NT: The People v OJ / 30 for 30: OJ

Still want to know the contents of that LV bag.

This **** was wild corny so I stopped watching.

I was hoping for what they originally filmed but instead we got a show about the show. No need for the extra commentary but its O.J so they found a way to stretch this to 2 hrs.

Imma just wait for his hypothetical account to be on the internet.
If I had to bet my life on it, I would say OJ is guilty, he did it.

But if I was on the jury, I would have acquitted him. Back then, or now. He had a great defense that makes me have reasonable doubt

The LAPD's own incompetence and corruption made OJ's acquittal possible though.

If the department was clean up like black folk had been begging for them to do for decades, then Johnny's defense does not work, even on black folk.

I feel for the victim's familes' though. OJ been a lil flagrant with the victory laps.
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