Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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there's definitely checkpoints or something. i'm a big believer in synchronicity, and i think it's becoming apparent that each of us here were connected over sneakers to see the greater picture.

i wish i reupped last night to watch these vids above, but i'm glad i didn't. i needed this morning/afternoon of clarity. i've spent too much time the past few months indulging in the physical, which isn't always a problem since the spirit does enjoy some of the quick fixes the physical brings, but it hasn't been anything that will raise my vibration and at the end of the day, it's too wasteful to continue upon that path. i'm starting to meditate again. that's really the key to my discipline. as soon as i take a hiatus, i gradually stop caring about what matters and let myself lie in a proverbial state of meh.

and no problem dude. that's always been the purpose of this thread. to open our eyes and become aware of what really matters on earth.

it's funny, though. if a bunch of dudes weren't flooding general at the time with random illuminati and conspiracy posts, i probably would've never made this thread. combining all of that stuff (and being bored and stoned) was one of the reasons why i decided to click the new thread button :nerd:
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I won't have a chance to watch these videos until later but thanks for posting.

I see Alex Supertramp (Emile Hirsch) as an image preview in one of the videos. That's a movie that's always had resonance with me. Just watched it again a week or two ago. My parents actually sat me down after they saw it the first time and told them to promise me I'd never do anything like this to them. And my sister is always telling me she's afraid I'm going to move out of the country one day and she won't see me any more. They've always known I'm an independent thinker that goes against the grain. I would never leave my family in the dark like he did if I made a big change. They are too important to me. But, it says something that they feel like I would do that :lol:
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Thanks for posting those videos up there JRS...I have been watching a lot of stuff from Dr.McKenna lately. I've tried mushrooms in the past and I have never had such a feeling of oneness with nature, it was an amazing experience...but that was when I was a lot younger, one day I hope to try DMT and I almost feel like I NEED to try it because I feel like my life changed the day I tried mushrooms and opened my mind up to a new way of thinking.
I feel like this entire thread is an amalgamation of various schools of thoughts. It's all regurgitation yet people are in here speaking as if they see the light. Don't get me wrong, i'm somewhat like you all, I think, some of this stuff resonates with me to a certain extent. But when i dwell on certain aspects of life and what it means I can't help but think that i'm just cherrypicking various things i've seen and read to help me deal with life or see it in a more pleasing way. It seems thats what everyone is doing in here as well. What is a matrix? What is oneness? What is love? These are all just concepts that have crept into the mainstream for whatever reason yet people interpret it as waking up. Matrix, the movie. Everyone who had "woken up" or was living "outside" the matrix, in that depressing world of the enlightened, were still dependent on the idea that there was a "one" and that Neo was the one to change everything and allow them a better life. Yet the entire prophecy of Neo and "the One" was created by the matrix itself as a form of controlled opposition. There was never any hope.

This is how I feel now. All this "waking up", all this spirituality, all this awareness. It's all just controlled opposition. It's too simple. Like, there was a backup plan all along for the people who were able to wake up from the matrix. They woke up to another matrix, or an extension of the original. Nobody is having original thought, everyone is following a carefully laid framework for "waking up". My feelings are that the matrix is broken or reached capacity or becoming less effective for whatever reason. I don't think it is feasible for some government or authority figure to shut down the entire global system, to change the way of the world so to speak. Instead they are just red pilling the hell out of everyone so we can all wake up to a new and improved, more efficient, more controlling matrix. Our guided hope is the vehicle for guided change.

I welcome all comments and thoughts on this as I've never really gotten any feedback on all these things running around in my brain. Please respond :tongue:
After searching for the "truth" i've come to accept that I know what makes me happy in life....and that's good enough for me.

I might never know if Aliens are real, if heaven is real, if god and good or evil exists, and im willing to die not ever knowing any truths of those things.

As long as I got my family, my laughter, and the ability to feed myself, im cool.
^ And that's exactly what I've been struggling with over the past couple of years. Since the beginning of this thread and my search for the greater truth I've been exposed to certain ideologies. I want to say once I took my first philosophy course in school about 3 years ago, I've started thinking outside the box. It's almost as if I became depressed though just learning about theories from all subjects and realizing that we're living in a matrix, a controlled one at that. I find this life to be pointless because it's all ruled by materialism, greed, and corruption and it's hard to separate one's self from all the noise and norm give in to all the materialism. It's hard to stay focused and continue to operate happily in the confined world we live in. I realize that it's all about the personal struggle and focusing on the self, but it's a HARD thing to do. I hope I make sense. I'm just wondering how most of you guys live with the truth and all the knowledge you've been exposed to? Because once you realize the world isn't what it's made out to be, you begin to realize we're living in a ****** world.

Things were probably easier when I was naive. Ignorance is bliss, sadly.

I deal with it by knowing I've got this all under my control, literally. I'm here typing this to you because I want to. The world didn't dictate this on me.

Mental freedom is the only true freedom.
I see your analogy and in fact like the masses Im bombarded with it daily and clearly recognize the very viruses you speak of. I posed my ? in such away that I could gather opinions/beliefs to compare with my own. However, your comment

"I do think achieving Christ like consciousness is possible through sobriety with a pure heart and pure mind."

is exactly the direction I wished to go. I have recently began the gradual process of omitting myself from certain aspects of society and throughout my studies of society and the tools that are used to enslave the people decided that removing myself is the sole way to go for me. I wish to eventually get to the point where I am maybe not totally isolated but self reliant at least and hopefully dwelling amongst those alike. Im just not sure yet how to do this without contradiction. For instance I wish to inform the masses of truth and virtue through art propaganda media etc yet I am unfamiliar how to do it on a mass scale without the internet and/or social media.

You basically explained everything I was getting at. Since my separation from these particlar aspects of society I have in the past few months attained more enlightenment self esteem appreciaton love and balance than I have ever experienced in my entire life. Im beginning to meet myself from within and words cant express the joy it brings. I def feel the words you speak.

I appreciate both of your input.
Is this just a thread of a bunch of hippies talking around the campfire, high on mushrooms/acid, a case of beer deep, looking up at the stars, ********?

Some of y'all really sound like some whiny idiots. We're just energy, just like everything else... Might as well be happy while the energy is in your body. Not much more to it. Y'all conspiracy theorists kill me :lol: Do what makes you happy. Period.

See ya at Wanee.
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This thread's what you make of it.

Some ideas may be a little out there, but at the end of the day, the concept of an airplane was out there before the Wright Brothers brought that idea to fruition.

Feel free to continue contributing to this thread, or questioning the material present. We're all in here to better understand our time on this planet.
I can see how some people think the direction of this thread is going in the neo hippy/new age direction, which id hate to see because of the stigma attached to it.

As far as people sharing their thoughts, I think it's just people bouncing ideas off one another saying hey this is what worked for me. This is one of the few threads on NT where maturity is usually maintained and there's an unspoken mutual respect. If
You aren't feeling it
"At the end of the day what you eat don't make me ****."

There really is no right answer for none of this. If you think the world is a terrible place to live and it's doom and gloom you're right.
If you think the world is great and the best place to live, your right.

Even if everyone is searching for the light, love, and it's becoming mainstream or what ever you wanna call it, I can't think of something better to go mainstream.

Hope no one took that personal.
This thread's what you make of it.

Some ideas may be a little out there, but at the end of the day, the concept of an airplane was out there before the Wright Brothers brought that idea to fruition.

Feel free to continue contributing to this thread, or questioning the material present. We're all in here to better understand our time on this planet.
Is this just a thread of a bunch of hippies talking around the campfire, high on mushrooms/acid, a case of beer deep, looking up at the stars, ********?

Some of y'all really sound like some whiny idiots. We're just energy, just like everything else... Might as well be happy while the energy is in your body. Not much more to it. Y'all conspiracy theorists kill me :lol: Do what makes you happy. Period.

See ya at Wanee.

Try keep your ignorance to the jb, yeezy thread, while this thread may contain certain theories and information proved to be false it also has a lot of enlightened truth and insights and grand knowledge, with some really cool contributors, your comment came off as rude and disrespectful to this thread, this is for open minded humble folk who want to listen research and cross examine, share and respect, not for insults and to undermine and make fun, thank you, hope you learned something.

Just copied and pasted this ^ felt applicable to you! stay out of the thread in future.
To share ideas and help, to free think and to communicate together is the soul of this thread, get involved or get out. :smh:
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Watched the pyramid piece last night.. What if these great creature used humans as labor for years then somehow they became cats. These alien transformors
I used to be one of those who would believe all these wild theories about ancient Egypt. But I began to really question a lot of these theorist after doing my own research. A lot of it is non-sense.

The stuff about aliens building the pyramids is tomfoolery. This is coming from someone who was all into Ancient Aliens and programs like that.

Africans built the pyramids. Case closed.

Look for a video Ancient Aliens debunked on YouTube. It kills all that foolishness.
I used to be one of those who would believe all these wild theories about ancient Egypt. But I began to really question a lot of these theorist after doing my own research. A lot of it is non-sense.

The stuff about aliens building the pyramids is tomfoolery. This is coming from someone who was all into Ancient Aliens and programs like that.

Africans built the pyramids. Case closed.

Look for a video Ancient Aliens debunked on YouTube. It kills all that foolishness.

Truth Man.

Don't wanna derail the thread, but there seems to be a reoccurring theme to downplay black people's contribution to this planet. White washing isnt sufficient any more, so introduce aliens, reptilians, "new age" spiritualism. I have my opinions on why.

Example being, you ever wondered why there's Egyptology but every other culture falls under Archaeology.
After searching for the "truth" i've come to accept that I know what makes me happy in life....and that's good enough for me.

I might never know if Aliens are real, if heaven is real, if god and good or evil exists, and im willing to die not ever knowing any truths of those things.

As long as I got my family, my laughter, and the ability to feed myself, im cool.

Word me too fam. Its starting to come along..slowly but surely im starting to understand my purpose.
I personally believe... and let me emphasis BELIEVE as this is mostly speculation. But I believe Egyptology was created because that is where the Romans, Greeks, Turks, etc got there knowledge from. With knowledge comes power and without Egyptian sciences and culture (which is a culmination of older African sciences) there is no Western Civilization as we know it.

It then becomes an enterprise to consolidate and interpret ancient Egyptian knowledge for the advancement of your civilization. Hence the creation of Egyptology...

But here comes the problem. In order to control the masses, one must replace the people who originally came up with the information. If the masses knew Africans had all this knowledge and wisdom, they would not seek enlightenment from the Western elite and the "gods" they have created. They would simply go to the source.
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