Men ...

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You must have missed the part where he lied.
He DOES NOT use protection.

I found out there that there were about 5 other women he didn't include in the health talk. He lied and said he's been celibate for 3 months.

You must have missed the part where I messaged him. Through Facebook, through messages, through his email and he did not respond.  And then blocked me.
I took the normal route first and never even stuck foot on his property because that would not have ended well.

He deserved what he got.

Your lack of accountability for your own actions is very clear, how you gonna put the blame solely on him for not using protection :rofl: you know he can't put his D inside you without your permission...

Honestly homegirl you need to take a step back and examine yourself, chances are YOU are the one with the problem...seriously...not taking shots here, being honest.
Because you saying those things is your test to see if/when you're gonna sleep with him.

I ain't saying you gotta sleep with every dude right away but realize 9 times out of 10 that's the objective on the other side. The whole point of waiting is to get to know a person better before you let themusic get close to you. You failed miserably at that cause he was apparently lying to you the whole time. Like I said ur bs meter needs improvement. Might as well just slept with him off bat, even if he never talked to u again it couldn't have possibly been as bad as it ended up being anyway.

Please don't come into the thread and  be a hypocrite.

I stated that I made him wait. Usually , I can tell right away and again I'm not new to this. Had only been with one other person my whole life. Some men are just con artists. They see it as game but it's being a con artist. I'll make better decisions in the future but don't put me in a light you put one of your NT boys in.
Your lack of accountability for your own actions is very clear, how you gonna put the blame solely on him for not using protection
you know he can't put his D inside you without your permission...

Honestly homegirl you need to take a step back and examine yourself, chances are YOU are the one with the problem...seriously...not taking shots here, being honest.

Men take up for men like that because they do the things you do. Please laugh until a blister pops up on your meat.
Here we go with the ad hominem shots and sweeping generalizations.

If you've already made up your mind here then what's your purpose with this discussion?

We're not your personal vent outlet.
I have said it multiple times on NT (especially in child support threads), that I had pregnancy scares in my late teens early twenties, and now I always use protection. Even with long time girlfriends.

I'm not ready to be a father. So I take the steps to prevent that.

Here is me joking about it in the TAY, where dudes tryna convince me to join team raw. LINK

Soooo believe what you want.

And acting like other people do it doesn't excuse you irresponsibility. Once again, act like an adult
Gonna state again.

Where was all of this heat for the poster who contracted cancer through HPV through a woman he trusted?  Hmmmm

I get that I made a mistake in trusting someone. But again, he was a con artist in getting what he wanted.

Maybe people were too busy hoping the man didn't lose his life to worry about it,

Or that he didn't blame anyone else for his diagnosis, just encouraged folk to be careful

Or the fact that he probably contracted it over a decade ago when much less was non about the disease, testing was more expensive (and therefore not the norm), and many times not included in an "HIV"/STDtest. Especially those administered to men

All that once again doesn't take away from the fact you were irresponsible. So chill with the red herrings
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There was probably heat because he actually contracted cancer.

You're only worried something could have happened but you're fine right?

No doubt it sucks being deceived but the only thing hurt is your ego.

Also you can't be surprised that a forum of mostly males have a male type attitude, you're just not in the right place for this conversation.
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Here we go with the ad hominem shots and sweeping generalizations.

If you've already made up your mind here then what's your purpose with this discussion?

We're not your personal vent outlet.
Uhh. Where?

Don't get p--offed because you get bodied. No, no, no.

You came into this thread like you were Black Jesus or somebody's  pastor. I know I wasn't perfect and can't divine the future or whether or not ever man lies already....and obviously better decisions will  be made.

But again, if you can't come at a man the same way , back off.

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Because you saying those things is your test to see if/when you're gonna sleep with him.

I ain't saying you gotta sleep with every dude right away but realize 9 times out of 10 that's the objective on the other side. The whole point of waiting is to get to know a person better before you let themusic get close to you. You failed miserably at that cause he was apparently lying to you the whole time. Like I said ur bs meter needs improvement. Might as well just slept with him off bat, even if he never talked to u again it couldn't have possibly been as bad as it ended up being anyway.

Please don't come into the thread and  be a hypocrite.

I stated that I made him wait. Usually , I can tell right away and again I'm not new to this. Had only been with one other person my whole life. Some men are just con artists. They see it as game but it's being a con artist. I'll make better decisions in the future but don't put me in a light you put one of your NT boys in.

You not new to this but you only ever been with one other person. You are new to this. Rejecting endless guys doesent make you experienced. You can usually tell and this time you couldnt, chalk it up as a learning experience.

con artist is one way to look at it. You need to find men that don't need to be con artists to get sex. Hint: they'll be the ones spending the least amount of time chasing you.
Maybe people were too busy hoping the man didn't lose his life to worry about it,

Or that he didn't blame anyone else for his diagnosis, just encouraged folk to be careful

Or the fact that he probably contracted it over a decade ago when much less was non about the disease, testing was more expensive (and therefore not the norm), and many times not included in an "HIV"/STDtest. Especially those administered to men

All that once again doesn't take away from the fact you were irresponsible. So chill with the red herrings
Ugh,so was he.

And who knows yet if I have HPV or something else I haven't tested for yet? He did state that he got it from unprotected sex.  Soo ,it was from a woman. right?

You're going to fail in debating me with this topic....

Someone I trusted put me at risk. And I'm sure it happens everyday but this person was deliberate and deceptive. Wasn't a case of not knowing. This was someone I spoke to everyday and shared my life with.

Maybe I shouldn't trust anyone. Maybe I shouldn't walk out the door today, could get hit by a car. Shouldn't eat, I might choke.

I was bound to trust someone and they did this. Hindsight, of course, is 20/20
Men take up for men like that because they do the things you do. Please laugh until a blister pops up on your meat.

I'm the wrooooongggg one on this forums to tell that *** to, everyone knows I'm soft on girls and how NT views women in general, for ME of all people to come in here and tell you, THIS IS ON YOU, trust me ITS ON YOU.

Not saying what he did was right, but in this day and age his behavior should have been expected and it was probably clear as water, you chose to ignore it...let this man hit it RAW and then you pull off the lamest move ever, you as a woman didn't respect yourself, can't be mad he didn't respect you.
Uhh. Where?

Don't get p--offed because you get bodied. No, no, no.

You came into this thread like you were Black Jesus or somebody's  pastor. I know I wasn't perfect and can't divine the future or whether or not ever man lies already....and obviously better decisions will  be made.
But again, if you can't come at a man the same way , back off.

How did I get bodied? :lol: You haven't even sent a shot my way.

I just notice that when someone says something you disagree with you usually engage in ad hominems and generalizations. It's a theme with you, it's been a theme with you.

You come to NT and use us as your personal vent outlet. It's been your thing. Every time you have a grievance with a man you come here to take it up with us.

I'm nobodies pastor nor do I want to be but you do need to take some accountability for the choices you make with your body.

Learn to embed, not going to bother clicking on whatever it is you linked.
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Uhh. Where?

Don't get p--offed because you get bodied. No, no, no.

You came into this thread like you were Black Jesus or somebody's  pastor. I know I wasn't perfect and can't divine the future or whether or not ever man lies already....and obviously better decisions will  be made.
But again, if you can't come at a man the same way , back off.

How did I get bodied?
You haven't even sent a shot my way.

I just notice that when someone says something you disagree with you usually engage in ad hominems and generalizations. It's a theme with you, it's been a theme with you.

You come to NT and use us as your personal vent outlet. It's been your thing. Every time you have a grievance with a man you come here to take it up with us.

I'm nobodies pastor nor do I want to be but you do need to take some accountability for the choices you make with your body.

Learn to embed, not going to bother clicking on whatever it is you linked.

Sound a lot like what feminists do.


Also, people who say "he / she deserved it" sound incredibly emotional and childish.
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I didn't just put it up to rant.

I think it would be a good eye opener to some as it was for me. I could have seriously gotten sick because of some pervert who couldn't be honest about being with other women, lied to get what he wanted, and then tried disappearing.

I would have never seen him that way. He'd talked about aiding in the military, domestic violence...never would have seen him doing this stuff.

Besides video tape, I had everything on him including the conversation with the girl, and he still denied it. Have never et someone who wanted to believe his lies so much. It was beyond disappointing and the thought that I could have gotten sick sent me overboard.

So don't trust anyone.At least I wont for a very long time
Maybe people were too busy hoping the man didn't lose his life to worry about it,

Or that he didn't blame anyone else for his diagnosis, just encouraged folk to be careful

Or the fact that he probably contracted it over a decade ago when much less was non about the disease, testing was more expensive (and therefore not the norm), and many times not included in an "HIV"/STDtest. Especially those administered to men

All that once again doesn't take away from the fact you were irresponsible. So chill with the red herrings

Ugh,so was he.
And who knows yet if I have HPV or something else I haven't tested for yet? He did state that he got it from unprotected sex.  Soo ,it was from a woman. right?

You're going to fail in debating me with this topic....

Someone I trusted put me at risk. And I'm sure it happens everyday but this person was deliberate and deceptive. Wasn't a case of not knowing. This was someone I spoke to everyday and shared my life with.

Maybe I shouldn't trust anyone. Maybe I shouldn't walk out the door today, could get hit by a car. Shouldn't eat, I might choke.

I was bound to trust someone and they did this. Hindsight, of course, is 20/20

Or maybe you should get tested from the jump, use condoms, and take Truvada

Like everyone else that acts like that is a major concern in their life

Don't come in looking for sympathy, and get man when people point out the things you did wrong

Ole boy never blamed any other person for his HPV, and resulting cancer, he put it on his choice.

So how about you do the same. And look at your choices
Assuming this is a real story, it was very petty of you. Like do women do this for real? About as bad as the other story of the girl sending a vid of herself smashing her ex to try to get back at that one NTer
OP is literally everything I HATE about women. The sense of entitlement. The childishness. Emotional and illogical to a fault.

Cliff notes of this story.

-Guy wasn't really feeling her for a relationship

-She let the guy smash at some point

-She caught feelings AND typical jealousy.

-Instead of just ending it and going out with someone else

-Decided to try to ruin a man's life

Some men don't want you for your personality, brains, etc....DEAL WITH IT.
 Cliff notes

Guy exposes two girls to potential stds

Guy lies and deceives two girls for sex( he wasn't feeling her either, the next one was lined up)

Girl 1 breaks off with guy

Girl 2 breaks up with him

Con artist  alone and exposed to friends and family. Hasn't posted on his timeline since

Permanent embarrassment in front of friends and family

Nudity issues for life (he was out of shape)

Probably will be a better man for it or Charlie Sheen

Who knows?
I'm confused. Didn't you make a thread a while back talking about you dating two dudes at the same time? Something about how you were going to continue to date each one and you didn't see a problem with it because you weren't sleeping with them. Dudes told you that was foul then and you didn't care. I just don't see why you should be here now with your sob story. If that wasn't you who posted that, then I apologize but I'm pretty sure that was you.
Every man in here needs to work on their fb privacy setting pronto, no one can see anything on my fb except friends....and I try not to add these okc women on Facebook.
+23 , man honestly. Fake name it. Don't post ANY pictures. Just be incognito honestly. Make people think you are dead because they don't see your Facebook activity. Folks at work always ask me if I am on FB, NOPE!
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