NT: My Pops is about to make a huge mistake. Advice please

well, hes 60 hes going to do whatever he wants just chill it out and this wont affect you in 2-3 years after they break up again
Originally Posted by jrp44

Kill her is your only chance

Good Luck

3rd time is the charm maybe
Originally Posted by kickinit102

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Since she passed I've made it clear to him that he's going to end up like her if he doesn't quit.
Everyone is going to end up like her regardless of how you live your life.
My mother died of lung cancer at 48. She was never a smoker.

My dad has smoked since he was in his 20s, and he's 59.

Obviously everyone dies.

When I speak to him trying to get him to quit I mean end up like her in the sense that he would be going through all sorts of chemotherapy and radiation andnot being able to live a normal life and be in constant pain.

But you're right, everyone will die at some point.

Thanks for mentioning it.
Originally Posted by Diego

Your pops got money?
If he does then you need to sleep with her ASAP before he takes the plunge.

If hes not ballin then let the man get his nuts off however he sees fit.
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