Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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That is peculiar as hell. All the global events point to something happening soon. I'm curious to see how they fashion this ebola "scare" and what it's paired with.

btw, i see you're feeling bold entering the other thread today lol
Boredom unleashes curiousity
That thread sucked me in and everytime i try and leave i see someone posts some stuff that supports the joker sentiment up there.
That is peculiar as hell. All the global events point to something happening soon. I'm curious to see how they fashion this ebola "scare" and what it's paired with.
I think next year is when we will start to see thing happen.  
Dont know how into dreams your guys are but a couple of pages back i posted about a crazy dream i had about talking to the entities about sleeping and dreaming and just now i had another similar one, i asked another group of people if they knew what dreaming was and they said no, then i asked them if they knew what sleeping was and they said yes. I then asked when you sleep what happens and they said that they see shapes or somethings go places with others, and i told them that thats what dreaming was and thats how i got here. I then asked whats the name of the this place there has to be a name and the entities were hesitant to answer and looked scared i kept asking and some people in police uniform started to appear out of no where and i started running and they ran after me. The dream shifted to me going to some kind of facility and running from more guards, im starting to think more and more that whatever the dream state its another kind of place and whatever those entities are, are aware cause this is the second time ive had this kind of dreaming asking these entities about dreaming and sleeping and explaning to them thats how i got there.
Am i the only one that feels that everything that's happening is not whats supposed to happen but just events that happen. That ultimately there isn't an answer and things just are what they are. There isn't one way that would be ideal for every person because it's through things being how they are now that alot of people have some kind of meaning and bring forth reason for them to exist. I still don't understand why it there being no reason other than chance for everything being how it is such a hard pill for some to swallow.
The Great “HIV” Hoax

 written by Patrick Rattigan ND

The multi-billion dollar/pound AIDS/HIV fraud is based on two fabrications : that AIDS is a single disease and that it is caused by the HI virus or the “HIV virus” as some medical/media masterminds call it – perhaps they think the V in HIV stands for volcano. In Japan “AIDS” is virtually unknown : yet, in random tests, 25% of people were found to be “HIV-positive”. HIV-positive response means nothing of any relevance to health : it can be triggered by vaccination, malnutrition, M.S., measles, influenza, papilloma virus wart, Epstein Barr virus, leprosy, glandular fever, hepatitis, syphillis … : over sixty different conditions.
The Great “HIV” Hoax

 written by Patrick Rattigan ND

The multi-billion dollar/pound AIDS/HIV fraud is based on two fabrications : that AIDS is a single disease and that it is caused by the HI virus or the “HIV virus” as some medical/media masterminds call it – perhaps they think the V in HIV stands for volcano. In Japan “AIDS” is virtually unknown : yet, in random tests, 25% of people were found to be “HIV-positive”. HIV-positive response means nothing of any relevance to health : it can be triggered by vaccination, malnutrition, M.S., measles, influenza, papilloma virus wart, Epstein Barr virus, leprosy, glandular fever, hepatitis, syphillis … : over sixty different conditions.

not a hoax
It's an immune deficiency virus.

There's a doctor that was on the Joe rogan experience about 2 years ago claiming that it's not a sexual disease, it's an immune system disease.

The real question would be is it man made or not.

But it's neither here, nor there. Just a fear tactic to keep you from "the search". Just like Ebola.
It's an immune deficiency virus.

There's a doctor that was on the Joe rogan experience about 2 years ago claiming that it's not a sexual disease, it's an immune system disease.

The real question would be is it man made or not.

But it's neither here, nor there. Just a fear tactic to keep you from "the search". Just like Ebola.
That's pretty much what i gathered. A large majority of the population has it, just like they have HPV. It's a benign virus and usually is triggered on by certain factors. In most cases to contract HIV you have to expose yourself at an average of almost 200 times to the infected person. For the homosexual community "poppers" coupled with drug abuse were used to relax the anal muscles. The poppers shut down the immune system and AIDS came about. With that said AIDS is a syndrome and not a disease so theoretically many things can shut down the immune system.

With HIV that turns into AIDS, a lotta people speculate all the medicine you take trying to kill the virus kills your immune system thus allowing AIDS to form.

It's def not clear cut, but if i had to guess I wouldnt be surprised at all if it was a hoax. They havent cured anything since the invention of penacilin, yet more illnesses and the meds to treat them roll out hand in hand all while the pharma companies are making it rain.
I have small moments almost everyday where i have to stop in the amazement that is the universe. Today i was going to starbucks to pick up coffee for some people at my job and on the walk there while listening to a podcast i got a sort of flash looking around grand central and thought man look at what a collection humans put together while simultaneously thinking about gobekli tepe and how it could possibly be older than 10,000 years while also thinking about the stoned ape theory which is what was being discussed in the podcast as i had this moment. Just the thoughts of the possibility that our main communication method amongst humans is language and that could have led to things like gobekli tepe and then every other structure that existed and exist now and it all may have possibly come from some version of what we are eating mushrooms or dmt or some kind of what we call drug or psychedelic. It's moments like that, i know can appreciate so much more and thankfull to be allowed to put thoughts together to experience those other thoughts.
I have small moments almost everyday where i have to stop in the amazement that is the universe. Today i was going to starbucks to pick up coffee for some people at my job and on the walk there while listening to a podcast i got a sort of flash looking around grand central and thought man look at what a collection humans put together while simultaneously thinking about gobekli tepe and how it could possibly be older than 10,000 years while also thinking about the stoned ape theory which is what was being discussed in the podcast as i had this moment. Just the thoughts of the possibility that our main communication method amongst humans is language and that could have led to things like gobekli tepe and then every other structure that existed and exist now and it all may have possibly come from some version of what we are eating mushrooms or dmt or some kind of what we call drug or psychedelic. It's moments like that, i know can appreciate so much more and thankfull to be allowed to put thoughts together to experience those other thoughts.

communication, prior to language, must have been an :pimp: thing..

communication, prior to language, must have been an :pimp: thing..


I think about that alot, when i can have conversations of these types which is less then rarely if ever i bring up an example of babies, they don't talk per say but they definitely communicate with gestures, raising hands to get carried or crying or other things. So gestures were a big method of communication before language which is why we can nod or wave at each other and know what were saying to one another, hell two people who are attracted to each can just look at each other and fall in love or have a burning desire to make love. There are so many examples of gesture based communication and to think that at one point it was the only way to "speak" so to say is amazing and mindblowing.
I think about that alot, when i can have conversations of these types which is less then rarely if ever i bring up an example of babies, they don't talk per say but they definitely communicate with gestures, raising hands to get carried or crying or other things. So gestures were a big method of communication before language which is why we can nod or wave at each other and know what were saying to one another, hell two people who are attracted to each can just look at each other and fall in love or have a burning desire to make love. There are so many examples of gesture based communication and to think that at one point it was the only way to "speak" so to say is amazing and mindblowing.


I think amidst the "collective consciousness", where, in addition to physical cues, we were also able to read/react/respond telepathically...for lack of a better term. our senses were much more in tune with each other, IMO.

speaking of babies, it's absolutely amazing just how special the human mind is. I have kids, my youngest being 1 years old. This boy can literally repeat just about anything that I say. The fact that he can pick up nuances in certain words just by mimicking me is mindblowing.

humans are the most technologically advanced self-replicating 3d printer.
On that topic I was getting my haircut last week and my barber was just about finished. He had forgotten something he usually does, cleaning up my eyebrows. I was thinking that and he says I hear you and chuckles. That was my first time being able to communicate telepathically. He read my mind, just amazing
On that topic I was getting my haircut last week and my barber was just about finished. He had forgotten something he usually does, cleaning up my eyebrows. I was thinking that and he says I hear you and chuckles. That was my first time being able to communicate telepathically. He read my mind, just amazing


I remember doing shrooms with a couple friends, years ago, and we were at the point in the trip, where I looked around and could feel that we were on the exact same wavelength. it felt like I could read their thoughts. literally as one of my friends spoke, I knew what he was going to say/talk about before/as he said it. I could feel the "collectiveness" of our minds.I know it sounds wild, but that was one of the things I remember distinctly about doing shrooms.

It was the first time that I came to the realization that, while we all have our own minds, it is one consciousness. expressed individually in each one of us., but there is only one source. psychedelics help in destroying the ego and can allow us to glimpse into the "oneness" that is the true representation of life on earth.

imagine water dripping(each drop representing an individuals consciousness). after it drops, it returns to the one, overall collection of water. despite the feeling that, for the "life" of it plunging down into the rest, it "felt" like it was a single individual drop.


still waiting to take the dmt plunge.
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Its funny cause there are so many examples of this kind thing, whether you want to call it telepathy or just non verbal communication there is no denying that there is something. Rupert sheldrake was on rogan and was talking about morphic resonance and some kind if field. And its hard to deny something that allows a synchronicity or telepathy whatever you want to label it. Teams sports one perfect example of this, so many examples of people being in the right spots for passes or defense positioning, even the example that rupert brought up in rogans podcast, about birds flying together and being able to shift directions and not collide. So there is definitely something in us that allows for this to happen.
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