Things you do that you think no one else does.

- Whenever I see someone eat it in a youtube vid or whatever, I like have to grab the part of my body that the person injured.

- Sometimes when I meet a person for the first time I imagine me Missile drop kicking them in the mouth. (Usually as I'm shaking their hand)

- When I start my car,I hold my breathe... I drive a bucket.

- Sometimes I'll hear something funny and repeat it under my breathe.

- If I'm totally focused on something, like all the way zoned in, I breath like super loud.

I'll stop here before I start to sound too crazy.
- Whenever I see someone eat it in a youtube vid or whatever, I like have to grab the part of my body that the person injured.

- Sometimes when I meet a person for the first time I imagine me Missile drop kicking them in the mouth. (Usually as I'm shaking their hand)

- When I start my car,I hold my breathe... I drive a bucket.

- Sometimes I'll hear something funny and repeat it under my breathe.

- If I'm totally focused on something, like all the way zoned in, I breath like super loud.

I'll stop here before I start to sound too crazy.
Originally Posted by env

When getting a lid at a restaurant, I never take the top one.
I do the same. With straw dispensers, I never take the first one that comes down and then I grab the next one before it touches anything...
Originally Posted by env

When getting a lid at a restaurant, I never take the top one.
I do the same. With straw dispensers, I never take the first one that comes down and then I grab the next one before it touches anything...
i go to extraordinary lengths to make sure there is no change in my bank account, just whole dollars, ending in zero or five. so say i have $63.73 in my checking. next time i go to the gas station, i'm putting $23.73 in my tank to even that out, or if i go out to eat, i'll use the tip amount to even out my bank account.
i go to extraordinary lengths to make sure there is no change in my bank account, just whole dollars, ending in zero or five. so say i have $63.73 in my checking. next time i go to the gas station, i'm putting $23.73 in my tank to even that out, or if i go out to eat, i'll use the tip amount to even out my bank account.
Anytime I hear a song I really like I want to listen to it non-stop. I go home onto my computer and put it on repeat for hours - I usually have a couple in rotation that I will switch back and forth on ever other hour or something...
For example, today and yesterday when I'm on the desktop I've been killing:


I always do this to songs. I put em on blast and then my excitement goes away and then I just integrate them into my library. It's like another way for me to get high - always chasing new tracks...
Anytime I hear a song I really like I want to listen to it non-stop. I go home onto my computer and put it on repeat for hours - I usually have a couple in rotation that I will switch back and forth on ever other hour or something...
For example, today and yesterday when I'm on the desktop I've been killing:


I always do this to songs. I put em on blast and then my excitement goes away and then I just integrate them into my library. It's like another way for me to get high - always chasing new tracks...
Originally Posted by sniper

Originally Posted by env

When getting a lid at a restaurant, I never take the top one.
I do the same. With straw dispensers, I never take the first one that comes down and then I grab the next one before it touches anything...
9/10 i won't buy the last of something either...especially in a grocery store and i'll get it from the middle of the shelf not the front

i dont know if i posted this or not but i'll have a conversation in my head and it ends w/me having the same convon on the couch on 106...i dont even watch the show but my convo always ends there
Originally Posted by sniper

Originally Posted by env

When getting a lid at a restaurant, I never take the top one.
I do the same. With straw dispensers, I never take the first one that comes down and then I grab the next one before it touches anything...
9/10 i won't buy the last of something either...especially in a grocery store and i'll get it from the middle of the shelf not the front

i dont know if i posted this or not but i'll have a conversation in my head and it ends w/me having the same convon on the couch on 106...i dont even watch the show but my convo always ends there
I clean my plate completely at a restaurant. I'll eat every last grain of rice, strand of noodle or french fry bit just because I absolutely hate wasting food. I eat with people sometimes and they just leave half their dish their 

I prefer the night to day, I like the calmness of the night where everyone else is asleep, if I chill with friends or just by myself I feel less sluggish and more relaxed at night
I clean my plate completely at a restaurant. I'll eat every last grain of rice, strand of noodle or french fry bit just because I absolutely hate wasting food. I eat with people sometimes and they just leave half their dish their 

I prefer the night to day, I like the calmness of the night where everyone else is asleep, if I chill with friends or just by myself I feel less sluggish and more relaxed at night
its crazy how many NTers do the same @!!# as me

- ALWAYS cross my fingers on the window when crossing a railroad / hold my breathe under tunnels

-when at home. if im going downstairs, i act like Messi dribbling the ball and the walls and objects are defenders.

-co signing the dude that flushes the toilets before they piss and try and finish before it flushes. + spits in the toilet.

-when im bout to take a shot. I put the shot over my head and turn it like a halo before i drink it
its crazy how many NTers do the same @!!# as me

- ALWAYS cross my fingers on the window when crossing a railroad / hold my breathe under tunnels

-when at home. if im going downstairs, i act like Messi dribbling the ball and the walls and objects are defenders.

-co signing the dude that flushes the toilets before they piss and try and finish before it flushes. + spits in the toilet.

-when im bout to take a shot. I put the shot over my head and turn it like a halo before i drink it
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

  • Every time I lock a door I check it like 5 times. It's not enough to hear the lock click I have to try the door a bunch of times. Also before I go to bed I check to make sure the door is locked like 3 or 4 times at least.
  • I don't put milk in my cereal. I eat it dry. With milk, it's wet food and the idea of it makes me gag. The same as how normal people would feel if someone dumped a bunch of water on their toast. Oh god, I'm gagging just talking about it.
  • I have to make the bed every day. Even if I'm running late for an exam it has to be done. I worry that I'll die while I'm out and if people come to clear out my things from my room and see my bed unmade, they'll assume I never made it and that I was messy.
  • I talk to myself, like A LOT. I find it easier to gather my thoughts when I say them out loud. A lot of the time I'll address my teddy bear or my  hedgehog just so it feels less weird, but in my head they sort of have their own conversational personalities. Like Sandslash is more of a sounding board, I talk to him when I'm trying to figure out what I need to do today, and ask him if I've forgotten anything. When I'm debating decisions Quenton has very strong opinions and is therefore more useful in that sort of situation. Probably the weirdest thing I do.
  • Certain smells and textures sort of fill me up, like I'm eating almost. I love the smell of canadian tire and home depot and gasoline and windex and nail polish. And I LOVE walking on gravel or sand on pavement so you can hear and feel the crunching. I always go out of my way to walk on nice textures

after reading this all i can do is picture you and friend running around in full nerf gun war with like headgear, flashlights, utility belts, walkie talkies, the whole 9
i think i did an awesome job at secret santa lol
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