Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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^We've gone too far for any chance of equality now. Plus man's worst enemy of greed will keep it that way
But as humans do, they humanize everything so they had to humanize God.

Interesting stuff.

I guess it makes sense since they sun is the most powerful entitity on the plant. In terms of giving life.[/quote]/B].[/quote]
[COLOR=#red]Just sharing :pimp:[/COLOR]
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Watched that Collapse video. Decent stuff. If the economy fails, I'll be getting my Jesse Livermore on and short everything.

Random, but after the great market crash of 1907, JP Morgan financed brokers to save them from bankruptcy, and he sent a special envoy to get Livermore to stop shorting the market. Jesse made $3 million in one day by calling that crash, and $100 million as a result of calling the 1929 crash. Dude was on a different level.

Funny how back then they had bailouts...

I saw through Twitter about this and had to watch it. Bill Nye the Science Guy had a debate with Ken Ham. Here's the Youtube description

Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern, scientific era? Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham is joined at the Creation Museum by Emmy Award-winning science educator and CEO of the Planetary Society Bill Nye.

It's a classic Creation vs. Evolution debate

Results in spoiler, (more like my and most of Twitter's opinions)
Bill made him look stupid
Thank you for your contribution and recent posts gotholesinmysocks :smokin repped brother
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Put me on Zeitgeist....A brother told me to check it out, but I stopped 12:25 minutes in. Is it worth watching, I want to know if I should truly devote 2 hours to watching.
Put me on Zeitgeist....A brother told me to check it out, but I stopped 12:25 minutes in. Is it worth watching, I want to know if I should truly devote 2 hours to watching.

It's kind of bittersweet.

It exposes you to a lot of general conspiracies, but there's def a new age agenda passively pushed. If you're familiar with conspiracies in general I'd recommend looking elsewhere
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