Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Bros yesturday took another trip with one of my boys and went to two parks and i learned so much and had one of the most amazing experiences ever. There are no words to describe the feelings. I haven't gone through all the stuff @evil deal posted about psychedelics but now i understand why its said that the possibly the only rule to follow is set and setting. Understanding that now it is the most important thing. I felt and understand now when people say that certain places have a their own life and feelings and vibrations. The first park i went to is was a former army base and while i wasnt tripping hard there i got all the vibes of the place after seeing some old broken houses and just the fact that it was an army and war related i wasnt feeling and pretty much got what i could from it. I will say that vibes like that offer and teach many things, just because it was a place of war and violence there are many teachings to be learned and i felt that i got them right away. My and my friend then went to another park and just were walking around and talking, and just bouncing a bunch of opinions back and forth and understandings, i eventually found a big grass field and just layed back and looked at the sky, and saw all of the earths small little particle cells that are flying around, and looking at the sky and the trees and just all the life that exist around us. Familys playing and having a good time with their kids and just pure happyness and love and positive vibes it was just amazing. The one thing i will say is for anyone going on a trip take those things into consideration of set and setting, and bring a recording device with you if your with a friend and record all the conversations you have a after your trip listen back to them several times, you'll be surprised at the amount of knowledge and understanding that comes through during a trip and figure out alot about yourself in the process and help become a better person. All i can say is that things will get better bros i know it it may not be in the incarnation of us right now that is living in the bodies in which we are at the moment but everything is gonna be alright. All you gotta do is live, love and learn. Peace bros.
Copied from ATS

The year is 2000, a day before 911 ( for effect )
This are the only countries without a rothschild central bank system.

North Korea

Fast forward to 2011

North Korea

Only the too close to bomb or truly sovereign countries exist. NATO and America will demonize and follow any orders the rothschild cabal commands.
Copied from ATS

The year is 2000, a day before 911 ( for effect )
This are the only countries without a rothschild central bank system.

Fast forward to 2011

North Korea

Only the too close to bomb or truly sovereign countries exist. NATO and America will demonize and follow any orders the rothschild cabal commands.

Through my years of research on the matter.. It appears the "Rothschild Family" is at the helm of it all (my opinion). Well, right below the Jesuit Order. This family handles the lower vibration matters: Wars, Currencies, Governments etc..The physical. And the Jesuits: Illusions, The spiritual matters, things not seen, the "forces" so to speak. With this duality of physical and spiritual, the entire Earth is in the palms of a small group of people, in comparison to masses (well duh).

I just googled "Jesuits" and I would say something like this (in my opinion) is how the power structure is


Anyway, in regards to that Central Bank stuff you posted hallywood, Iran is the sleeping giant. :nerd:
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I think he means that Iran is the big Kahuna in the oil industry. They control the entire straight. Once we take that it's game over.
Copied from ATS

The year is 2000, a day before 911 ( for effect )
This are the only countries without a rothschild central bank system.

North Korea

Fast forward to 2011

North Korea

Only the too close to bomb or truly sovereign countries exist. NATO and America will demonize and follow any orders the rothschild cabal commands.

This is the underlie that can keep me up at night, without sleep,
Then I think logically(programmed maybe) that this is a problem so far from my families front door....when it's time for the real fight, it will be because of inevitable situations that force me to fight, at this time, right affects me little so I choose to let it be, not to fight. So it's hard to rebel, against the things that shape my way of happyness. Change will come, and in a major way far beyond any thing I control, right?
Then I will fight!
Man, my struggle within leaves me with this...

Control the things you can, and forget about those things that you can't
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Man C.Magneto C.Magneto you've got me thinking again with that 1 little post. That 1 post man.
Trying to find a new answer for a question that I already know the answer to was something I did for such a long time because I didn't notice that I had solved the problem, I won't out think myself this time because I'm embraced by a stronger Love that will encompass greed and power, I'm freed at mind and that's all that matters.
I used to want to save everyone and bring them to understanding, now I realize that being a living example of care and carelessness is the biggest testimony and speaks louder than words. "Why are you so happy?" is what people often ask me.
I'm winning already if they can ask me this, and without saying a word first, I'm living it, and talking about it after, only
Having similar thoughts as @a-friend Seeing things like that and just keeping a bit of awareness to the world, but also seeing it all through a new mind is a crazy struggle. A part of me says that it is a normal struggle because wiping so many years of what i consider now pure bs and seeing the world through the lens after is an enourmous shock to the system. I don't know if everyone that involves themselve's in the elevating of the mind be it through psychedelics or meditation or whatever other form go through alot of the realizations that i did, but it can get really hard to accept for many that almost everything they thought and have been taught in a form is bs. I like to play devil's advocate in many situations just because that's how my thinking has always been. But after the mind cleaning i've had it is nearly impossible to find plausible arguments to support almost any of the things that go on in our crazy world. I try to find ways to see if im capable of understanding the prespective the decision makers, to see if maybe just maybe there is something of sensible substance to some of the decisions and actions of the powers that be, but i just can't do it. With all the stories of the insanity that is so many of the systems which have control over just about every aspect of our lives, all the nonsensical laws, the outright buying out of politicians to vote for or against laws, that serve of no benefit to anybody but the corporations. How does one find reason in all these actions. I force myself to not waste anytime on trying to see or attempting to believe that the ones with the final say care about anybody but themselves and the others that all inflate their pockets together. I know that there are well intentioned people in these sectors that probably try and fight for a honest better tomorrow but, the overwhelming majority of the system it's self is filled and operates with plain and obvious corruption. I know that alot of this stuff isn't exclusive to the US, it's an entire world thing, but i wonder if the level of effery is highest here, then anywhere else. Can any of these nonsense be anything other then pure effery and greed ?.
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Brethen no need to stress. I posted that info just as some Gee wiz stuff. If you put your self value in terms of money, a central bank system is something that could get you riled up. We're infinite, the little games they are playing down here aint about nothing. None of it is working. It's all a sham and if any of it was working they wouldnt be trying to come up with so many other things to mind control us. I know it's tough seeing other people go through it but all of this is a process. The pineal gland is the philosophers stone. metaphorically speaking, it takes many lives to make this transformation of lead to gold. The good thing about it is you've got infinity to figure it out.
Brethen no need to stress. I posted that info just as some Gee wiz stuff. If you put your self value in terms of money, a central bank system is something that could get you riled up. We're infinite, the little games they are playing down here aint about nothing. None of it is working. It's all a sham and if any of it was working they wouldnt be trying to come up with so many other things to mind control us. I know it's tough seeing other people go through it but all of this is a process. The pineal gland is the philosophers stone. metaphorically speaking, it takes many lives to make this transformation of lead to gold. The good thing about it is you've got infinity to figure it out.

I was going to write a long piece trying to elaborate more on that last post, but after reading this post several times saw that it would be for nothing. Im learning that alot of the people of elevated thinking just get it. It's fun to discuss the new found learnings but many times the ego tries to pull you back to lines of questioning what you now know just to distrupt and learning to keep that in check is an amazing feeling. I will say though having a network of others for moments when some slippage maybe going on to just read or hear something to remind you of the real is the greatest thing that can exist. Thanks for this post Brother.
@Will0827  no problem man. The ego is the devil.

Check out the movie "A thousand words" by eddie murphy. It's corny, but will put the ego into perspective and make you realize how much time we waste talking to others trying to convince ourselves of something. 

  "In the West, there are many schools of psychoanalysis, many schools, and no help is reaching people, but rather, harm. Because the people who are helping others, or trying to help, or posing as helpers, are in the same boat.

      ...It is difficult to see one's own ego.

      It is very easy to see other's egos. But that is not the point, you cannot help them.

      Try to see your own ego.

      Just watch it.

      Don't be in a hurry to drop it, just watch it. The more you watch, the more capable you will become. Suddenly one day, you simply see that it has dropped. And when it drops by itself, only then does it drop. There is no other way. Prematurely you cannot drop it.

      It drops just like a dead leaf.

      The tree is not doing anything - just a breeze, a situation, and the dead leaf simply drops. The tree is not even aware that the dead leaf has dropped. It makes no noise, it makes no claim - nothing.

      The dead leaf simply drops and shatters on the ground, just like that."
I see the "Law of confusion" is well and alive in this thread. I am not surprised tho. Thus, it is very important to grasp that the only thing you need to be conscious aware of is your own personal issues. I'm not saying that you're thee only one that matters. It is more like dropping a pebble into a pond and how it creates ripples. It is up to you to make negative or positive ripples that can affect people around you and so the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is the change begins within us and whatever is going to happen to the world around us doesn't matter. What matters is how you going to react to it. We're the pebbles and our acting or reaction are the ripples we create around us whether it be negative or positive.
I see the "Law of confusion" is well and alive in this thread. I am not surprised tho. Thus, it is very important to grasp that the only thing you need to be conscious aware of is your own personal issues. I'm not saying that you're thee only one that matters. It is more like dropping a pebble into a pond and how it creates ripples. It is up to you to make negative or positive ripples that can affect people around you and so the world. I guess what I'm trying to say is the change begins within us and whatever is going to happen to the world around us doesn't matter. What matters is how you going to react to it. We're the pebbles and our acting or reaction are the ripples we create around us whether it be negative or positive.
So my niece starts Highschool next year, I told her find me a mind blowing quote the first day of school that we can discuss for the school year, (thought it'd be a good way to keep her mind moving) and if it's good, I would give her $1000 @ the end of the year.

She text me this morning with..
"If you were quiet, people would hear you"

Needless to say, she's been schooling me all day on some things that I not only thought she couldn't hold a conversation about, but much more. I'm impressed and humbled at the same time, kids are the future always, but with kids like her, I think we are in good hands.
Do you guys really believe that our future is already written? Predetermined, as prophesied so to speak? You can't accept choice on one hand, and prophecy on the other, IMO.
Do you guys really believe that our future is already written? Predetermined, as prophesied so to speak? You can't accept choice on one hand, and prophecy on the other, IMO.

I do. We've already won the game. Just gotta decide how to win
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