heterosexuality as being on a digital scale.. But the truth is it's probably analog.. So you may be born gay ifyou're far on the *#%* side.. But you could also "turn" gay thru choice and environment/events if you're somewhere mid-scale. I liken it tothe 2 party system you guys have. Some are staunch Dems, some are hardcore Repubs, some can go both ways, and some moderates switch sides midway through.
Wow, the amount of ignorance in this thread is genuinely staggering

chemical imbalance?

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.

i dont think that it's necessarily so, i know a lot of people from a young age who i knew where gay at like the age of five, and were in the closet/ in denial until they came out as adults. *shrugs*
And why do you think they weren't influenced BEFORE those leading up to those 5 years of existence?
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
wow so millions of people throughout history have CHOSEN to be persecuted and even killed throughout there lives? damn when do people make thischoice cause i dont even remember when i chose to like vaginas. im glad i had a strong male role model in my life to make sure i chose right. oh wait i wasraised by my mom, i guess im just lucky i chose right!
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

ask 100 homosexuals if they chose to be homosexual and i am absolutely sure not a single one would say they chose to be gay.

That's the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard, plus it's besides the point. The question is whether the individual is born gay or is affected bysubsequent external factors. This is a crude comparison, and I in no way intend to offend homosexuality, but are pedophiles, necrophiliacs, and those withother sexually abnormal traits born that way, do they choose that behavior, or is it a result of their upbringing, lifestyle? I don't think anyone knowsthe exact answers to any of these questions. Debate is fine and all, but don't act like people are idiots because they disagree with your opinion. None ofthe questions have been resolved, research is still being done to find answers.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

Topic has been brought up a couple of times, but there is no way people are born gay. Its just not part of human nature, penis + vagina makes kids not p+p or v+v.

Its a personal choice.
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

ask 100 homosexuals if they chose to be homosexual and i am absolutely sure not a single one would say they chose to be gay.

That's the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard, plus it's besides the point. The question is whether the individual is born gay or is affected by subsequent external factors. This is a crude comparison, and I in no way intend to offend homosexuality, but are pedophiles, necrophiliacs, and those with other sexually abnormal traits born that way, do they choose that behavior, or is it a result of their upbringing, lifestyle? I don't think anyone knows the exact answers to any of these questions. Debate is fine and all, but don't act like people are idiots because they disagree with your opinion. None of the questions have been resolved, research is still being done to find answers.
what i say is dumb but comparing homosexuality to sexual deviants and criminals is a proper comparison? you my friend are ******ed. how is itbeside the point to ask members of the population of concern the question? it's like asking white people about the struggles of growing up black
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

ask 100 homosexuals if they chose to be homosexual and i am absolutely sure not a single one would say they chose to be gay.

That's the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard, plus it's besides the point. The question is whether the individual is born gay or is affected by subsequent external factors. This is a crude comparison, and I in no way intend to offend homosexuality, but are pedophiles, necrophiliacs, and those with other sexually abnormal traits born that way, do they choose that behavior, or is it a result of their upbringing, lifestyle? I don't think anyone knows the exact answers to any of these questions. Debate is fine and all, but don't act like people are idiots because they disagree with your opinion. None of the questions have been resolved, research is still being done to find answers.
what i say is dumb but comparing homosexuality to sexual deviants and criminals is a proper comparison? you my friend are ******ed. how is it beside the point to ask members of the population of concern the question? it's like asking white people about the struggles of growing up black

You know what I meant. Would you be happier if I listed podophilia and differentiated between those attracted to children and those who actually molestchildren? I clearly stated sexually abnormal traits, the ones I chose just happen to be well known ones.

And your second sentence doesn't even make sense.

"how is it beside the point to ask members of the population of concern the question? it's like asking white people about the struggles of growingup black"

If members of the population of concern in this post would be homosexuals, then wouldn't that equate to asking a black person about the struggles ofgrowing up black? I'm lost.

You just jumped in the post acting like this is some cut and dry debate that isn't worth having when you weren't even on topic, just adding somerandom coment that didn't add to the post. And ironically, then in response to my thread you didnt even address my main point.
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