40k salary for a job you like or 100k for a job you don't like?

wen u actually earn ur money n support not just yourself but others as well is when you really grow up n mature.

marrying someone who sets a bench mark for how much her ring will be is a reflection of her character. sorry to say this, but this is probably the mindset that has manifested into divorces, etc etc.

history is a repetitive cycle of human behavior. so any generation is just as materialistic as the next.

anyone that has done so knows money is financial security and most would actually prefer a 100K job. saying u are okay at 40K is being naive as you obviously do not have enough financial powet to provide.

ur mom.proally said traveling is a waste because she actually sacrificed liesurement for you and the family. she sees it being worthwhile and understands this.
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As far as money can buy happiness :lol:


Happiness is the wrong word. Money can a calm of mind I feel. A person who can meet all his financial obligations and can also afford to just get away as he/she feels/needs is in a better mental state than someone who is struggling paycheck to paycheck or worse yet, meal to meal.

The word everyone is looking for in regards to money is COMFORT. Money provides comfort but certainly not happiness.
Just putting this out there.
1 in every 100 jobs pays 2-300k? That's surprises me. I rarely even see jobs that pay more than 150k other than the docs and lawyers and CEOs. but I guess it's possible 1 in 100 people have one of those titles... still seems off. maybe im not looking hard enough. 

I think you pretty much have to work for yourself to make that. who's really paying that much annually?
The difference between 100k and 40k is too large IMO so I would take the 100k.

When I was younger, I would have easily said more money but after a few years of working and doing something I don't like, my perception has changed a lot. I make good money but I don't like my job. I would easily take 75k to do something I like, over 100k for something I don't.
marrying someone who sets a bench mark for how much her ring will be is a reflection of her character. sorry to say this, but this is probably the mindset that has manifested into divorces, etc etc.

Naw....she's good bro. She's bought me $3,500 camera, two $2000 lenses and paid for over 50% of our trips we go one. Even she's dumped $20k into a bill we had that I couldn't cover. She does make way more money though but she deserves the ring. It's just a bad investment considering you could put it towards so many better things. Plus my income couldn't really provide me to break off that much for a ring but just got a new job and start next week and am getting enough to cover that whole thing now.
Ppl wanna tell you about your own chick to justify not being able to do certain things

Let em rock bruh
40K. If you know how to manage your money, you can live off of that. Being at a miserable job for at least 8 hours is the worst.
Naw....she's good bro. She's bought me $3,500 camera, two $2000 lenses and paid for over 50% of our trips we go one. Even she's dumped $20k into a bill we had that I couldn't cover. She does make way more money though but she deserves the ring. It's just a bad investment considering you could put it towards so many better things. Plus my income couldn't really provide me to break off that much for a ring but just got a new job and start next week and am getting enough to cover that whole thing now.

Too much debit and credits . She has the AR opened for you. LOL. Jk. Good luck. She paid 20Gs to help u fix ya debt? Damn. You guys.spend too much, waste money on 3K.cameras. Not even playgirl models use that stuff.

Saw this on the web, no sources so take it for whatever

View media item 1482956
40k for a happier lifestyle is managable if you're married and want a cushier lifestyle. I grew up poor and live in nyc so I can make that money stretch but it's not gonna work in this decade.
1 in every 100 jobs pays 2-300k? That's surprises me. I rarely even see jobs that pay more than 150k other than the docs and lawyers and CEOs. but I guess it's possible 1 in 100 people have one of those titles... still seems off. maybe im not looking hard enough. 

I think you pretty much have to work for yourself to make that. who's really paying that much annually?
The data was based on the tax data reported by the Internal Revenue Service. Not single person files a tax return.
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The data was based on the tax data reported by the Internal Revenue Service. Not single person files a tax return.

That is a good point. A lot of joint filing. But you'll be surprised how many wealthy families choose to file separately. Especially when they both come from money and such. They usually like to keep their assets separate to make potential divorces easier. I was shocked when I saw its frequency.
Its not the $60K difference in the title, but Im about to leave a job that pays me roughly $10K more than the job Im going to and Im doing it because I know it will improve my overall quality of life. The downgrade in pay is only temporary as this move is also to reset my direction and put myself on the right track for where I wanna be in the future.
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Its not the $60K difference in the title, but Im about to leave a job that pays me roughly $10K more than the job Im going to and Im doing it because I know it will improve my overall quality of life. The downgrade in pay is only temporary as this move is also to reset my direction and put myself on the right track for where I wanna be in the future.
Update: Just put my two-week's notice in at my current job that I've only been at for 7 weeks. Awkwaaarrddd.
I think I might need a temp reset too just to give me the mental space to close the gap on what I feel I need for the next level in terms of education. Just something a bit easier, that takes up less mental real estate for a bit. I like my current gig though.
My dream job is to be affiliated with habitat for humanity and design and build homes for people who don't have roofs over their heads. Humanitarian architecture/ disaster relief literally has no money in the field. As of now my current job is design assist at a firm that specializes in health care so helping design hospitals is pretty smooth. Any job in this economy is a dream job.

I will eventually learn the trade, get my license and gamble on my own firm. If it fails I tried I best. :pimp:
First real job out of college (well, I'm technically still in school for a month) but I'm realizing these damn expenses add up QUICK.

No joke. :lol:

I don't even have a car payment or anything and I think I make a pretty fair salary for a young professional, but :x

When people say they make $XX,XXX and complain about money, I'm like man you make good money. Then I consider their expenses like a car note, student loans, rent, etc. and dudes will have like $500-600 left bi-weekly after paying bills. :x
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True but that is why she hates the younger generation even more. Things are so pricey as is, why put your money into a thing that has no return. For example, my girl wants a $20K wedding ring. It's something that women now a days are asking for when back in the days, a wedding ring used to cost like $1000 or so. Although I agree with my mom that the ring is a bad investment, it is hard to argue that with someone (my girl) that is surrounded by nothing but expensive tasting s-heads that all have gotten 20-50K rings. And it's not even just rings. We are a generation that loves shoes, cars, clothing, etc. None of which was that important to the older generation. But even with all that, kids still want some sort of freedom in their work and would sacrifice all those material needs to even just get sanity in the work field. A part of me gets it but its all got to change at some point.
if a girl ever asks me for a 20k ANYTHING we will never communicate again
I wouldn't even have a problem with buying a 20k ring if that's what I chose to do.

But if my girl was ASKING for a 20k ring......nah.
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