What characteristic trait(s) do you carry from your parents?

Dad: Joking , hard working, out spoken
Mom: Determined, hard working, straight-foward
Originally Posted by Physicx

dad: short temper

same for me & it sucks cause it gets me in a lot of trouble especially with females
dad- laid back, being very observant, being very friendly with people
mom- work ethic, being shy/quiet, being very detail-oriented (good in some ways, bad in that i worry about a lot of small things)
Dad: Knowledge, Wisdom, Calm, people person, Eager to research everything.

Mom: Nice, Kind hearted, Patient.
Dad: Im A Jerk, I Be Uptight Bout How My Stuff Is/Looks (i.e. Car), All Of A Sudden I Gotta Clean And Straight Rooms Or Places Im In, I Can Be Super Evil/ShortTempered/Cut Throat

Mom: Sense of Humor, Optimistic, I Can Speak/Communicate Well With Other And How I Feel On Things
Pops: Always on that paper chase (legally & illegally as long as it translates to gettin $ smh), Not learning from mistakes

Moms: Outgoing (able to strike up a convo w/ anyone), being independent
Pops: Quiet, Cautious, Observant...
Mom: Nurturing, Paranoid...
Most of my personality traits contradict one another though so I won't go further.
Pops:creative, loves to cook at work, grouchy at times,
, get along with most people.
moms:soft spoken, bum around the house.
Dad: lazy

Mom: sarcasm, sense of humor, crackin jokes on ppl regardless of who they are, and i always have to be right
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]From my pops:
Big dreams/goals ([/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)])[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Rarely contact people[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Quiet/Laid back[/color]
Pops- Being straight forward, curiosity, humor

Moms- Leadership skills, honesty, compassion

Both- Integrity, now if I can have that hardworking trait in me, I would be straight. I'm the procrastination King.
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