Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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What I'd like to ask you guys is, why are the people you believe are in "the know" keep things like this a secret.

Why can't we all be enlightened if there's something after death?

Is there some type of afterlife capacity?

Because if we're all enlightened then guess what happens? we understand that we are all sovereign beings meaning we are above the rule of other mortal entities besides ourselves. With enlightenment comes the realization of the importance that every major religions core teaching resides in. The golden rule. doing unto others as we would have done to ourselves. If humanity understood that concept in the aggregate meaning together as a whole we would come to the realization that police/military/government/fear based religions are all OBSOLETE and in direct opposition of natural law. And bye bye control system bye bye slavery hello enlightened society of free thinkers with no egos or insecurities to hold them back from spiritual evolution.

So to answer your question that is why those "In the know" keep these types of things secret. The control system that they have in place over us being held in place by us at their whim would cease to exist. THEY would cease to exist so they can't let their precious little secrets out

As for the afterlife, I try not to speak on my personal beliefs too much but I look at it like this, this place is not what u think it is. If you're here now you've been given the opportunity to learn the lesson if not reincarnation is real and it is not a good thing. This is not where you wanna be. Once you return to the essence you wanna stay there because it's your rightful place. You are but a small breath of that essence. If u don't learn the lesson this time around your doomed to repeat the game until you do. The reason I feel this way is because of my experience with DMT. A few cats on here have done it and can probably relate. It was spoken of a few pages back
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Because if we're all enlightened then guess what happens? we understand that we are all sovereign beings meaning we are above the rule of other mortal entities besides ourselves. With enlightenment comes the realization of the importance that every major religions core teaching resides in. The golden rule. doing unto others as we would have done to ourselves. If humanity understood that concept in the aggregate meaning together as a whole we would come to the realization that police/military/government/fear based religions are all OBSOLETE and in direct opposition of natural law. And bye bye control system bye bye slavery hello enlightened society of free thinkers with no egos or insecurities to hold them back from spiritual evolution.

So to answer your question that is why those "In the know" keep these types of things secret. The control system that they have in place over us being held in place by us at their whim would cease to exist. THEY would cease to exist so they can't let their precious little secrets out

Ok but this world is finite right?

I can see that making sense if there was no spiritual enlightenment involved.

There would be no need for control if we where all in the know.
^i wouldn't say the world is finite the spiritual and physical realm share the same plain. The spiritual realm is simply intangible to the 5 human senses but we know it's there. How? It's the realm in which our emotions exist. U can't see fear or love but you know that they are real because u can feel them. They're there.
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Look at this EDM craze and how that music is crossing over into other genres now.

Look at all these songs glorifying molly, e, etc.

Dancing is an ancient form of ritual.

Using x + listening to EDM = you entering their world of ecstasy where nothing matters but the beat tearing up your mind and the drugs clouding your perception. Do enough of that and it becomes all you ever want to do—you've now been rerouted.

Music used to have meaning, but what is it now. Sounds derived from computers. Lyrics about sex, violence, prostitution, etc.
Look at this EDM craze and how that music is crossing over into other genres now.

Look at all these songs glorifying molly, e, etc.

Dancing is an ancient form of ritual.

Using x + listening to EDM = you entering their world of ecstasy where nothing matters but the beat tearing up your mind and the drugs clouding your perception. Do enough of that and it becomes all you ever want to do—you've now been rerouted.

Music used to have meaning, but what is it now. Sounds derived from computers. Lyrics about sex, violence, prostitution, etc.

A year ago i would just say you're reaching but i'm postive this is real. I went to my first edm festival in miami (btw, top 3 experiences of my life for yambs purposes) and its unreal the trance the people get it. Its lowkey eerie. Just crazy how many girls are down for ANYTHING once that music starts going.

not trying to turn anybody for or against masonry. But notice the OLD religion are all represented in the picture NOT ROMAN CATHOLIC.....

You have Christianity , Islam and Judaism. Three parts of a whole father son holy ghost also you have the it split in equal parts like the ruler ( like a measuring ruler) to divide Islam (night ) Christianity (Day) and Judaism( Twilight or stars)

Remember when Christ was born the wise men Magi visited because they study the stars but them name got TURNED to MAGIC which is wrong
Astrology is not the same as magic.

And in my opinion that's where it got lost . All three religion were based on astrology and all had a prophet to lead the correct people yet things changed with the roman catholic church made everything evil.....ONCE AGAIN THE SANTA CLAUSE

This is the real eastern star logo notice it has NOTHING to do with baphomet and the pentagon doesn't point down
Look at this EDM craze and how that music is crossing over into other genres now.

Look at all these songs glorifying molly, e, etc.

Dancing is an ancient form of ritual.

Using x + listening to EDM = you entering their world of ecstasy where nothing matters but the beat tearing up your mind and the drugs clouding your perception. Do enough of that and it becomes all you ever want to do—you've now been rerouted.

Music used to have meaning, but what is it now. Sounds derived from computers. Lyrics about sex, violence, prostitution, etc.

If you've ever checked out Masaru Emotos messages from water it touches on the importance of vibrational frequency and how it carries resonance through water via words with either a positive or negative intent behind them. The results are amazing. And I think this is an unknown aspect of our genetic makeup that is used against us through popular music. Our bodies are like 50 to 70% water. For those that listen to a lot of mainstream music without being aware of the effect it has on you imagine the barrage of negativity that's constantly being pumped through your subconscious and your vibrational being.

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Jacob ladder ....leading you from the earthly plane to salvation

Since you brought up Jacobs latter lets touch on that a little deeper by breaking down this 1st degree tracing board

The checkerboard floor represents the black and white reality of base consciousness where man resides. He's a pawn in the game to be positioned by the master who sees the whole board from above (a higher level of consciousness)

The object is to make it through the realm of duality by merging the left and right principles of consciousness represented by the pillars of strength (the sun the masculine) and beauty (the moon the feminine)

The middle pillar represents wisdom and the balance required between the masculine and feminine in order to become enlightened. The key to enlightenment is the mastery of this balance thus the key present in the middle of the ladder. You may not ascend without that key.

This is a depiction of mans journey from the physical world of darkness into higher consciousness

Notice the ladder is leaning towards the sun and AWAY from the moon ( the feminine )
Since you brought up Jacobs latter lets touch on that a little deeper by breaking down this 1st degree tracing board

The checkerboard floor represents the black and white reality of base consciousness where man resides. He's a pawn in the game to be positioned by the master who sees the whole board from above (a higher level of consciousness)

The object is to make it through the realm of duality by merging the left and right principles of consciousness represented by the pillars of strength (the sun the masculine) and beauty (the moon the feminine)

The middle pillar represents wisdom and the balance required between the masculine and feminine in order to become enlightened. The key to enlightenment is the mastery of this balance thus the key present in the middle of the ladder. You may not ascend without that key.

This is a depiction of mans journey from the physical world of darkness into higher consciousness

Notice the ladder is leaning towards the sun and AWAY from the moon ( the feminine )

those pillars are postioned wrong It should have the the sun in east WM and set in the west.
From a pure mason perspective its not leaning towards the sun as t get a from the femimine but from the darkness of not knowi what is to be man .
the black and white tiles represent the fact that everymove we make have a consequence of have good or bad effect. the master of a man is his soul and the pawn is the physical self and you hve to make the proper moves to get the victory of freeing you soul from the game. most people don't and end up as pawn locked in a stalemate of reincarnation.

Masonry you have to build yourself mentally because the physical does nothing to prepare you for the true enlightment.
^i concur with everything you said there there are multiple meanings for mostly everything in masonry as it is vastly complex. I definitely see that your taking the "lighter" perspective which is all good. But I wouldn't say that the pillars are incorrect. that board can be rotated onto it's left side and be broken down in a completely different way so the pillars are that way for a reason. Just like in some images u may see just the 2 pillars and not the 3. They 2 may be inverted in deferent depictions by perspective from within the temple looking out or from outside looking in. Masonry is highly complex and has many different factions so I'm not going to refute anything u mentioned. I did enjoy your explanation of that though.
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Man this page has me thinking hard. Wow.

I still dont understand the true reasoning behind a free mason though.
Jacobs ladder is a reference to the spine and how you have to raise the kundilini Energy through the chakras to your point of enlightenment which is the pineal gland

This is true as well. The eye on the tracing board represents the pineal gland. Cheers[emoji]127867[/emoji]
^i concur with everything you said there there are multiple meanings for mostly everything in masonry as it is vastly complex. I definitely see that your taking the "lighter" perspective which is all good. But I wouldn't say that the pillars are incorrect. that board can be rotated onto it's left side and be broken down in a completely different way so the pillars are that way for a reason. Just like in some images u may see just the 2 pillars and not the 3. They 2 may be inverted in deferent depictions by perspective from within the temple looking out or from outside looking in. Masonry is highly complex and has many different factions so I'm not going to refute anything u mentioned. I did enjoy your explanation of that though.

All good I hope I'm not coming off as high and mighty to anyone. In have 300 document alone about freemasonry. I'd post but some are 100-300 pages.
I accumulated knowledge as my place is senior warden in the lodge.
Btw 33rd degree is honorary .... based on service.
also my beef with Prince hall is that a lot of the lodge dont teach they make men mason s by sight to pump there numbers thus influencing dumb kids into an already tumultuous environment
Man this page has me thinking hard. Wow.

I still dont understand the true reasoning behind a free mason though.

Freemasonry is an allegorical tradition in which ultimately what is attempting to be conveyed to the initiate is an understanding of morality. and an understanding of natural law principles. This understanding is taught in an indirect way through a system of symbols allegory and rituals. That is what freemasonry is at it's essence.

What me and qbz are doing is attempting to distinguish the difference between true esoteric freemasonry and lodge masonry as it is practiced today it has been watered down and degraded over the years. Dark masonry is a perversion of true masonry being used as a weapon of suppression. I tend to explain things from the dark masons perspective as they are the ones who you should consider an enemy. "Know your enemy know yourself".
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things change when guy became SPECULATVE MASON VS OPERATIVE



I like the statement that people are unhappy because they never truly wanted the things they strive for. This is true in most cases. A good example of this would be manly p halls "success is the accomplishment of the necessary". This is why a lot of successful ppl feel a void in their life. A human being is designed with the inherent capability to raise it's consciousness level to a vibrational frequency that is in alignment with the Devine Law THAT WE ARE BOUND BY and not the laws of man. Why do u think time seems to be faster or slower at times? We live by the rules of man made mechanized time the 12:60 ratio but our human bodies are designed to live in balance with natural time which would be more accurately represented by the 13:20 ratio. The illusion of time is another method of manipulation. to quantify time and say that it is a physical thing we are keeping ourselves trapped in state of linear comprehension. Time is cyclical not linear. We are biologically geared to thrive in earths environment with the allotments nature provides.

Off top what is needed to sustain life here on earth for us human beings?

1) water. are we preserving our water? Guiding it wisely and protecting it? No. What are we doing with our water?

2) air. We need it to breathe. How are we treating the air we breathe on the daily? Chemtrails anyone? I live in la the pollution is pretty bad

3) food-sustenance, we need it to live. What are we doing with our food? Torturing and slaughtering millions of animals who suffer greatly and we ingest that energy. Vitamins are cynthisized and diluted into pills as if the natural form nature offers it to u in isn't good enough.

We are designed to thrive here. But we've completely lost touch with the biosphere in favor of living life by rule of the technosphere which operates in complete opposition of natural law. The dude in the video touched on this but from a satanic viewpoint

We share alot of the same views :pimp: :pimp:
Where are the nwo/e.t/cryptids/ghosts vids, guys?

Lookin at you especially, rhino/sleazy/plvn/bateman.
Might have a ghost vid taken by my little sisters roommate, interested to see what y'all think about it. Let me see if I can find it.
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