Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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I am sure this has been discussed dozens and DOZENS of times in here. But just throwing this out here

In short it is saying that "God" is essentially the Sun. And SUn worship was the original form of worship by man and everything today is an off-shoot of that. But as humans do, they humanize everything so they had to humanize God. Interesting stuff.

I guess it makes sense since they sun is the most powerful entitity on the plant. In terms of giving life.

Zeitgeist is complete BS...Allah God jesus etc told us not to worship the sun...
I'm gonna go ahead and post this vid with a disclaimer, I do not share this mans views nor do I take anything he says as gospel and neither should you. To blindly believe in something without doing your own research and fact checking would be a moral fallacy. My favorite quote by Einstein;

"Condemnation without investigation is the hight of ignorance."

Another by Aristotle

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"

That being said lets not throw the baby out with the bath water on this journey for truth use your intuition an common sense to decipher fact from fiction and knowledge from disinformation. This dude has some interesting info on masonry seems like a lot of you are curious about the subject and like videos so here u go...

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At the end of the day we're just like how they describe others in movies and television shows. We're not alone and we cant live forever.

With the talks about giant humans and the pollution in China,

When I heard about that... makes sense that if insects were bigger back then due to higher amounts of oxygen, it would be the same for other organisms. 

Lead to how I believe it will look within the next 100 years or so... 

Earth will lose everything it had. If Earth had stats, its OXY would be 10, declining from 50. 

anyone watch the futurama episode

where earth had to go to the sun for He because earth ran out, and the sun was gonna explode?
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its saturday night and you guys have me creeped 
very good stuff posted about masonary in recent pages. just sitting and absorbing it all. reps all about
Where are the nwo/e.t/cryptids/ghosts vids, guys?

Lookin at you especially, rhino/sleazy/plvn/bateman.

will come up with something...but for now...

Asian cave peoples looking more 'grey' than most...with alien info stored on discs...

photo circa 1947

the Dropa discs

(if i posted this already-it's been a while anyway)
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I'm gonna go ahead and post this vid with a disclaimer, I do not share this mans views nor do I take anything he says as gospel and neither should you. To blindly believe in something without doing your own research and fact checking would be a moral fallacy. My favorite quote by Einstein;

"Condemnation without investigation is the hight of ignorance."

Another by Aristotle

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"

That being said lets not throw the baby out with the bath water on this journey for truth use your intuition an common sense to decipher fact from fiction and knowledge from disinformation. This dude has some interesting info on masonry seems like a lot of you are curious about the subject and like videos so here u go...

Man so this guy was a 90th degree mason, a wiccan priest, a satanist priest, a catholic priest, a mormon elder, illuminati, church of satan....and now a born again christian. It's almost unbelievable the extent of stuff this guy is claiming he has seen. He seems to know what he is talking about and had documentation to back a lot of his claims up not that I know how genuine it is.

I think his other video Exposing The Illuminati From Within is an even better video where he explains how all these things he was involved in are intertwined and how once he started down the path of witchcraft as a young man it became like a search for more power and wisdom through getting deeper and deeper into satanism and the occult. He explains masonry as a mold which you can pour different substances into and come out with different variations of occultism. It's a very good watch, two parts.
^the part in the exposing the illuminati vid that was, I'm not gonna say mind blowing but intriguing to say the least was when he spoke about child abduction and ritual abuse. Alester crowley and his explanation of the eye on the dollar bill was disgusting..

But for this dude to really be involved in ALL of that stuff he mentioned I gotta believe he's tainted to a degree. He says some pretty wild stuff
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animals/creatures whose existence are suggested but not scientifically proven or recognized.

Also called "evasive species". The coelacanth was considered a cryptid for a while.
How can you ever know what kind of lodge or men you are joining masonry with? Seems like you'll never know until its too late.

And is there ANY info on shriners? I've looked for years and essential never find anything of substance. You can find york and scottish all day, but nothing of shriners.

Always thought it was interesting that a lot of the old awards shows were always at the Shrine Auditorium in LA.
Question about the Mason stuff. Is it safe to assume anyone making a boat load of money is a Mason? Specifically NBA players and/or athletes? Is it true that you HAVE to be part of those circles to be allowed to make all of that money?
what type of cryptids are you interested in? Land, water? Ancient, legendary, modern, etc?

i prefer tales of the Kraken - especially the ones describing them as rising islands over a mile in diameter & such

or giant dino birds like from Popeye the Sailor vs Sinbad the Sailor...
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^the part in the exposing the illuminati vid that was, I'm not gonna say mind blowing but intriguing to say the least was when he spoke about child abduction and ritual abuse. Alester crowley and his explanation of the eye on the dollar bill was disgusting..

But for this dude to really be involved in ALL of that stuff he mentioned I gotta believe he's tainted to a degree. He says some pretty wild stuff

I remember a number of years ago I read a post on a message board, a series of posts actually, really kinda incoherent, perhaps it was a foreigner. But this post was just pages and pages of old alchemical manuscripts and artwork and the op showed how it all alluded to pedophilias role in perfecting alchemy, the essence or life force or whatever they call it. It was a post where the op just rambled on for pages and no one really responded cause it was so scatter brained but it struck a chord with. I tried to look more into it but I could not find any other source for this type of information, no searches turned up anything. I was looking up all these paintings and documents he was posting and could not find anyone else anywhere talking about the things in this post up until I just watched that video. I wish I could find that post again, I think it was on GLP over 5 years ago probably. It makes you wonder about things like Boystown and the McMartin preschool.
If you like what I post in here be sure to watch and take note of these following videos.


1, 2 and 4 are of most importance in my opinion.
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