Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Still have't tried shrooms :smh:

Thought I had a connect, but he thought I was a cop, and never heard back from him again.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.—Albert Einstein

From Hallucinogenic Fungi of Mexico
by Robert Gordon Wasson
I do not recall which of us, my wife or I, first dared to put into words back in the forties the surmise that our own remote ancestors, perhaps 4000 years ago, worshipped a divine mushroom.

In the fall of 1952 we learned that the 16th century writers, describing the Indian cultures of Mexico, had recorded that certain mushrooms played a divine role in the religion of the natives.

The so-called mushroom stones really represented mushrooms, and that they were the symbol of a religion, like the cross in the Christian religion or the star of Judea or the crescent of the Moslems.

Thus we find a mushroom in the center of the cult with perhaps the longest continuous history in the world.

We have found this cult of the divine mushroom a revelation, in the true meaning of that abused word, though for the Indians it is an everyday feature, albeit a holy mystery, of their lives.

There are no apt words to characterize your state when you are, shall we say, "Bemushroomed."

Whåt wë ñèéd î§ å vøçåßµlãr¥ tø dë§[emoji]169[/emoji]ríþê ªll thë mºdålïtïê§ ðf å dïvïñë ïñéþrïåñt.

What we need is a vocabulary to describe all the modalities of a divine inebriant. These difficulties in communicating have played their part in certain amusing situations. Two psychiatrists who have taken the mushroom and known the experience in its full dimensions have been criticized in professional circles as being no longer "objective."

Thus we are all divided into two classes: those who have taken the mushroom and are disqualified by our subjective experience and those who have not taken the mushroom and are disqualified by their total ignorance of the subject.

I am profoundly grateful to my Indian friends for having initiated me into the tremendous mystery of the mushroom.

Of alcohol they speak with the same jocular vulgarity that we do. But about mushrooms they prefer not to speak at all, at least when they are in company and especially when strangers, white strangers, are present.

Then, when evening and darkness come and you are alone with a wise old man or woman whose confidence you have won, by the light of a candle held in the hand and talking in a whisper, you may bring up the subject.

They are never exposed in the marketplace but pass from hand to hand by prearrangement.

The Aztecs before the Spanish arrived called them Teonanacatl, God's flesh. I need hardly remind you of a disquieting parallel, the designation of the elements in our Eucharist:

"Take, eat, this is my body ...", and again, "Grant us therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of Thy dear son..."
The orthodox Christian must accept by faith the miracle of the conversion of the bread into God's flesh: That is what is meant by the Doctrine of Transubstantiation.

By contrast, the mushroom of the Aztecs, carries its own conviction; every communicant will testify to the miracle that he has experienced.
In the language of the Mazatecs the sacred mushrooms are called 'nti si tho. The first word, 'nti, is a particle expressing reverence and endearment. The second element means "that which springs forth."

"The little mushroom comes of itself, no one knows whence, like the wind that comes we know not whence nor why."

For more than four centuries the Indians have kept the divine mushroom close to their hearts, sheltered from desecration by white men, a precious secret.

We know that today there are many curanderos who carry on the cult, each according to his lights, some of them consummate artists, performing the ancient liturgy in remote huts before miniscule congregations.

They are hard to reach, these curanderos.

Do not think that it is a question of money.

Perhaps you will learn the names of a number of reknown curanderos, and your emissaries will even promise to deliver them to you, but then you wait and wait and they never come.

You will brush past them in the marketplace, they will know you, but you will not know them.

The judge in the town hall may be the very man you are seekng: And you may pass the time of day with him, yet never learn that he is your curandero.

After all, would you have it any different? What priest of the Catholic Church will perform mass to satisfy an unbeliever's curiosity?

Religion in primitive society was an awesome reality, "terrible" in the original meaning of the word, pervading all life and culminating in ceremonies that were forbidden to the profane.

Let me point out certain parallels between our Mexican rite and the mystery performed at Eleusis.

At the heart of the mystery of Eleusis lay a secret. In the surviving texts there are numerous references to the secret, but in none is it revealed.

From the writings of the Greeks, from a fresco in Pompeii, we know that the initiate drank a potion.

Then, in the depths of the night, he beheld a great vision, and the next day he was still so awestruck that he felt he would never be the same man as before.

What the initiate experienced was "new, astonishing, inaccessible to rational cognition."

It also seems significant that the Greeks were wont to refer to mushrooms as "the food of the gods," broma theon, and that Porphyrius is quoted as having called them "nurslings of the gods," Theotrophos.

They were not for mortal man to eat, at least not every day. We might be dealing with what was in origin a religious tabu...

I do not suggest that St. John of Patmos ate mushrooms in order to write the book of Revelation.

Yet the succession of images in his vision, so clearly seen but such a phantasmagoria, means for me that he was in the same state as one bemushroomed.

The advantage of the mushroom is that it puts many (if not everyone) within reach of this state without having to suffer the mortifications of Blake and St. John.

It permits you to see, more clearly than our perishing mortal eye can see, vistas beyond the horizons of this life, to travel backwards and forwards in time. To enter other planes of existence, even (as the Indians say) to know God.

All that you see during this night has a prisine quality: the landscape, the edifices, the carvings, the animals - they look as though they had come straight from the Maker's workshop.

This newness of everything - it is as if the world had just dawned - overwhelms you and melts you with its beauty.

All these things you see with an immediacy of vision that leads you to say to yourself, "Now I am seeing for the first time, seeing direct, without the intervention of mortal eyes."
It is clear to me where Plato found his ideas. It was clear to his contemporaries too. Plato had drunk of the potion in the Temple of Eleusis and had spent the night seeing the great vision.

And all the time you are seeing these things, the priestess sings, not loud but with authority.

Your body lies in the darkness, heavy as lead, but your spirit seems to soar and leave the hut, and with the speed of thought to travel where it wishes in time and space, accompanied by the shaman's singing and by the ejaculations of her percussive chant.

What you are seeing and what you are hearing appears as one:

The music assumes harmonious shapes, giving visual form to its harmonies, and what you are seeing takes on the modalities of music - the music of the spheres.

All your senses are similarly affected:
The cigarette with which you occasionally break the tension of the night smells as no other cigarette before had ever smelled. The glass of water is infinitely better than champagne.

The bemushroomed person is poised in space, a disembodied eye, invisible, incorporeal, seeing but not seen.
In truth, he is the five senses disembodied, all of them keyed to the height of sensitivity and awareness, all of them blending into one another most strangely, until the person, utterly passive, becomes a pure receptor, infinitely delicate, of sensations.

As your body lies there in its sleeping bag, your soul is free, loses all sense of time, alert as it never was before, living an eternity in a night, seeing infinity in a grain of sand.

What you have seen and heard is cut as with a burin into your memory, never to be effaced.

At last you know what the ineffable is and what ecstasy means.

The mind harks back to the origin of that word. For the Greeks ekstasis meant the flight of the soul from the body. I can find no better word to describe the bemushroomed state.

In common parlance, among the many who have not experienced ecstasy, ecstasy is fun, and I am frequently asked why I do not reach for mushrooms every night.

But ecstasy is not fun. Your very soul is seized and shaken until it tingles.

After all, who will chose to feel undiluted awe, or to float through that door yonder into the divine presence?

The unknowing abuse the word, but we must recapture its full and terrifying sense.

As man emerged from his brutish past, thousands of years ago, there was a stage in the evolution of his awareness when the discovery of a mushroom (or perhaps a higher plant) with miraculous properties was a revelation to him, a veritable detonator to his soul, arousing in him sentiments of awe and reverence, and gentleness and love, to the greatest pitch of which mankind is capable, all those sentiments and virtues that mankind has ever since regarded as the highest attributes of his kind.

It made him see what the perishing mortal eye cannot see. The Greeks were right to hedge about the mystery, this imbibing of the potion, with secrecy and surveillance.

What today is resolved into the effects of a mere drug, a tryptamine or lysergic acid derivative, was for them a prodigious miracle, inspiring in them poetry and philosophy and religion.

Perhaps with all our modern knowledge we do not need the divine mushroom any more. Perhaps we need them more than ever.

Some are shocked that the key to religion might be reduced to a drug.

On the other hand, the drug is as mysterious as it ever was: Like the wind it cometh we know not whence nor why.

If our classical scholars were given the opportunity to attend the rite at Eleusis, to talk with the priestess, they would exchange anything for that chance.

They would approach the precincts, enter the hallowed chamber with the reverence born of the texts venerated by scholars for millennia.

And what would be their frame of mind if they were invited to partake of the potion?

Well, those rites take place now, unbeknownst to the classical scholars, in scattered dwellings, humble, thatched, without windows, far from the beaten track.

If it is the rainy season, perhaps the mystery is accomplished by torrental rains and punctuated by terrifying thunderbolts.

Then, indeed, as you lie there bemushroomed, listening to the music and seeing visions, you know a soul-shattering experience, recalling as you do the belief of some primitive peoples that mushrooms, the sacred mushrooms, are divinely engendered by Jupiter Fulminans, the god of the lightning bolt, in the soft mother earth.

From Hallucinogenic Fungi of Mexico
by Robert Gordon Wasson
“The road to transcendence is traveled via intuitive thinking, which may also be called nonlinear or nondeterministic thinking. Whereas deterministic thinking proceeds from the old to generate the new, meaning the new is just an extension of the old and therefore not new at all, intuitive thinking allows one to feel out the new and revise the old so that previous assumptions are overturned to become extensions of the new. Intuitive thinking is therefore the only way to reliably come up with anything truly new because it gives you newfound vision.”

Excerpt From: Montalk. “Transcending the Matrix Control System.”
“The road to transcendence is traveled via intuitive thinking, which may also be called nonlinear or nondeterministic thinking. Whereas deterministic thinking proceeds from the old to generate the new, meaning the new is just an extension of the old and therefore not new at all, intuitive thinking allows one to feel out the new and revise the old so that previous assumptions are overturned to become extensions of the new. Intuitive thinking is therefore the only way to reliably come up with anything truly new because it gives you newfound vision.”

Excerpt From: Montalk. “Transcending the Matrix Control System.”
wow, is it transcending if i found this intuitive since i've learned that there's such a think as nonlinear thoughts? Because this excerpt blown my mind
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger thank you brother :smokin I've ran out of reps, ill get you on the refresh

Remember never stop asking questions.

The Contents of Your Daily Life


The Contents of Your Daily Life

How many hours a day do you spend in front of a television screen?
A computer screen? Behind an automobile windscreen? All three screens combined? What are you being screened from? How much of your life comes at you through a screen, vicariously? Is watching things as exciting as doing things? Do you have enough time to do all the things that you want to? Do you have enough energy to? Why? And how many hours a day do you sleep? How are you affected by standardized time, designed solely to synchronize your movements with those of millions of other people? How long do you ever go without knowing what time it is? Who or what controls your minutes and hours? The minutes and hours that add up to your life? Are you saving time? Saving it up for what? Can you put a value on a beautiful day, when the birds are singing and people are walking around together? How many dollars an hour does it take to pay you to stay inside and sell things or file papers? What can you get later that will make up for this day of your life?

How are you affected by being in crowds, by being surrounded by anonymous masses? Do you find yourself blocking your emotional responses to other human beings? And who prepares your meals? Do you ever eat by yourself? Do you ever eat standing up? How much do you know about what you eat and where it comes from? How much do you trust it? What are we deprived of by labor-saving devices? By thought-saving devices? How are you affected by the requirements of efficiency, which place value on the product rather than the process, on the future rather than the present, the present moment that is getting shorter and shorter as we speed faster and faster into the future? What are we speeding towards? Are we saving time? Saving it up for what? How are you affected by being moved around in prescribed paths, in elevators, buses, subways, escalators, on highways and sidewalks? By moving, working, and living in two- and three-dimensional grids? How are you affected by being organized, immobilized, and scheduled rather than wandering, roaming freely and spontaneously? Scavenging? (Shoplifting?)

How much freedom of movement do you have--freedom to move through space, to move as far as you want, in new and unexplored directions? And how are you affected by waiting? Waiting in line, waiting in traffic, waiting to eat, waiting for the bus, waiting to urinate--learning to punish and ignore your spontaneous urges? How are you affected by holding back your desires? By sexual repression, by the delay or denial of pleasure, starting in childhood, along with the suppression of everything in you that is spontaneous, everything that evidences your wild nature, your membership in the animal kingdom? Is pleasure dangerous? Could danger be joyous?

Do you ever need to see the sky? (Can you see many stars in it any more?) Do you ever need to see water, leaves, foliage, animals? Glinting, glimmering, moving? Is that why you have a pet, an aquarium, houseplants? Or are television and video your glinting, glimmering, moving? How much of your life comes at you through a screen, vicariously? If your life was made into a movie, would you watch it? How do you feel in situations of enforced passivity? How are you affected by a non-stop assault of symbolic communication--audio, visual, print, billboard, video, radio, robotic voices--as you wander through a forest of signs? What are they urging upon you? Do you ever need solitude, quiet, contemplation? Do you remember it? Thinking on your own, rather than reacting to stimuli? Is it hard to look away? Is looking away the very thing that is not permitted? Where can you go to find silence and solitude? Not white noise, but pure silence? Not loneliness, but gentle solitude? How often have you stopped to ask yourself questions like these? Do you find yourself committing acts of symbolic violence? Do you ever feel lonely in a way that words cannot even express? Do you sometimes feel yourself ready to LOSE CONTROL?

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Soren Kierkegaard | "People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."

Once upon a time there was a small blue-green orb floating in a vast sea of emptiness.


Now there were many orbs afloat within this infinite ocean of darkness. Huge flaming ones; small cold ones; Even some with the weight of many large ones, yet so tiny, one could barely see them. But this was a very special orb, for it had something few of the other orbs had. It had life.

For countless years it was a happy ball, this blue-green orb. All the various forms of life that thrived danced to the same music. The tree people swayed to it in the gentle breezes. The fish people swam to it in the warm waters. The bird people glided to it in the cool air.

And all the different peoples danced in this ballet of life. The Sun, like some great orchestra leader, kept the beat going. For it was the awesome power of the Sun that sustained the music through the beat of it's ever-present warmth and light.

But then there arose a different group of people. They called themselves the "Smart People" and after awhile decided that they were too good to dance to the music of the Sun. They felt that since they were more cunning than their fellow peoples, that they, and not the sun, should choose not only the beat of the music, but the tune as well.

And so they started playing their own tunes, for their own benefit with total disregard to the other peoples that lived on the orb.

The Sun continued to play on, and the other peoples maintained their place in this great ballet of life, and left their discordant brethren to themselves. They felt that since these other people did not interfere with their dance, why worry? The Sun will provide.

Soon it became all too obvious that these people did not share this same view, and before too long, these "Smart" people started forcing the other people to dance to their new music. Those that refused had the precious gift of life stolen from them by the others. Others grew frightened and decided to dance to the music of these strange people.

Pretty soon, it came to pass that these peoples' music grew so loud and discordant, that those on the orb that tried to continue the dance of the Sun, could no longer hear the original music, and so they perished from the orb forever.

Now even the people who played the new music could not decide upon a common tune, so they began to argue amongst themselves, and danced to many different tunes, all of which claimed to be the "one and only" tune to dance to. Finally they divided up into different groups and decided to fight one another to decide once and for all which tune to dance to.

For countless years they fought one another, and many lost their lives, until a person from one of the groups looked toward the bright spot through the clouds of smoke that hid the Sun. You see, this person was considered to be one of the smarter of these people, and was looked upon by his fellows as a great thinker.

This person realized that if one could copy the life-giving power of the Sun and concentrate this power in a small area, they alone could call the tune. So they made a terrible weapon that perverted this great power. Instead of nurturing life, the music was now made to destroy life. And they used it on their brothers and sisters.

They said "We alone have the only true tune, and all must dance to it!." But soon yet another small group of these people arose and loudly proclaimed: "We too control the music of the Sun, and our tune is better!." So the first group made a bigger Sun-weapon, and the others countered with an even bigger one.

This went on and on until both groups possessed the power to destroy the little orb many times over. But both sides were afraid to use these powerful weapons on each other for fear of destroying themselves at the same time.

The great thinker from the first group of these discordant people stepped forward and proudly announced: "We have now made a Sun-weapon that will destroy only your people and nothing else, so that we can dance to our music in your house!." Of course it was only a matter of time before the other group made a weapon similar to the first group.

So back and forth it went; move and counter-move as the balance of terror tried to equal out.

Now all this time both groups had created machines to take care of their weapons, not trusting even themselves to this delicate task.

It came to pass that one day the Sun rose brighter than it had in many years. Upon seeing the Sun in it's full splendor, a person entrusted to over see these mighty machines heard the music of the Sun for the first time. Just by hearing the strange and wonderful music filled him with awe and wonder: then joy and happiness: and finally he was driven by an unquenchable urge to dance to this true music of the Sun.

But being momentarily blinded by the life of the Sun, he failed to watch where he danced. And by bumping into the death-machine, he unknowingly unleashed his people's entire arsenal of Sun-weapons. Now the other people upon seeing their impending doom, set into motion a similar fate for their foes, so that no one would be left to live in their homes.

All over the little orb these new Sun-weapons systematically extinguished the life fires of both remaining groups. But all the other people had been left unaffected, since both groups looked upon all the other people as "property," and so had built their weapons to eliminate only The Smart People, and it was most efficient.

All the remaining people, hearing no other tune but the music of the Sun, finally were able to resume the Dance of Life, and the blue-green orb once again sparkled in the Sun's eye. The beat goes on.

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As an entity goes through the death process in third density and finds itself in time/space, it finds itself in a different set of circumstances. Would you please describe the properties or circumstances of time/space and then the process of healing of incarnative experiences that some entities encounter?

Although this query is difficult to answer adequately due to the limitations of your space/time sound vibration complexes, we shall respond to the best of our ability.

The hallmark of time/space is the inequity between time and space. In your space/time the spatial orientation of material causes a tangible framework for illusion. In time/space the inequity is upon the shoulders of that property known to you as time. This property renders entities and experiences intangible in a relative sense. In your framework each particle or core vibration moves at a velocity which approaches what you call the speed of light from the direction of supraluminal velocities.

Thus the time/space or metaphysical experience is that which is very finely tuned and, although an analog of space/time, lacking in its tangible characteristics. In these metaphysical planes there is a great deal of what you call time which is used to review and re-review the biases and learn/teachings of a prior, as you would call it, space/time incarnation.

The extreme fluidity of these regions makes it possible for much to be penetrated which must needs be absorbed before the process of healing of an entity may be accomplished. Each entity is located in a somewhat immobile state much as you are located in space/time in a somewhat immobile state in time. In this immobile space the entity has been placed by the form-maker and higher self so that it may be in the proper configuration for learn/teaching that which it has received in the space/time incarnation.

Depending upon this time/space locus there will be certain helpers which assist in this healing process. The process involves seeing in full the experience, seeing it against the backdrop of the mind/body/spirit complex total experience, forgiving the self for all missteps as regards the missed guideposts during the incarnation and, finally, the careful assessment of the next necessities for learning. This is done entirely by the higher self until an entity has become conscious in space/time of the process and means of spiritual evolution at which time the entity will consciously take part in all decisions.

Struggling with what this all means. I honestly try to dig deeper and be into the stuff I see posted in here in order to receive some understanding but I always end up even questioning that. I'm just frustrated and feel like it's all a big cluster f, even those who claim to be "enlightened" like who says that's the truth? What if I'm "enlightened" and all that **** is wrong and I'm barking up the wrong tree? Just sharing a few thoughts, in my eyes there is no God at least not a benevolent one. I'm rambling but I'm just lost out here, I know that I need to detox myself from all this worldly poison but it's hard to when there's no specific direction for me to follow.
Struggling with what this all means. I honestly try to dig deeper and be into the stuff I see posted in here in order to receive some understanding but I always end up even questioning that. I'm just frustrated and feel like it's all a big cluster f, even those who claim to be "enlightened" like who says that's the truth? What if I'm "enlightened" and all that **** is wrong and I'm barking up the wrong tree? Just sharing a few thoughts, in my eyes there is no God at least not a benevolent one. I'm rambling but I'm just lost out here, I know that I need to detox myself from all this worldly poison but it's hard to when there's no specific direction for me to follow.

This is how i fee,l regarding this subject. There is so much BS out here who knows what's true.
There Are No Reasons
Journey Into Savagery

There are no reasons, rationals, or excuses.
It cannot be explained, and refuses to answer questions.
It will defend itself, viciously, against all attacks.
It wants to be there.
To find its weak spots, its sensitive areas, we must try to understand how it became so tremendous. We must know its patterns, its rationals and defenses. We must be able to locate its roots, and destroy their infectious footing.

It's tricky and deceitful, so let's be careful, for we cannot be sure when it might turn around and maim us.

It's somewhat worm-like, at least in its initial stages: small, sleazy, vulnerable and somehwat innocent seeming. It will crawl through your ears when you're down or confused. It will slither deep into your brain, growing now, for it has shelter and space to move. It will consume you and your energy, leaving you barely enough to survive.

As the days pass, it will become enormous, gaining structure and texture. It will no longer be worm-like and discrete. It will thrive on visibility, it will jump on any chance. It has to announce itself, to glorify itself or to defend itself. It will speak through your mouth, and you will listen through its ears. You will see through its eyes, and you will feel through its organs. You will become it, or it will become you. It will give you reference, reason and ideas. It will control you. You will be tied within its boundaries. You will think, speak and act the way it wants you to. You will rattle your bars or pound on the walls, and it will laugh at your frustration, snickering, knowing that it has dominated you. There are no ways out, but...

We will save you from your defeat, we will free you from your bondage and show you how to avoid the repetition of this agony.

There is only one effective weapon against this beast which is unmatched in its strength and impeccable in its purity.

We call this weapon desire. We have learned of it through learning about ourselves. We have found that we've always been capable of weilding its power, but that we had neglected it and lost sight of its glory. The fluidity of desire's form became intangible to us. We had lost an understanding of its form through our obsession with form. We forgot about desire and pretended as if it was never there.

But luckily, we sensed our own poverty and looked deep inside ourselves, knowing that something was wrong. What we found disturbed us profoundly. We found that alien beast, ruling and running us, with the utmost in cruelty and sterility. And hidden within the tyrannical labyrinths of this monster, we found desire, struggling to survive, desperately seeking release from its choking hold.

In desire we found a piece of ourselves we had repressed so long ago, we felt comforted, as if we had regained a bit of our youthful energy. We rejoiced in its beauty. But we were desperate, because we knew that if desire was not freed from the clutches of the beast, it would recede into the nowhere land of lost hopes, and we would no longer be able to enjoy its flourishing company.

Frantically, we gave all our energy to desire. We pushed, shoved and shouted until desire was able to break free. We helped desire, and in its beautiful purity it extinguished the alien influence of the beast once and for all. Ideology, that's what we like to call the beast, ran with its tail between its legs, deep into oblivion: Never to be seen near us again.

Since those days of conflict, desire has regained its health and found comrades of suitable quality. It has taught how to love, discriminate and respect. We urge you to enhance the richness of your life with desire, to trust desire, TO TRUST YOUR DESIRES.
This is how i fee,l regarding this subject. There is so much BS out here who knows what's true.

Its not a about finding a "truth" so to say cause just about everything in the world is subjective besides a select few things death which is pretty much a sure thing. Every one in the world that lives in parts where they are given the oppurtunity to make choices, be it from within laws setup by overseers or other wise. Everyone is out on their on personal journey. Its all about finding your truths and ideals. How ever it is you come to whatever views or conclusions you make is on you. Be it from your own mind, some form of drug or psychedelic, religion or political view. The only thing i can say that probably many will agree with as something to live by is dont harm others, love, learn and live. Thats sort of an okay and simple to understand foundation. Not easy to execute that depends on you, but go from that and youll be alright.
This is how i fee,l regarding this subject. There is so much BS out here who knows what's true.

Its not a about finding a "truth" so to say cause just about everything in the world is subjective besides a select few things death which is pretty much a sure thing. Every one in the world that lives in parts where they are given the oppurtunity to make choices, be it from within laws setup by overseers or other wise. Everyone is out on their on personal journey. Its all about finding your truths and ideals. How ever it is you come to whatever views or conclusions you make is on you. Be it from your own mind, some form of drug or psychedelic, religion or political view. The only thing i can say that probably many will agree with as something to live by is dont harm others, love, learn and live. Thats sort of an okay and simple to understand foundation. Not easy to execute that depends on you, but go from that and youll be alright.

Agree with everything said here. Your truth is within. I believe each of us is here to fulfill a destiny or learn a lesson but we have forgotten where we came from or what we came for. When we were incarnated we were given a "clean slate". Unlocking some of the potential of your mind will help you along your journey and follow/listen to your heart. Pay attention to omens and the feedback you get in life
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