Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Part of the reason I decided to try shrooms was because I've been having this intense anxiety about death. Not that I'm going to die, I just have had a hard time hearing God, and all my life I've felt really in touch with Him and able to just pray and feel like there were answers, so when it's come to death recently I've been feeling sort of blocked off. I couldn't think of anything in my life that would be doing that really, so I felt like maybe giving shrooms a try would help open me up a little. 

In the time since I tried them I've gotten funding for my graduate studies and I secured a summer internship. I can't 100% for sure say they're related but I feel like God is letting me out on my own- He's been holding my hand for so long He's now giving me the opportunity to just go and see how I do, taking what He's taught me and what I do with that, and the blessings I've received have been His way of saying, "See? See what happens when I let you go and you do what you know is right and I let you take some steps on your own? It's scary, you'll have questions, you'll get hurt, but you will be blessed, you will receive, you will have everything you need."
Surah 2 Ayat 28

How can you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless and He brought you to life; then He will cause you to die, then He will bring you [back] to life, and then to Him you will be returned.
Lot of high science dropped in here if you're looking for something to check out
Wish we could figure out how the dogon knew that stuff but it just kinda crystallizes that, "As above, so below", and "Everything is everything". Its all just vibrations and frequencies.
Peace to homie that recommended The Underachievers :pimp:

Can't remember who it was tho, will rep when I find out..
Peace to homie that recommended The Underachievers :pimp:

Can't remember who it was tho, will rep when I find out..

Yeah Underachievers are dope. I haven't checked the new album yet(...sleepin), but the first album is classic. Herb Shuttles... :pimp:

check out Mick Jenkins, if you haven't already.
Lot of high science dropped in here if you're looking for something to check out

checking it out now, bro.

It's the ego/id fighting for it's existence. For most people the Id has taken on a life of it's own and perceived itself to be real. Because the Id is running society and is caught up in the time-space illusion a lot of people disassociate with their religious beliefs in the traumatic event of death.

I understand the coincidence programming from msm but I don't really care anymore. It is good to be aware but all msm is fear driven and there is no place for that stuff in my current existence. I'm sure many people are interested in it as I was in the early stages of my journey. Then I advanced on to believing and thriving in love and light

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning the other night and felt some other being was in my presence. I could not physically see it but something was definitely there. I was shaken a bit at first until I realized that I control every single emotion that I experience :tongue: I had to adjust my mood/thoughts the following day after noticing negativity going through my mind

A few thoughts I've been meditating on lately. Ever since I started going hard at the gym 4-5 days a week and stopped smoking reefer my mind is amazing. There isn't really any other word for it. I still have much to improve but progression is a beautiful thing

1. All things are waves - they vibrate. Some things are vibrating on much lower levels than humans therefore we cannot perceive their movement eg physical matter. This is why music is so important/influential to many of us

2. The only moment that exists is this current one. How do we know that the past actually happened? We don't. To put in simply, our brain just thinks it did

any thoughts?
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2. The only moment that exists is this current one. How do we know that the past actually happened? We don't. To put in simply, our brain just thinks it did

any thoughts?

I've thought about this before, and i always take it into consideration when hearing anything about the past. It would seem silly for something like that to not be considered when it comes to anything about the past. Hell events in one's own life can't be remembered exactly as they happen, why wouldn't it be crazy to assume that things from the past may or may not have happend as we know them or even happend at all when we there are examples in our time now where everything is documented. One of the reasons why i carry the general outlook in life that i can't prove anything or disprove anything, it either is or isn't. My only stance is live, learn and love. Picking anyside discount's and in a way eliminate's anothers experience and because i can only experience what i experience there is no way for me to prove or disprove something someone else went through or is going through.
Something funny i think about alot is who it's mentioned in many podcast i have heard, or other science and brain related things, about the brain building a model of what life and reality is. That makes me think about the possibility that we don't have any idea what truely is reality because of the fact that we aren't capable of hearing above or below certain frequencies, and how we have a cap on the amount of colors we're able to see. We aren't getting the full spectrum of the universe and so ideals and frameworks are built around this belief that we have all the answers and yet we aren't capable of even seeing the full picture. Hell the day to day reality for everyone is different to think that there is some uniform thing is crazy in of itself. Add to all this that everyone takes in experiences differently regardless if the experience is the same or not. I can't begin to understand how anyone thought it was okay to think or act in definitive, i can understand just sitting down and seeing others and having the experiences, and life before and after psychedelics. To not go to crazy over these thoughts i just chalk it up to it being another way to go about the human experience and life, the same there are so many others that i myself don't go by or may or may not agree with, but they are ways that are gone about.
feels like a market crash is coming soon. be careful if you have any major debts or anything. maybe stack up on essentials. could take 2 years honestly, but it feels like an inevitably.
GTAT a stock that was at 17 bucks a couple of weeks ago and the "supplier" of sapphire for Apple filed for bankruptcy today. Just feels like one of those bad omens. Market is heavy in general, and a lot of unsustainable bubbles have been brewing for a while.
I was a couple of years ago starting to take an interest in stocks and other things related to economics, and it all went away. But i still have some questions that maybe others may have some insight to. I look at things like the economic collapse due to mortage backed securities, and the libor scandal, and things like insider trading, and the bail out. And putting aside any type of conspiracy theories, am i wrong in thinking that it's just all a system built on top of nothing but pure fake. I know full and well that unfortunately it's the only thing that we have and it's not in the best interest of those who know how to munipulate and have things in their favor for it to change but how in any way can it be anything more then a bunch of bs and lies that were the "best" possible solutions during the time in which they were put in place that have gotten so far out of control and crazy, that it's just insane at this point. I in no way consider myself educated in any of those fields, but seeing countless of examples of pure effery time and time again can it be anything other than fake. The fed can print money seems like as they please, quantitative easing, credit, ect how much more can these systems sustain themselves before it's a global collapse and the entire world is effed. Again i don't know anything just going based on the little i can piece together and offering a alternate view. This video which contains a part of a longer video i saw before talks about some thoughts i have come to have and think about. Despite all this i paid my credit card debts and almost have them all paid off, because although i share feelings on this "system" being fake, in reality it is what allows me to share my thoughts of on things like this thread and communicate with others, and allowed me to purchase my macbook to develop ios applications and other great things with tech. So im not discounting any of that.

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my dad and i were joking the other day that insurance and the stock market were ponzi schemes. i mean in essence, money gets taken from you to be given to me and vice versa. with the algo's now it's even more of a game.
my dad and i were joking the other day that insurance and the stock market were ponzi schemes. i mean in essence, money gets taken from you to be given to me and vice versa. with the algo's now it's even more of a game.
Fractional reserve banking more or less correct?

Came across this article before.

Find it interesting that silver supply is up while the paper price is down, unlike gold which has supply down with the price.

Bitcoin has been getting killed of late too, and it probably keeps heading lower.

Interesting seeing these two "safe havens" dwindling in price as worldwide fears rise.
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