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  1. chrome

    Free Stuff Thread: 9-1-18

    Not sure if this has been posted yet but anyone on iOS that wants a few paid apps for free go to right now I can get Camera+ for free and a bunch of other apps but I'm waiting so I can download either GTA 3 or Gangstar Rio. Wasn't sure wether to post it...
  2. chrome

    Official Xbox 360 Thread...Xfinity, HBOGO, MLB TV up

    Copped it yesterday after I got out of work. Played it until 1am and had to be at work at 5:45am now I'm tired and sleepy but it was worth it.
  3. chrome

    Job Cleaning the Gulf Coast!

    Some lady send me the number I'll check if I still have it but she did say that they want people from Louisiana
  4. chrome

    Any Other Bilingual NTer's?

    Spanish is my first that's all I speak at home then learned english in school. I speak english most of the time unless I'm talking to my mom or someone that doesn't know english It comes in handy at work any time they need a translator I get to go and translate and relax. I like knowning spanish...
  5. chrome

    MW2 DLC 2: "Resurgence Pack" JUNE......F This Crap.........

    I'll be getting them from my nephew found a way to share maps on 360 a friend of mine is using my stimulus package. Plays in a party with me and still works
  6. chrome

    Gotta Take A Pee Test vol. I need a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!

    My brother used to take a thing called palo azul (blue stick) he passed all of his drug testings his P.O. gave him but I think she was trying to help him out because one time he tested positive so she threw it out and told him to take it again. A co-worker of mine drinks pickle juice when he...
  7. chrome

    Share your stories working retail Vol. Yes I do work here

    I work at walmart and damn the random people that come in. Customer:Do you know where the dog food is?(the isle was right behind her) Me:No sorry I'm new here.(I was already working for 4 months lol) The customer walked away to go ask someone else lol. Customer:Do you work here? Me:No I just...
  8. chrome

    Used to Be Fat

    I used to be 250 when I was 17 I'm 5'9" btw. Once I graduated from school I decided to lose it. For the whole summer I was working out around 3 hrs a day non-stop I still don't know how I didn't give up. Once I was done with the workout I would just chill in my room. When the summer was done and...
  9. chrome

    *Paging my Latino NT'ers* Cinco de Mayo is this week

    Yeah pretty much. I work with nothing but white people and they were all telling me if I was ready to celebrate this. I just gave them the stone face and told them if I get holiday pay for it then sure I'll celebrate with them. Even a manager asked me if my family was going to celebrate it. 
  10. chrome

    Halo Reach Vol. HALO is back!

    Still says down. Guess I'll try again later.
  11. chrome

    Halo Reach Vol. HALO is back!

    It says servers are currently not available. Can anyone help me out and send me an invite to a game in progress.
  12. chrome

    Is this racist.....

    I think he means the fact that it says "A Black"
  13. chrome

    Halo Reach Vol. HALO is back!

    Yeah just checked it again. I guess I had to go to the dashboard and get back into it now it works. thanks. I'm barely at 35%
  14. chrome

    Halo Reach Vol. HALO is back!

     How did you download it? Instructions online say to put in the odst disc and download from where it says beta in the main menu but all I can download right now is the video for it. It said it would be realeased any time from 1pm-3pm eastern time.   
  15. chrome

    Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

     using this on my Touch Pro 2 right now   
  16. chrome

    Who was in the wrong?

    cliffs? just playing your girl for showing up and honking at 3 am. If she was mad at you she should've kept it that way not go and honk her horn.
  17. chrome

    Call of Duty 7 Black Ops Thread Vol. Cold War

    No nuke I hate playing against a team that has one good player and he gets the nuke and they win
  18. chrome

    NT school me on JURY DUTY

    I don't know about other places but I live in the Houston Area and when I got summoned for jury duty I was able to take my laptop since they had free wi-fi. Plus they put the tv on for a little while.
  19. chrome

    Official Batlefield: Bad Company 2 [OUT NOW] MW2 Killer? Time will tell.

    I'm getting off this game for a while I don't know if its a bug with my xbox or the game but everytime I'm about to start a match it takes me back to the dashboard. Did it 4 times already
  20. chrome

    Mexico Coke Heads

    Two of my friends always have this at their house. When their parents or family go to mexico they bring some back.
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