McDonald's drops Egg Supplier over Animal Cruelty video

Originally Posted by Ducky Quack

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Originally Posted by Ducky Quack

There is a right and wrong way to raise farm animals. The video in the OP clearly shows the wrong way.

The truth is that we as humans (the smartest and most capable living organisms on this planet) have every ability and capacity to raise the farm animals CORRECTLY, treating the animals fairly and ensuring their short time on earth was not painful. But why should we care? Because any decent human being will care about the welfare of other living things, regardless of "their importance on the food chain".

Like anybody who believes this would eat at Mcdonalds

Why do you think the food is so cheap

So based on your reasoning, since McDonald's fast food is so cheap, they shouldn't care where they are sourcing their food/products that they are selling to their customers? They should condone animal cruelty in their products? Why else you think they are ending relations with these suppliers once this investigation came out? I don't know how their current business relations are, but there could be new farms/companies now BIDDING for McDonald's business that can ensure their compliance with FDA, etc., and guess what? McDonald's prices will stay the same.
What I'm saying is simple, cheap food is made w/ zero concern for the product(in this case the chicken) if you think you could not make the same video at any of McDs suppliers then you are fooling yourself.
^dude.... we know how it is, we're trying to say what is wrong with the current method.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

So let's have animals run the world then. Oh wait, we can't communicate with them. They can't use the internet because of lack of thumbs and even assuming we use primates who are closest to humans, they'll just piss on everything and throw feces and drink their own pee when they're supposed to be giving speeches.

You are still basing intelligence on things that humans do. A system in which humans are a part of. What if a squirrel were to tell you that you are inferior to him because you have to spend $ to go out and get food so that you are able to save up for the winter. What if an ant calls you uncivilized because you are unable to live in peace and work as a unit with your fellow humans for the sake of all mankind? What if a lion tells you that you don't have compasion for your brother because humans aren't able to display the teamwork that lions display day in and day out?

Just because they can't use a computer doesn't mean they aren't as intelligent as we are. We do different things than they do. We are basing intelligence off of a human created system.

How would that squirrel and ant and lion talk to me? Ants have to have 10 ants come and help lift a crumb and carry it under the cupboard to the queen. Humans need to move something heavy, we put it in a car, on a trailer, dolly, whatever we need to do. We have been smart enough to evolve everything we do to make it easier and more efficient. Animals, really are limited. Technology puts us far above animals. They got some clever things too, like the eagles who steal eggs then fly way up in the air and drop them on rocks to break them, employing gravity, or monkeys licking sticks then sticking them down antholes. Yea that's great, kudos for thinking of that. Still pales in comparison to anything humans come up with.
You do understand that ants are stronger (per size) than humans? By far.

My point is we all live different lives. We serve different purposes. No need to say we are smarter because we can create and manipulate gadgets.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

So let's have animals run the world then. Oh wait, we can't communicate with them. They can't use the internet because of lack of thumbs and even assuming we use primates who are closest to humans, they'll just piss on everything and throw feces and drink their own pee when they're supposed to be giving speeches.

You are still basing intelligence on things that humans do. A system in which humans are a part of. What if a squirrel were to tell you that you are inferior to him because you have to spend $ to go out and get food so that you are able to save up for the winter. What if an ant calls you uncivilized because you are unable to live in peace and work as a unit with your fellow humans for the sake of all mankind? What if a lion tells you that you don't have compasion for your brother because humans aren't able to display the teamwork that lions display day in and day out?

Just because they can't use a computer doesn't mean they aren't as intelligent as we are. We do different things than they do. We are basing intelligence off of a human created system.
Son you must be high as hell
It is funny that you all consider an animal the handicapped one for not being able to speak to them, as if we are able to speak to them. I mean if we can't speak and understand each other how is one the dumb one and the other not?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You do understand that ants are stronger (per size) than humans? By far.

My point is we all live different lives. We serve different purposes. No need to say we are smarter because we can create and manipulate gadgets.

DC they just don't understand. Don't waste your time
.. 100% ignorant
People say that DC trolls a lot... but his arguments have been on point

100proof's just ignorant
Originally Posted by capuT

People say that DC trolls a lot... but his arguments have been on point

100proof's just ignorant
So I'm a troll because I see animals as food, entertainment, and clothes? So be it
I can't tell if I'm just not smart enough to understand this argument or if this guy is out thinking himself. It sounds pretty ridiculous to be trying to form an argument that any living species is smarter than humans in any way shape or form.  The last comment with us not speaking to them is messing with my head because of how dumb it sounds.  I've never said this to myself, but you are officially on my troll watch because I have a hard time believing you really feel this way.
Some people just like to argue.

Humans > Animals. How are we even gonna debate that?

What if a alien race with telepathy and the ability to shapeshift came here?

then....Aliens > humans.  and it would be a wrap for us. 

We should show animals more respect but I'll be dambed if im going to argue a damb ant being as smart as me because it's stronger and lives in a maze.  NICOLE SIMPSON CAN'T RAP!
I can't believe DC is the only one in here actually being intelligent.

Its like when people say "humans are the most evolved species"

Not true.


Every branch of the tree is at its most terminal stage.

The ants and birds and deer and humans and elephants that exist RIGHT NOW are as they exist in their most current evolved states.

Nothing is "more complex" than anything else.
Everything that exists at the edges of these branches is at its MOST EVOLVED FORM. 

This is a phylogenetic true. its pieced together comparing DNA samples and using branches to represent major divisions and draw relations between species. Its the best form of categorization of animals that we have today. 


If its alive, then its the most evolved form of that particular animal.

On top of that, humans can't fly and there are animals that speak outside of frequencies we can't even detect (20-20,000Hz) does that make us inferior?  Some animals can even see UV lighting.
Originally Posted by kc24688

I can't tell if I'm just not smart enough to understand this argument or if this guy is out thinking himself. It sounds pretty ridiculous to be trying to form an argument that any living species is smarter than humans in any way shape or form.  The last comment with us not speaking to them is messing with my head because of how dumb it sounds.

I never said animals are smarter than humans though. I said why are we comparing the intelligence of two different beasts? What is deemed intelligent for a human shouldn't be used to determine the intelligence of a cheetah. That is what I am saying. We live in a world where we use different gadgets. I don't think it is fair, right, or accurate to say a cheetah isn't as intelligent as us because he can't surf the web.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is funny that you all consider an animal the handicapped one for not being able to speak to them, as if we are able to speak to them. I mean if we can't speak and understand each other how is one the dumb one and the other not?

We can own, conquer, subjugate, and manipulate them. They can not do the same to us. Checkmate. We understand animals and their world more than they do us. Hell, humans even have to be the ones to rescue them.

Ocassionally an animal gets off one on a human, dumbasses camping or something, swimming in the water despite the alligator sign, jumped the rail at the zoo, teasing dangerous animals a bit too much; to those cases I just say Darwin! But in the end some humans usually still swoops in and kills the animal, just to let them know who is still in charge.
I never eat breakfast from fast food joints. That's where I draw the line.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is funny that you all consider an animal the handicapped one for not being able to speak to them, as if we are able to speak to them. I mean if we can't speak and understand each other how is one the dumb one and the other not?

We can own, conquer, subjugate, and manipulate them. They can not do the same to us. Checkmate. We understand animals and their world more than they do us. Hell, humans even have to be the ones to rescue them.

Ocassionally an animal gets off one on a human, dumbasses camping or something, swimming in the water despite the alligator sign, jumped the rail at the zoo, teasing dangerous animals a bit too much; to those cases I just say Darwin! But in the end some humans usually still swoops in and kills the animal, just to let them know who is still in charge.
Thank you for stating the obvious. This still does nothing to prove that humans are more important than animals.
I don't see how intelligence has different definitions for different species. It's about awareness and being able to put different information and experiences together to form the most correct logic. We are able to agree on a system of words and sounds along with grammar even to communicate as effectively as possible. Animals may be able to communicate through body language and instincts, but it would still obviously be a dumber way of communicating.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is funny that you all consider an animal the handicapped one for not being able to speak to them, as if we are able to speak to them. I mean if we can't speak and understand each other how is one the dumb one and the other not?

We can own, conquer, subjugate, and manipulate them. They can not do the same to us. Checkmate. We understand animals and their world more than they do us. Hell, humans even have to be the ones to rescue them.

Ocassionally an animal gets off one on a human, dumbasses camping or something, swimming in the water despite the alligator sign, jumped the rail at the zoo, teasing dangerous animals a bit too much; to those cases I just say Darwin! But in the end some humans usually still swoops in and kills the animal, just to let them know who is still in charge.
Thank you for stating the obvious. This still does nothing to prove that humans are more important than animals.

That's totally subjective. Most humans hold humans up as more important than animals though.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

We can own, conquer, subjugate, and manipulate them. They can not do the same to us. Checkmate. We understand animals and their world more than they do us. Hell, humans even have to be the ones to rescue them.

Ocassionally an animal gets off one on a human, dumbasses camping or something, swimming in the water despite the alligator sign, jumped the rail at the zoo, teasing dangerous animals a bit too much; to those cases I just say Darwin! But in the end some humans usually still swoops in and kills the animal, just to let them know who is still in charge.

1. Again, I don't believe dominance = level of importance.

2. What are you basing this idea of us understanding the world better than animals? Are we talking about the natural world in it's rawest form or are we still speaking on the ability we have to manipulate resources that they don't partake in? Because the last time I checked, I don't know of many human beings than can sense weather patters without some sort of calendar or forecast. Again, it depends on what system you are using to determine "understanding the world better."

I think it all boils down to the idea that some of us don't understand differences. Everything doesn't need to be a A > B, situation. Things have different purposes. All are equal to the well being of the WHOLE.

But I see you and I will just go back and forth. I respectfully agree to disagree with you.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

We can own, conquer, subjugate, and manipulate them. They can not do the same to us. Checkmate. We understand animals and their world more than they do us. Hell, humans even have to be the ones to rescue them.

Ocassionally an animal gets off one on a human, dumbasses camping or something, swimming in the water despite the alligator sign, jumped the rail at the zoo, teasing dangerous animals a bit too much; to those cases I just say Darwin! But in the end some humans usually still swoops in and kills the animal, just to let them know who is still in charge.
Thank you for stating the obvious. This still does nothing to prove that humans are more important than animals.

That's totally subjective. Most humans hold humans up as more important than animals though.
Excellent. Now we're getting somewhere. See, a few pages ago you said that humans were more important than animals.
The ignorance in this thread is unbelievable.
DC and others have laid out a set of arguments in the easiest and simplest manner to understand...

I can't say I'm surprised though, it's the same old story when any sort of animal cruelty thread comes up. Seeing an animal being tortured or killed seems to be a joke to most NTers. It's always the same response: "who cares ...they're only animals"
It's not even about who's more intelligent or who's at the top of the food chain, don't you have a heart? 
  To see animals get treated like they aren't even living disgusts me 
.  People will do anything for money, which is why the rich will always get richer and the poor will always get poorer.
Originally Posted by kc24688

I don't see how intelligence has different definitions for different species. It's about awareness and being able to put different information and experiences together to form the most correct logic. We are able to agree on a system of words and sounds along with grammar even to communicate as effectively as possible. Animals may be able to communicate through body language and instincts, but it would still obviously be a dumber way of communicating.
Again, what is intelligent to a human is not intelligent in the animal kingdom.

Example, birds being able to fly south without any sort of device is astonishing to us. So shouldn't birds think we are idiots that we need GPS's to travel 15 miles to a destination? They have an innate ability to sense direction, something we don't have. Do we chalk that up in their column since they don't even need to be able to manipulate information and turn it into technology?

Stop looking at intelligence from a humans perspective. Please, that is all I am trying to get you all to see. Intelligence is a human concept. So of course we will think we are more intelligent than any other walking being. The definition was created based on our current skillset as a race of people.
I mean some of us have dogs, cats, fish, and birds. I don't see how you can just be ok with their brothers and sisters being abused like that. You wouldn't like it if someone did that to your pet would you? The same way people get mad and think, "Maaaaaan if that was my child" whenever you hear of a molestation situation. Same rules apply here. Don't turn a blind eye when you aren't directly affected.
My veganism is borne out of an economic and environmental perspective not one of empathy towards animals. There is more than one reason to do it.
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