My friends little brother just hit my car..FML

%+! bro? Sorry to hear that but who cares if it's ya boys brother and he don't got insurance, u need to have him cash out and get your Beamer repaired. How bad was the damage anyway?
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by supreme math

Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by supreme math

sorry, bump!
this dude bumped his post to get more lulz
Originally Posted by KnockoutNed

If that's really you're homie, then your homie will have his brother pay out of pocket.  And real talk, make him sign a contract.  

QFT - My friends best friend in high school borrowed his BMW, old one but still to have a car in high school is a great feeling, and hit a parked car or a tree, I dont remember. But anyway point being, he returned the car where it was and said he didnt do it. My friends parents were really mad, and after months of denying he finally confessed and boom freindship over! Not exactly the same thing here but if he had just fessed up and did the right thing and pay my friend then they would probably still be friends. Ask for the money but dont go through insurance but if they dont pay up...goodbye friend forreals.
Originally Posted by supreme math

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

What the hell is going on in that gif

it uploaded to tinypic wrong it's missing a couple of frames.
should've played like this

give up. you're trying too hard.
the whole situation is messed up. and the fact that dude has no insurance makes it no better.
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