Stay/get back in shape...Vol: Motivation

Originally Posted by Rompe Toto

Originally Posted by Al Audi

rompe you def have some definition but a lil slab around the midsection lower abs takes away from a v shape, interesting lol almost looks out of place compared to the rest of your upper body, your core looks pretty damn strong too

you drink? do you know your bf%? id say youre at 10-12%

def some HIIT thats been discussed in this thread
Allegedly at 11% according to some of those gnc tester. lol yea it looks really outta place thats why its drivin me crazy lol. I used to be a really really heavy drinker and I was really really fat before. 225 in march down to 169 now at 5'9. I been doing HIIT for like 2 days a week mixed with other cardio like playin basketball. Any other tips?
Have you tried doing HIIT's in the morning? Or cardio right when you wake up??
Originally Posted by Rompe Toto

Originally Posted by Al Audi

rompe you def have some definition but a lil slab around the midsection lower abs takes away from a v shape, interesting lol almost looks out of place compared to the rest of your upper body, your core looks pretty damn strong too

you drink? do you know your bf%? id say youre at 10-12%

def some HIIT thats been discussed in this thread
Allegedly at 11% according to some of those gnc tester. lol yea it looks really outta place thats why its drivin me crazy lol. I used to be a really really heavy drinker and I was really really fat before. 225 in march down to 169 now at 5'9. I been doing HIIT for like 2 days a week mixed with other cardio like playin basketball. Any other tips?
1st off

PROPS.....thats awesome real talk, you got before pics?

yea i knew i was in the right range......could be just a stubborn area for you, i dunno man youre not just losing weight but you def look strong also, youalready stated your diet and workouts are looking good so its safe to say you know what youre doing

keep at it, make sure youre not cheatin on the diet, you really dont have a lot to lose does look stubborn i dunno how accurate those gnc things are but a good10% bf% im sure thatll go away.

lol i dont really got much ta tell ya, what are you eating like right now? any supplements?
no supps all natural. I used to never cheat until I started seeing a difference now I usually cheat either on friday or saturday.

vrp32tl - na I usually do it in the afternoon Im not a morning person
Originally Posted by gatorad3

is it alright to eat tuna after a workout? does it have same affect as whey protein?

Whey has a better obsorbtion rate and better bioavailability than tuna, so you body will utilize whey faster than tuna. I would use both post work out. Wheyfirst then 30 min later eat the tuna.
Originally Posted by Rompe Toto

vrp32tl - na I usually do it in the afternoon Im not a morning person

Before pic
I am by no means buff like you or Ai Audi but do a lot of reading regarding fat loss to mid section. Most of the articles I have read have statedto lose maximum body fat it is best to run in morning. Something to do with your body already being in starvation mode. Since it is already in this mode yourbody will look for a nutrient source which on an empty stomach would be fat. I'll try to find an article and post for you.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

my dude you have on clothes and we only can see your face...what are we suppose to say amazing results?

Huh ... Im lost
Alrite guys how the hell do I get the bottom part tightened up? Its drivin me crazy. Diet is on point and I believe the work out is too.
For the most part I'd say just be patient and keep training and eating right.

It does seem like your waist is natually kind of block, like it's a straight line from your shoulders down through your hips. Aside from continuing tobring your bodyfat down and trying to keep it down, try prioritizing your back training and shoulder training. If you can bring up the size of your lats,traps and delts a little more, the added width will make your waist look smaller.
Damn, I haven't been keeping up with my usual routine.
Social life has gotten in the way of even my diet.
Birthdays, work, nightlife, dates, etc...
I am not sure how you guys could do it all year long.
I am impressed and envious of some of the dedication you guys have here.

I need to keep up with this thread more so that I can skip some social binge and actually get back to my routines.
Wait so who's nuts Were on who's?
Did Billy bob have some interaction with these nuts? Outs and nuts?

Anyway, I think I can say I had my best workout ever today. Form was picture perfect. Intrabolic is the truth. I was bouncing of yhe walls with my staminashizzzzz
just had ON natural oats & whey milk chocolate flavor

MUCH better than i expected. mixed great also

yea intrabolic was great for endurance when i was on a cut, better than purple wraath like i stated before.

eric youre doing the whole AEN stack right?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

just had ON natural oats & whey milk chocolate flavor

MUCH better than i expected. mixed great also

yea intrabolic was great for endurance when i was on a cut, better than purple wraath like i stated before.

eric youre doing the whole AEN stack right?
Does it make you full like a regular meal would?
So for muscle building reverse or normal pyramids?

Also, do you guys think its better to work with a higher overall range (1x10,1x12,1x15) or something like 1x6,1x8,1x10?

Is there any difference between iso exercises and compound ones as far as pyramids go?
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Alrite guys how the hell do I get the bottom part tightened up? Its drivin me crazy. Diet is on point and I believe the work out is too.
For the most part I'd say just be patient and keep training and eating right.

It does seem like your waist is natually kind of block, like it's a straight line from your shoulders down through your hips. Aside from continuing to bring your bodyfat down and trying to keep it down, try prioritizing your back training and shoulder training. If you can bring up the size of your lats, traps and delts a little more, the added width will make your waist look smaller.
Basically. My waist got bigger, but my back/shoulders got a significantly bigger this summer, so I attained more of a v-shape. At the end of theday though, some of my pants are still kinda tight. All we can do is keep eating/training right and hope for the best.
Oh yeah, just for reference, what can I do to get obliques like L2L or Joe camel? yesterday I did some of these:


Needless to say, with 55 lb dumbell at 4x15 for each side, I woke up today so sore that I couldn't sneeze without hurting. Anything else you guys have forme?
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Here's my arm day as an example...

  • CG Bench Press
  • Skull Crushers
  • Push Downs
  • BB Curls
  • Inclined DB Curls
  • Preacher Curls
  • Reverse Curls
  • Wrist Curls

Arm day ftl. What a waste of time.
hell no, my arms lagged sooo much before i added one.

just got my 2 etxra tubs of intrabolic
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Oh yeah, just for reference, what can I do to get obliques like L2L or Joe camel? yesterday I did some of these:


Needless to say, with 55 lb dumbell at 4x15 for each side, I woke up today so sore that I couldn't sneeze without hurting. Anything else you guys have for me?
You just gotta keep melting the fat off, man. The love handles are what's covering the obliques.
Rompe may want to try a topical fat burner such as "Napalm by Avant Labs" or "Yohimburn ES by Anabolic Fitness". Supposedly theywork pretty well on stubborn fat areas. What you do is apply 1 or 2 pumps of the lotion onto your stubborn fat area before working out. The lotion helps tobreak down the stubborn fat and the body will utilize the fat for energy if its in a caloric deficit.

keepzdasneaks, I like Russian Twists for obliques...I think it's the only oblique exercise I do (Abs are another muscle group I neglect).

Russian twists are also great for your lower back too.
I've been working out for the past 2 months and I gotta say I can notice a difference. Im pretty skinny but I do notice my arms getting slightly bigger, aswell as my chest...

Anyways, I feel that I can see better results quicker if i work out my legs. I DO NOT work out my legs at all. Everyone tells me that working out legs is veryessential to getting your weight up......being all that they are the biggest muscle in your body, yada yada yada....

So I need a solid leg workout so I can see results faster. What do you guys suggest for a great leg workout? Thanks

Plyos (separate day from legs though)
Calf raise

Leg press, leg extension and hamstring curls. Im not really fond of these since they use machines.. i don't like machines. I'd probably only do legextensions to strengthen my quad/knee. Other than that if you do Squats, Lunges and Dealifts properly you can get a decent leg-workout in around 30mins
Originally Posted by I3


Plyos (separate day from legs though)
Calf raise

Leg press, leg extension and hamstring curls. Im not really fond of these since they use machines.. i don't like machines. I'd probably only do leg extensions to strengthen my quad/knee. Other than that if you do Squats, Lunges and Dealifts properly you can get a decent leg-workout in around 30mins
Great advice. Also, if you'd like to increase endurance and don't care much for size, do sprints or bike riding prior to a leg workout andyou get a great workout. When I'd work out of my garage, I'd do about 5 min. of intense bike riding before a leg workout and I'd feel the pump. Trypedaling as fast as possible while standing up
great stuff
I feel like people neglect lunges. I've always done them, but I rarely see others do them.
Lunges can be killer if you take your time and do them right. I see a lot of dudes walk through the lunges so quickly, they don't even bend all the waydown. You can also hold small dumb bells to make the lunges more challenging.

I recently added a couple sets of jumping lunges into my plyo workout and my legs were shaking.
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