My journey through the entertainment industry..............

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

I swear everyone thinks they are enlightened after watching some bs documentary or googling nonsense. Y'all know nothing believe me, and even if you did you wont do anything about it. Btw that ALLAH stuff doesnt make sense since the acronym only works in english, despit the word being in existence before the english language.

lol shut up
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

I swear everyone thinks they are enlightened after watching some bs documentary or googling nonsense. Y'all know nothing believe me, and even if you did you wont do anything about it. Btw that ALLAH stuff doesnt make sense since the acronym only works in english, despit the word being in existence before the english language.

lol shut up
Very informative thread BUT I think the ALLAH thing does not make sense at all considering that it's an Arabic word thats been around for thousands of years. How are you gonna come up with an English acronym for an Arabic word? 
Very informative thread BUT I think the ALLAH thing does not make sense at all considering that it's an Arabic word thats been around for thousands of years. How are you gonna come up with an English acronym for an Arabic word? 
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by 1boredzombie

torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though

Check out the site It has a whole section on books to read.
 good looks. I been meaning to read that edward bernays book 
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by 1boredzombie

torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though

Check out the site It has a whole section on books to read.
 good looks. I been meaning to read that edward bernays book 
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

I swear everyone thinks they are enlightened after watching some bs documentary or googling nonsense. Y'all know nothing believe me, and even if you did you wont do anything about it. Btw that ALLAH stuff doesnt make sense since the acronym only works in english, despit the word being in existence before the english language.
So you do know something?
Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

I swear everyone thinks they are enlightened after watching some bs documentary or googling nonsense. Y'all know nothing believe me, and even if you did you wont do anything about it. Btw that ALLAH stuff doesnt make sense since the acronym only works in english, despit the word being in existence before the english language.
So you do know something?
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

You don't do coke to get put on. Coke is just everywhere. The oscar thing I'm not sure about but wouldn't surprise me. Italian mob runs vegas not hollywood its mainly qabalistic jews. The name "hollywood" actually comes from wood that druids used in rituals.

use of the holy wood is used to cast spells. Word to Harry Potter (Heru Ptah). The cast birthdays spell out the stars in the sky. 


Paging Haze...
All my exact responses. Haze feel free to chime in anytime please lol. But Op I see you to. thanks for sharing your incite.

@ torgriffith

"#1please don't bash me because if you don't understand right now does not mean you won't understand later. The language and ideas here are of the sub conscious mind. The part of your mind's eye that's been covered by this visible light frequency reality and forced you to trap all your thoughts/efforts and energy in a small dimensional box(literally). 
For the media/medium holly-wood stars are to represent the stars in the sky being casted out and molded into different set/ settings to manifest a energy. It's the same as the shamans from the tribe carrying out ceremonial rights for a village to bring about a certain means. When people call holly-wood actors stars, the term goes right over their head."

^never caught on to that til now

I believe he entire entertainment industry is controlled. ALL entertainment (unless of course your not in the industry/ i.e. indie label)
if your paying attention and know the signs to look for all movies that come out now have some sort of subliminal content in them. there
hasnt been 1 movie ive seen that does not in the last year. and im talking about big screen movies that are promoted to us.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

You don't do coke to get put on. Coke is just everywhere. The oscar thing I'm not sure about but wouldn't surprise me. Italian mob runs vegas not hollywood its mainly qabalistic jews. The name "hollywood" actually comes from wood that druids used in rituals.

use of the holy wood is used to cast spells. Word to Harry Potter (Heru Ptah). The cast birthdays spell out the stars in the sky. 


Paging Haze...
All my exact responses. Haze feel free to chime in anytime please lol. But Op I see you to. thanks for sharing your incite.

@ torgriffith

"#1please don't bash me because if you don't understand right now does not mean you won't understand later. The language and ideas here are of the sub conscious mind. The part of your mind's eye that's been covered by this visible light frequency reality and forced you to trap all your thoughts/efforts and energy in a small dimensional box(literally). 
For the media/medium holly-wood stars are to represent the stars in the sky being casted out and molded into different set/ settings to manifest a energy. It's the same as the shamans from the tribe carrying out ceremonial rights for a village to bring about a certain means. When people call holly-wood actors stars, the term goes right over their head."

^never caught on to that til now

I believe he entire entertainment industry is controlled. ALL entertainment (unless of course your not in the industry/ i.e. indie label)
if your paying attention and know the signs to look for all movies that come out now have some sort of subliminal content in them. there
hasnt been 1 movie ive seen that does not in the last year. and im talking about big screen movies that are promoted to us.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Very informative thread BUT I think the ALLAH thing does not make sense at all considering that it's an Arabic word thats been around for thousands of years. How are you gonna come up with an English acronym for an Arabic word? 

I didn't come up with anything. When you study and observe, you realize you are dealing with puzzle pieces. Our communication is very much broken hence why telecommunications is such a monopoly. I'm not speaking from the perspective of "religous titles" Like "Jesus Christ" or "Allah". I'm speaking from a conceptual standpoint, like what is the agent of action of the verbs What secularism has done is turn verbs into nouns and confuse us as "followers of religions" as to what the titles really represent.When people call things nouns, they stop further investigation into the definition of the word  which creates ambiguity and vagueness.  "Christ" is referring to light and is not simply just a last name.  Genesis  11:1–9

has always stuck with me when it comes to understanding why there is so much confusion in the world. Language is very interesting. It is a manifestation of mathematics, geometry, sound and so many more things.  Even when modern science/ historians quantify an exact beginning of a language system, that still never properly gives credit to it's source. Political inception of ideas come last, and appear as the source.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Very informative thread BUT I think the ALLAH thing does not make sense at all considering that it's an Arabic word thats been around for thousands of years. How are you gonna come up with an English acronym for an Arabic word? 

I didn't come up with anything. When you study and observe, you realize you are dealing with puzzle pieces. Our communication is very much broken hence why telecommunications is such a monopoly. I'm not speaking from the perspective of "religous titles" Like "Jesus Christ" or "Allah". I'm speaking from a conceptual standpoint, like what is the agent of action of the verbs What secularism has done is turn verbs into nouns and confuse us as "followers of religions" as to what the titles really represent.When people call things nouns, they stop further investigation into the definition of the word  which creates ambiguity and vagueness.  "Christ" is referring to light and is not simply just a last name.  Genesis  11:1–9

has always stuck with me when it comes to understanding why there is so much confusion in the world. Language is very interesting. It is a manifestation of mathematics, geometry, sound and so many more things.  Even when modern science/ historians quantify an exact beginning of a language system, that still never properly gives credit to it's source. Political inception of ideas come last, and appear as the source.
Originally Posted by 1boredzombie

torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though

Just search for what captivates your attention and curiosity the most and study it. The topic of symbolism is very broad. Start researching online the meaning of religious symbols and maybe if you read up on some topics on symbolism in art may help. My interest in symbolism fostered when I started to read works from the Enlightenment/Illumination period and themes on the renaissance man and the symbols behind a lot of their work. It was my study into European socio-political structure that led me back to Khemmit (modern day egypt) for all those who get tired of all this stuff ending up in "Africa" if that burns so bad or something. When you read into the fame of greek scholars, they always owe all their credit to the mystery schools of the land of Khem/ Khemmit( modern day egypt). It's not black folks being militant(millitant negro- which is a purposely broadcasted stereotype for this reason). I am simply doing my research and reciting facts. Not rhetoric. It is only today that we deal with institutional racism that is so bad, one has to ask if we are living in some kind of bad script for a play to display the worst possible outcomes of a diverse people. Diversity is our present nature.  Racism is a definition of our current nature. Not some issue that one side playing unfair brought about. We are not all equal. We are only equal if recognize that we exist in opposing/opposite spectrum's of life, not all lumped on one side of the equation = sign.(1=1, not 1+1=one people/one rule) That is a mathematical imbalance.
Originally Posted by 1boredzombie

torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though

Just search for what captivates your attention and curiosity the most and study it. The topic of symbolism is very broad. Start researching online the meaning of religious symbols and maybe if you read up on some topics on symbolism in art may help. My interest in symbolism fostered when I started to read works from the Enlightenment/Illumination period and themes on the renaissance man and the symbols behind a lot of their work. It was my study into European socio-political structure that led me back to Khemmit (modern day egypt) for all those who get tired of all this stuff ending up in "Africa" if that burns so bad or something. When you read into the fame of greek scholars, they always owe all their credit to the mystery schools of the land of Khem/ Khemmit( modern day egypt). It's not black folks being militant(millitant negro- which is a purposely broadcasted stereotype for this reason). I am simply doing my research and reciting facts. Not rhetoric. It is only today that we deal with institutional racism that is so bad, one has to ask if we are living in some kind of bad script for a play to display the worst possible outcomes of a diverse people. Diversity is our present nature.  Racism is a definition of our current nature. Not some issue that one side playing unfair brought about. We are not all equal. We are only equal if recognize that we exist in opposing/opposite spectrum's of life, not all lumped on one side of the equation = sign.(1=1, not 1+1=one people/one rule) That is a mathematical imbalance.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

I swear everyone thinks they are enlightened after watching some bs documentary or googling nonsense. Y'all know nothing believe me, and even if you did you wont do anything about it. Btw that ALLAH stuff doesnt make sense since the acronym only works in english, despit the word being in existence before the english language.
So you do know something?

I dont know anything, but i highly doubt the alignment of the stars has ANYTHING to do with celebrities
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

I swear everyone thinks they are enlightened after watching some bs documentary or googling nonsense. Y'all know nothing believe me, and even if you did you wont do anything about it. Btw that ALLAH stuff doesnt make sense since the acronym only works in english, despit the word being in existence before the english language.
So you do know something?

I dont know anything, but i highly doubt the alignment of the stars has ANYTHING to do with celebrities
TeamJordan79 wrote:
RedMan wrote:
1boredzombie wrote:
torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though
Check out the site It has a whole section on books to read.
 good looks. I been meaning to read that edward bernays book 

I was up on last year but I realized it's purpose is further indoctrination
because while informative at first, the website now to provid links 2 occult, witchcraft etc. links in a spin off website

TeamJordan79 wrote:
RedMan wrote:
1boredzombie wrote:
torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though
Check out the site It has a whole section on books to read.
 good looks. I been meaning to read that edward bernays book 

I was up on last year but I realized it's purpose is further indoctrination
because while informative at first, the website now to provid links 2 occult, witchcraft etc. links in a spin off website

Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

TeamJordan79 wrote:
RedMan wrote:
1boredzombie wrote:
torgriffith Please point to a link or wikipedia page i want to learn about all that symbolism and ancient stuff you talking about, like you just blew my mind no hom0 though
Check out the site It has a whole section on books to read.
 good looks. I been meaning to read that edward bernays book 

I was up on last year but I realized it's purpose is further indoctrination
because while informative at first, the website now to provid links 2 occult, witchcraft etc. links in a spin off website

Good looking on that website. Knowledge is knowing the ledge(ledger/balance of accounting). I'm not a whole hearted believer in any website i run across if that seems to be what I'm doing. The information is being revealed and it's filtering out through the media  outlets. I just hope forums like this can be proper grounds for people (THAT ARE INTERESTED) to discuss things rather than shout "non belief" at everything w/out proper discourse from both polarized parties on said issues. We as a people can discuss for that's what the public forums are for. I think it's better to be an informed citizen of the empire, than one who ignores reality. 
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