Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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You don't need substances, but you'll have to work a lot harder breaking down those walls. Every answer is within us.

I think when you simplify your life as much as possible (which may include some form of isolation for some people) as to reduce the distractions of society your true self begins to surface more. I think there are just as many truths to be uncovered by knowing yourself and the world you are in than using drugs to escape/expand from yourself and the world.

When you aren't being distracted by other things and you are left to your own thoughts it can be confusing at first, because you start to think totally for yourself and not what society tells you. But, gradually you start to feel like you know yourself more than you ever have before and you project differently to people and they can see it.

Just random thoughts for today.

I think I might want to look into meditation.
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When you peep outside of this reality, you realize how beautiful the universe is and also see this current reality for what it is.

You have to be really ready for this.

To come to the realization that this world is pointless is hard when you have been trained to do the opposite the entire time you've been here.

it's easier for someone thats already an outcast because they are already looking form something.

Some people are too integrated into the system to be woken up honestly.

Some people are there naturally without drugs. But after a while you realize that society has placed a lot of these people in asylums or they are prescribed heavy medication.
I wouldn't say our time on Earth is pointless. This planet is a stepping stone for our development. Whether we choose to strive toward that higher vibration or be spectators, is up to us. The system in place and all of its distractions makes it difficult for many people to find their path and purpose, however.i do agree about the bigger picture. That's why I try not to get stressed out. There's more to life than we have been conditioned to believe.
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^ And that's exactly what I've been struggling with over the past couple of years. Since the beginning of this thread and my search for the greater truth I've been exposed to certain ideologies. I want to say once I took my first philosophy course in school about 3 years ago, I've started thinking outside the box. It's almost as if I became depressed though just learning about theories from all subjects and realizing that we're living in a matrix, a controlled one at that. I find this life to be pointless because it's all ruled by materialism, greed, and corruption and it's hard to separate one's self from all the noise and norm give in to all the materialism. It's hard to stay focused and continue to operate happily in the confined world we live in. I realize that it's all about the personal struggle and focusing on the self, but it's a HARD thing to do. I hope I make sense. I'm just wondering how most of you guys live with the truth and all the knowledge you've been exposed to? Because once you realize the world isn't what it's made out to be, you begin to realize we're living in a ****** world.

Things were probably easier when I was naive. Ignorance is bliss, sadly.
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I made this a thread but I'd rather post it here I think, so I delted the thread.

Lately I've been feeling bored, stuck, in a rut, confined to one area as I make a living by working one job with hours/pay that make it hard for me to do what I really feel like doing and have always enjoyed. Traveling.

I got so fed up, maybe even frustrated, this week that I took a few days off and just went on hikes through the woods and read books.

I feel like the way society is constructed today is certainly not for everyone, but, if we don't follow certain rules then it is extremely difficult/inconvenient to make a living.

I found this article and thought it gave an interesting point of view on personality types based on evolutionary psychology. Wanted to share this and start a discussion.

UK news

Warrior, nomad or settler... so which tribe are you from?

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Amelia Hill
The Observer, Saturday 28 October 2000

Are you embarrassed by sudden desires to speak your mind in inappropriate places, or do you have uncontrollable urges ruthlessly to force your will upon others?

Perhaps you struggle hopelessly, hide your feelings if others take a dislike to you, and can't understand why no one can see the hidden meanings in the world around you?

If so, help is at hand: unexplained longings to behave in certain ways are hidden clues to our origins, according to a new book which has been described as a work of genius by evolutionary experts.

'This concept is based on the idea that we're not born with clean slates but embryonic characters inherited from our ancestors, handed down from species to species,' said Terence Watts, director of the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis, who has spent the last four years developing the Freud-based theory.

At the dawn of time, so Watts's theory goes, Homo sapiens was neatly divided into two types: warriors, or forceful, ruthless types; and settlers, gentle people whose only flaw was an excessive need to be liked. For 90,000 years, the two existed in harmony, but 10,000 years ago the settlers learnt to farm.

Realising the value of the skill, the warriors forced the settlers to work for them. A gradual combining of the two species began, but not until a third character-type was born - the Nomads, who took to the road to avoid living a sedentary lifestyle like the settlers or taking orders from the warriors.

'The problem is now that people are all jumbled up and are forced to live in ways opposed to the way they're programmed,' said Watts, who created Quintic Warrior , a top computer game of the mid-Eighties, before he stumbled over the theory during his training as an analyst.

'Thus predominantly warrior children are told by predominantly settler mothers that their natural instincts are wrong. They are taught to suppress their natural urges and be ashamed of them,' he said. 'We spend all our time trying to be people we're not and apologising for someone else's mistake. This conflict is very stressful and is where most of our social problems and neuroses come from.'

Modern warriors have a very direct, forthright approach to life. They are good at getting things done but are intolerant of those who are less decisive than them. They are methodical, sensible and can think on their feet.

However, warriors also have trouble admitting fault and can be manipulative and ruthless in their determination to look after number one. They are easily recognised by their unresponsive body language, steady gaze and cautious response to questions. They are not keen on talking about themselves.

'Most politicians are warriors,' said Watts. 'But although Tony Blair tries hard to be one, he just isn't ruthless enough.' Camilla Parker Bowles, Steve Redgrave and David Coulthard are classic examples.

The modern settler is a people person. Settlers like to share, and being liked is vitally important to them. They are cheerful, communicative, kind and sensitive and overridingly optimistic in their approach to life.

The body language of settlers is politely responsive and they talk easily about themselves. 'Prince Charles is the absolute epitome of the modern-day settler,' said Watts. He also includes Frank Bruno, Carol Smillie and Fern Britton, presenter of Ready Steady Cook .

Today's nomads constantly seek change, excitement and new things. They are outgoing, dramatic and can quite often be found in jobs which require an extrovert manner, such as acting. They have an infectious enthusiasm and will often be a great source of inspiration for others. Nomads also have leanings towards fickleness. They have few inhibitions and can be embarrassingly noisy and outspoken, sometimes in a childish manner akin to petulance. Typical nomads include Richard Branson, Elizabeth Hurley, Posh Spice and Jamie Oliver.

'It is important to remember that almost nobody will be a pure type and most exhibit characteristics from each group,' said Watts. In any one individual, he says, the emotional responses tend to come from their settler self, their aggression from their warrior and personal presentation from the nomadic side of their personality. 'It is the degree of each which governs their overall way of being,' he said. 'Both warriors and nomads will frequently adopt a settler approach if it is required of them socially, but while the nomad will act it, the warrior will use it.'

But identifying which types of each character we contain is just the beginning: Watts is concerned that modern society is hothousing an excess of warriors.

'As society advances, we are bound to see more warriors because they're the ones that survive. But society is creating too many warriors. Everyone is so ambitious nowadays and encouraged to disregard authority we are becoming excessively assertive at a young age, leading to excesses of violence.

'Only when we understand why we are motivated to behave as we do can we solve this problem,' he added. 'Only by understanding our inner warrior, settler or nomad selves can we be truly happy.'
So I'm guessing you're struggling with the nomad/settler split. As mentioned it's kind of essential to hold a job to survive, hence the settling mentality, sedentary lifestyle. However, there are ways to get away from it all as you mentioned. Just can't live as freely as we'd like because there are rules to be followed in society's structure should we want to survive.

I feel like I need an outdoor job myself.
So I'm guessing you're struggling with the nomad/settler split. As mentioned it's kind of essential to hold a job to survive, hence the settling mentality, sedentary lifestyle. However, there are ways to get away from it all as you mentioned. Just can't live as freely as we'd like because there are rules to be followed in society's structure should we want to survive.

I feel like I need an outdoor job myself.

Yeah I'm struggling with it right now. I don't dislike my job but I know it's not what I want to do forever. Problem is I'm still working on finding what it is I really want to do. So in the meantime, I don't mind working this job I guess. I can provide for myself and have enough left over to somewhat enjoy my free time. I had been :pimp: like a Q a week and drinking a lot, in addition to smoking cigs, not eating that healthy, buying a lot of material things, just playing video games in spare time. I'm shifting away from all of that now and trying to live a more natural lifestyle and be in touch with nature, read books instead of watch TV, etc... Do things that are simpler and truly fulfilling. I'm trying to maintain a steady rise in the quality of my life instead of going through highs and lows. I know they will still be there, but I want to reduce them.

I'm hoping that by simplifying my life and getting rid of my vices that I can get more in touch with myself and find my calling. I'm trying not to overthink things but just take small steps that feel right and see where they lead. The journey is sometimes more important than where you end up. Because if there's one thing I've learned is that things don't always go as you plan in life.
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There's a quote "split up an eighth of shrooms just to see the universe"

I'm thinking my next "journey" will be Tuesday since no work Wednesday

I've also been into edibles lately since I don't have to put smoke into my body to get the benefits of THC. A friend's wife makes some mean chocolate chip cookies
Kid Cudi :smokin
Well that's definitely a step in the right direction. As cliche as it sounds, sometimes you've gotta do things you don't want to do, in order to do the things that you want to. I've definitely made that shift myself, trying to simplify my life by not being forced into materialism, staying off the streets for the wrong reasons, getting rid of cable, etc. It's a slow process of course.
I think that phase is part of it. Some get out of that phase quicker than others but I can at least say for myself I've had those days before. Those judge mental days where you ask yourself why everybody hasn't seen what you've seen. We forget we were just like those people. But it's only because your still in the infantile stages of awakening. There's true beauty to this human experience. You realize that every negative/positive feeling you have about most things in life is coming from something inside of you, once your mind is free you can process everything you see and hear for what it is and choose to always be positive. Once you have control of your thoughts and emotions you can choose to always come from love, because you'll see it makes life better for you and everyone around you.That doesn't mean ignore the bad, cause clearly we have some work to do. But if we have even already begun to even click this thread, isn't it so that our eyes and hearts are already being opened?

One of my stoner epiphanys was that, since it's scientifically proven that we and everything else is all made out of energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed, that this experience here must be a great one. In death our energies may be flying through the universe of universes, the multiverse as they've discovered. Where there's infinite civilizations across other solar systems and planets. And we get to see all that and choose where we go and part of the fun of descending back to earth is you don't get to choose your experience and you domt remember a damn thing about your experiences before this one. If that's the case, then this place must be heaven if you will.

And to go a more literal believable point; if we truly pay attention to nature, we will see that this is that heaven everyone can't wait to go to when they die. Think about it. When people go on vacations, where do they go? Most go to a tropical location. Why is that? There's a certain peacefulness you feel in that connection with earth. You can get that from a hike as well. Nutrients you need to stay alive grow naturally here on earth. Think how good a fresh fruit off the tree tastes. Fuuuuuck. That refreshing feeling you may or may not pay attention to when you jump in the ocean. It's you getting back to the source of Mother Earth. Once you can see these truths you'll realize it isn't this life that is ******, this place is heaven, but the ego of the man, he has made this place what it is now.

We have to remember that there is no path. Ideologies are just that, ideas. You'll go crazy if you try to find the ultimate truth, because there might not be one.

Meditation helps you get to a point where you allow everything to just to be. Including yourself. Because in that moment you realize that there is no difference between you and everything else around you.
Been there Ace. All you can do is focus on love and doing your part to help others see what really matters in this life: love, purity and clarity. We're in this together, but we've forgotten how important each and everyone of us is to each other. Like you said, so many value the material elements of this planet and while that's ok to an extent because there are those here just to spectate, those material goods shouldn't be the driving force of anyone's life and there's plenty plagued with that particular ill. Just live in the now, be concerned with yourself and doing your part to spread love and light and everything will come together.
Ace and Hennessy. You aren't alone. Everyone feels that way whether they know it or not. And trust me, it's by design. A well thought out planned to keep you from the truth.

I hate to take it back to the matrix, but I know for a fact that what I'm about to say is the truth.

The truth they don't want you to see is that you are indeed a slave. From womb to the tomb. No matter how much gadgets you buy, or how much money you make, the fact is, your a slave to the matrix.

You are not designed to sit at a desk all day long. You aren't designed to sit and watch television or movies and not download it as apart of you. You aren't designed to eat a cheeseburger.

We are creatures of pleasing our 5 senses. And someone figured that out, along with figuring out that humans are crazy and easily manipulated and enslaved you. Just by dangling shiny **** in your face.

What's the resolution? ****, that's a tough one. This game is rigged and rthere is no way to fix it alone. We can't change the world by ourselves. You can only change YOUR world. And in turn, that helps change the world doesn't it?

The way to do that is to find yourself and see what it is you truly love to do within this matrix. Do that, and follow the paper trail and the KARMA trail to stop yourself from buying all this bs you domt need.

It's honestly the reason why I don't come to this website anymore. I can't support these evil companies that are helping fuel this slave ship. Only reason you see me here now is the same reason why every few months I turn on cnn or the radio music stations, just to see the state of things. Like, "oh yup, the world is still ****** up and people are still asleep" and I shut it off.

People domt know where to start after they get pass the doom and gloom of it all. But there is hope and there is love out there, you just have to find it in yourself first.

I ramble. A lot.
For sure. I'm gonna continue learning, connecting with thyself, and spreading the light. Good to see, I'm not alone with this.

Well Big Ben, I hope, as we all do of course that you're able to contribute more to this thread. We appreciate thinkers like yourself. Johnny always coming through with it.
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Ace and Hennessy. You aren't alone. Everyone feels that way whether they know it or not. And trust me, it's by design. A well thought out planned to keep you from the truth.

I hate to take it back to the matrix, but I know for a fact that what I'm about to say is the truth.

The truth they don't want you to see is that you are indeed a slave. From womb to the tomb. No matter how much gadgets you buy, or how much money you make, the fact is, your a slave to the matrix.

You are not designed to sit at a desk all day long. You aren't designed to sit and watch television or movies and not download it as apart of you. You aren't designed to eat a cheeseburger.

We are creatures of pleasing our 5 senses. And someone figured that out, along with figuring out that humans are crazy and easily manipulated and enslaved you. Just by dangling shiny **** in your face.

What's the resolution? ****, that's a tough one. This game is rigged and rthere is no way to fix it alone. We can't change the world by ourselves. You can only change YOUR world. And in turn, that helps change the world doesn't it?

The way to do that is to find yourself and see what it is you truly love to do within this matrix. Do that, and follow the paper trail and the KARMA trail to stop yourself from buying all this bs you domt need.

It's honestly the reason why I don't come to this website anymore. I can't support these evil companies that are helping fuel this slave ship. Only reason you see me here now is the same reason why every few months I turn on cnn or the radio music stations, just to see the state of things. Like, "oh yup, the world is still ****** up and people are still asleep" and I shut it off.

People domt know where to start after they get pass the doom and gloom of it all. But there is hope and there is love out there, you just have to find it in yourself first.

I ramble. A lot.

Yeah I've had these realizations lately also.

My thing is I crave the natural world but I feel like there is no part of the earth that is left that's not destroyed.

I like traveling and meeting new people and hearing what they have to say. I like living in new places. But no matter how different places may seem, you realize after a while that they are all heading in the same gloomy place. And what may have seemed to make you happy in that place for a while was really just different scenery, the underlying system is still in place whatever country you go to.

What I've found to be of real value is forming loving relationships with others. Which is becoming increasingly difficult because I'm straying away from the path most people my age go down. And I have different values, so it's hard for me to find people to relate to. College was like a haven of finding people like me. It makes me feel good to see those good friends from college living in the world and doing things to make it better. Because I feel hopeless for a lot of people, even myself, at times. It's that bond with other people that keeps me going. My girl is really in touch with nature and not caught up in social media which is really important to me. But still, I find it hard to relate to some things she does at times also.
I understand completely. I think you just don't know what to not participate in anymore. Uplift yourself, who cares if anyone questions your sanity.

Trust me, I understand. In the beginning of this I lost a lot of friends because I was young and they couldn't understand why I didn't go to the clubs anymore or go to the movies or sporting events or why I couldn't relate to the, when discussing shopping or social media and I couldn't understand why they still did all of those things.

But I got to a point only recently, where I realized the disconnection between them and myself was becaus of me and my mental state. Now I'm able to see them for who they are underneath all of those things. Even if they can't see it themselves just yet. Let them just be. They will eventually see how different you've become in terms of you are atill you, uoir just now a beacon of light and trust me everyone notices the oneness. Since then, I've reached out and rekindled theses relationships, even if the fault was there own and not mine. And now people just ask me questions and want to learn cause they see that I'm truly happy now. When before I was doom and gloom "oh we're ****** the government this the matrix that blah blah blah" and nobody would listen.

I listen to a lot of this Sadhguru and Terrence McKenna. I'll post some videos in my next post.
Thanks for contributing Big Ben. You definitely get our mission and I hope you continue posting here when possible.

It's important to let people be awakened on their own. You could do your part, show them your light, etc but the final choice is up to them. You can't force them to understand or believe our insight. Some folks would rather live in the dark because of how much easier it is to live in ignorance, continually fueling the system as opposed to rewiring the planet. At the end of the day, however, if we love everyone unconditionally and shun the impulse that leads us to judging, we'd all come together as one loving society. Instead of being people separated by our labels, fears and ignorance.
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. And this one haha. Maybe even explain how to embed on an iPad so I domt have to ask anymore, otherwise I can't contribute with videos haha
I've definitely had those hopeless feelings lately which is what led me to take psilocybin. The experiences helped propel me along my path and allowed me to open my mind to different ideas and theories. I also do not consider natural substances to be drugs. Drugs are made in a lab. Marijuana, mushrooms, etc are naturally found in the wild. It's amazing to me that alcohol is legal and weed is illegal. Why? Because the powers that be do not want us to think differently. They want our minds to stay closed. They want us living paycheck to paycheck. They want us to be slaves to the matrix. They want us to destroy our physical selves and continue their plan to reduce the population of this planet. But why? Greed and the hunger for power is what I think. All this doom and gloom is okay because we, the contributors to this thread, will evolve if we continue on the path of love and light. My ultimate goal on the planet is to spread love and to question everything. There is much more depth to existence on earth than we are taught. I plan to go off the grid in the next 3-5 years and just live simply. I want a small farm to get the fuel my body needs. Might find me in some remote place by the sea somewhere that hasn't been industrialized.

The toughest challenge for me is to meet like minded people and to attract them into my life. I feel like you guys are my real allies, not my friends who want to hit the bar/club scene every weekend
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm

Great, now I won't be leaving the lair this weekend. Also, thanks for starting this thread. Personally this thread had been the catalyst that changed my life.

The other day I was pondering what if we planned check points prior to materializing in this reality. I've been coming to Niketalk/nike park since I was 12 years and am now 24. Say I never really was a sneaker fanatic but it was something I preplanned to bring me to this thread, this moment, this path of illumination.
Wizards, your friends who go to the club are your friends too. You have to keep in mind that you were once just like them. They are just still misguided. Misguided creatures capable of absolute love. They just haven't seen what they needed to see to open their minds. What opened your mind isn't the same thing that opened mine, know what I'm saying?

I'm 27 years old now and the truth has been around me my entire life just like everyone else, I just didn't notice it until 24 or 25 years of age. One day something just clicked.

People just have to somehow see it for themselves. Most aren't ready and most never will be. Because the system needs all of us. The sheep, the slave master and the revolutionary. That's why we need to crush the system.
Thanks for the help Johnny. I hope everyone can get something from the Sadhguru and McKenna videos I posted.

Halllywood, I posted those videos in hopes that you would watch them and sure enough you just confirmed it haha tremendous.
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