mods pls lock.

No disrespect,but she was CHEATING on her boyfriend with you................what did you expect? Now if she left the guy for you (I don't think you mentioned it if it did happen) and did this down the line then I could see how you'd be seeking some
kind of revenge,but in's not really a good idea to try and have/build something real with someone who does that.
You all started out wrong so ended up wrong.It's ultimately up to you though man.
No disrespect,but she was CHEATING on her boyfriend with you................what did you expect? Now if she left the guy for you (I don't think you mentioned it if it did happen) and did this down the line then I could see how you'd be seeking some
kind of revenge,but in's not really a good idea to try and have/build something real with someone who does that.
You all started out wrong so ended up wrong.It's ultimately up to you though man.
you were her jumpoff...she had/has no feelings for you
you should slash her car tires too. or her mans. That'll teach em..

Originally Posted by heartofthacity

She was cheating on her bf with you, and you expected her to show compassion?
If she returned to her bf, she did so because her feelings toward you were either
solely sexual, or because she loved him more.

Regardless, realize that the relationship you guys had wasn't really..authentic.
When you mess with a committed chick you should recognize that.

This plan for revenge is EXTRA feminine, guys shouldn't be the ones that start drama.
Swallow whatever feelings you had, and whatever feelings she hurt, and move on.
Forget her, get a new chick. Not for karma, but for preservation of your manhood...

I should just bold it all.. Because it's the TRUTH..

retaliation over something like this is mad feminine.. She loved the other dude NOT YOU, so take L and move on.

That's why i try not to F with chicks that aren't over their ex's..
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

This plan for revenge is EXTRA feminine, guys shouldn't be the ones that start drama.
Swallow whatever feelings you had, and whatever feelings she hurt, and move on.
Forget her, get a new chick. Not for karma, but for preservation of your manhood...

Came in to say this
If she was cheating on her bf with you then.... she was never 100% committed to you.... why is this surprising

Grow a set and move on....
Originally Posted by stoneyjax

and the best revenge is to screw her friends

That wouldn't even work in this case. She has a man. What would it do if you went to sleep with her friends. Revenge would be like sleeping with her one time with holes in your condom to get her pregnant so she has to either be with you or have ties with you no matter what.

But that is exactly what a female does.
Ahhhhhh, the broad jumped you off!

You might as well snitch and get some 'LULZ' out of this, you jump.
the #1 jumpoff rule is knowing your position. why did you invest your emotions and time into someone who viewed you as an option?
Do me a huge favor and bring her doooooown!

Karma tends to work out I think regardless of what one does, but why not help a homie out and let him know how she really is behind his back.
I've been in a situation similar and me personally I just let it go and cut the chick off altogether and recently she hit me up on fb like nothing happened and she got ignored and deleted. Just forget about her and let her relationship play out. Besides she has the body of a 12 yr old boy and the long face of zebra
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

She was cheating on her bf with you, and you expected her to show compassion?
If she returned to her bf, she did so because her feelings toward you were either
solely sexual, or because she loved him more.

Regardless, realize that the relationship you guys had wasn't really..authentic.
When you mess with a committed chick you should recognize that.

This plan for revenge is EXTRA feminine, guys shouldn't be the ones that start drama.
Swallow whatever feelings you had, and whatever feelings she hurt, and move on.
Forget her, get a new chick. Not for karma, but for preservation of your manhood...

I fully agree with you on this point until I started thinking that this is another reason why woman easily think they can walk all over men. Sure we should care and know our place in situations like this one, BUT I would like to know if my woman had a jumpoff no matter what. Bros before.....


You were used. Face facts and move on. Did you honestly think a relationship was going to happen with this female? Yall bumped uglies plain and simple. Its your fault for catching feelings. STAY IN YOUR LANE!
Man your "revenge" is some real petty female nonsense.

I won't even get into the fact that you were cheating with her and you're not even her boyfriend, but then she drops you and you resort to this? Grow a pair and move on. If she wanted to be with you, she would have dumped her boyfriend for you, or she would have been there for you. You were a side piece and a lot of people wouldn't even be complaining. Get with a girl, no attachment or responsibility? I bet a lot of people on here would sign up for that in a heartbeat.

You got played from the jump, you should have known better.
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