NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

drinking stones 17th Anniversary tonight. Like everything stone makes its top notch beer. Up front it's got a nice balance of malts and citrus but it finishes with that signature stone dry hopped bitterness. For a 9.5 abv the alcohol is almost non present. Scary. I could drink this all night it's so refreshing.
Went to The Counter tonight. Had a Curieux, Pranqster, local brew called The Dudes Grandma's pecan (brown ale) and finished with a Rogue Hazelnut. Man, I'm felling right right now.


Just put some Wailua's in the fridge for the wife. Bout to have some fun tonight. :lol:

I feel like I'm already over fall beers and it's August

Gonna need to make some last minute summer purchases
saturday is always beer night. looking to pick up some of your guys recommendations. plus im gonna shop around and see if i can find some hidden gems. will post later 
Bought myself the Brooklyn Brewery Local 1 and Local 2 this weekend. Tried the Local 1 last night. Not too bad but not sure if I would get it again unless it was a bit cheaper. Might get into the Local 2 tonight.

Random Question: What do y'all do with your old bottles/labels? It seems like a shame to throw away all of these bottles with nice artwork and such but showing off empties seems a little frat-boyish to me.
When the right IPA hits you, it's a brand new ball game.. I have my good days and bad days with IPAs. Half of a 4 pack will taste amazing one day, but the 2nd time around, it's a bit too much.. I attribute that to my taste buds I guess.

For me, the first time a great IPA hit my mouth, my taste buds were awakened. There was just something odd about the taste where I wanted more... Now given, I won't do cask IPA (mini keg conditioned right on a breweries bar table served at room temp). Nor will I let IPAs get too close to 50 degrees... So maybe I'm not a purist at heart. Some days, I feel a need for that IPA change. Other days, a basic dos equis does the job.

IPAs on draft appear to taste different from my view point. They are almost less hoppy, as that hop flavor sits in a bottle, like a hop bomb. So get to trying IPAs on draft first.. Don't take just one sip. My second IPA bottle is always better than the first due to the hops just overtaking your mouth and lessening the hop blow... Pale Ale's are essentially half IPAs. So start there if you are ever thinking about trying to 'like' them. IPAs appear to be one of the most popular styles around, so you may taste through dozens of BAD ones before the solid IPAs come around.

Some quick tidbits for the weekend

-Went by a new casino that opened up around my way on a weekday. It happened to be happy hour prices at their bar. Some local beer is apparently DOMESTIC so prices were dirt cheap. Cheaper than at the brewery with mug club memberships... AMAZING discovery :D

-SN Kellerweis continues to be a solid beer. I actually bought a Weihenstephaner Vitus Weizenbock to do a small side by side.. The vitus blew SN out of the water in every category except price.. 7.7% Hefeweizen should not be tasting this darn good and crisp. Kellerweis seemed more like a kids beverage at that point.

-Picked up a case of Alien Stout out of New Mexico.. It's apparently an imperial stout. but sits in around 7.2% abv. The mouth feel is very thin, and has a bit of a hoppy aftertaste... More than anything, the style choice is wrong here. This is simply an irish or basic stout. The velvety thick mouthfeel seen in Ten Fidy is not present here.. If anything, this tastes like a thinner less ABV Stone RIS with a touch less flavor... Reviews have this one sitting about par for the course.. It's very easy to drink for a 7.2% beer, so credit is given there.
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^^^Exactly, once you find that one IPA that really wins you over, you start to appreciate the others. For me, the absolute I've had are: Bell's Two Hearted Ale and Helltown Idle Hands Double IPA.

To the heavy IPA drinkers: you ever feel like you can't really go back to other kinds of beers? After driking IPAs ALL summer, everything else tastes basic. IPAs are just complex as hell.
Bought myself the Brooklyn Brewery Local 1 and Local 2 this weekend. Tried the Local 1 last night. Not too bad but not sure if I would get it again unless it was a bit cheaper. Might get into the Local 2 tonight.

Random Question: What do y'all do with your old bottles/labels? It seems like a shame to throw away all of these bottles with nice artwork and such but showing off empties seems a little frat-boyish to me.
as far as the bottles and labels, i chuck em, but sometimes i do peel off the label. theyll end up in my pocket or wallet, dont really save them though. 

but i do save the caps. not all of them, just one to add to the collection. i can honestly say ive tried close to a hundred kinds beers, not even including the ones only on tap 
^^^Exactly, once you find that one IPA that really wins you over, you start to appreciate the others. For me, the absolute I've had are: Bell's Two Hearted Ale and Helltown Idle Hands Double IPA.

To the heavy IPA drinkers: you ever feel like you can't really go back to other kinds of beers? After driking IPAs ALL summer, everything else tastes basic. IPAs are just complex as hell.

Fresh Sculpin from tap was the turning point for me.

I tried two-hearted the other day, though it was average *kanye shrug*

Bought myself the Brooklyn Brewery Local 1 and Local 2 this weekend. Tried the Local 1 last night. Not too bad but not sure if I would get it again unless it was a bit cheaper. Might get into the Local 2 tonight.

Random Question: What do y'all do with your old bottles/labels? It seems like a shame to throw away all of these bottles with nice artwork and such but showing off empties seems a little frat-boyish to me.
as far as the bottles and labels, i chuck em, but sometimes i do peel off the label. theyll end up in my pocket or wallet, dont really save them though. 

but i do save the caps. not all of them, just one to add to the collection. i can honestly say ive tried close to a hundred kinds beers, not even including the ones only on tap 

My caps:


Went with a couple classics tonight.


That oatmeal stout and old rasputin is what got me into beers 5 or so years ago.
I'm 37, been drinking beer for over 20 years and I STILL have not found an IPA that I enjoy. I can tolerate pale ales, but you throw that extra hops in there and I'm done.


Splitting tart of darkness with my girlfriend. I've been drinking nothing but the Bruery lately.

Stop bragging lol. I envy you for that.

Bought myself the Brooklyn Brewery Local 1 and Local 2 this weekend. Tried the Local 1 last night. Not too bad but not sure if I would get it again unless it was a bit cheaper. Might get into the Local 2 tonight.

Random Question: What do y'all do with your old bottles/labels? It seems like a shame to throw away all of these bottles with nice artwork and such but showing off empties seems a little frat-boyish to me.

It did seem a little fratty to me at first, until I realized I have spent a metric crap ton of money on these quality brews. It also doesn't hurt that I have a garage with two levels of shelving going around the ceiling. My wife knows not to mess with it.

Originally Posted by af1 1982 View Post

^^^Exactly, once you find that one IPA that really wins you over, you start to appreciate the others. For me, the absolute I've had are: Bell's Two Hearted Ale and Helltown Idle Hands Double IPA.

To the heavy IPA drinkers: you ever feel like you can't really go back to other kinds of beers? After driking IPAs ALL summer, everything else tastes basic. IPAs are just complex as hell.

Fresh Sculpin from tap was the turning point for me.

I tried two-hearted the other day, though it was average *kanye shrug*

I love Two Hearted but I tried Sculpin for the first time when I went back home to SD last summer and its absolutely amazing. If it wasn't 13.99 a sixer around my way I would have a full fridge full of it. Not only that, but a lot of the bottling dates seem a tad out of its freshness date (which i'm sure is due to the pricing to get it out to the east coast).
Sierra Nevada's got a seasonal IPA coming soon :pimp: I think it's already hit some shelves around here I'm gonna look for it today.

Had a double IPA called Hop Dragon last weekend at Tahoe Brewery, it was pretty damn good.

I'm just ready for Pliny the Younger to come back :pimp:
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Worked 10 hours on Sunday. A day I was supposed to have off so I could drive the 3 hours home to see the fam. It sucks. I made it through. Going to get golden monkey/90 minute wasted tonight.
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