Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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Serious Question:

When someone sneezes, do you say "Bless You"?

from webby d.-

Definition of BLESS

: to hallow or consecrate by religious rite or word
: to hallow with the sign of the cross
: to invoke divine care for —used in the phrase bless you to wish good health especially to one who has just sneezed
I usually never say it unless it's a pretty girl.

I remember there were examples back in class where a pretty girl would sneeze and I'd say bless you and then an ugly girl or guy would sneeze and I'd be silent :lol:

To me that's just a tool to be used to my advantage. Furthermore, there's a whole lot of other things I don't believe in I wouldn't mind on doing if it works out for me. Cuz to me not believing in GOD or religion isn't some ride or die thing in my life. I mean not believing in the Easter Bunny isn't so why should this? Save that for the fools that don't really value life and are too ignorant to understand what they're doing, the lack wisdom. I'd much rather live for something than die for it.
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Tell me if I am alone with this though.

I made a thread about this and folks damned me to hell for it.

But I think folks visibly saying grace in public is a stunt. I wonder how often folks do the same when they are home eating by themselves. But when you are eating in public you feel the need to close your eyes and bow your head.

Am I alone to think it is for show?
Tell me if I am alone with this though.

I made a thread about this and folks damned me to hell for it.

But I think folks visibly saying grace in public is a stunt. I wonder how often folks do the same when they are home eating by themselves. But when you are eating in public you feel the need to close your eyes and bow your head.

Am I alone to think it is for show?
"Yet they shamelessly cheat widows out of their property and then pretend to be pious by making long prayers in public. Because of this, they will be severely punished."

You don't have to worry about it, that's on them if it's for show.
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Tell me if I am alone with this though.

I made a thread about this and folks damned me to hell for it.

But I think folks visibly saying grace in public is a stunt. I wonder how often folks do the same when they are home eating by themselves. But when you are eating in public you feel the need to close your eyes and bow your head.

Am I alone to think it is for show?
It's much like the religious lawmakers in the United States.
Tell me if I am alone with this though.

I made a thread about this and folks damned me to hell for it.

But I think folks visibly saying grace in public is a stunt. I wonder how often folks do the same when they are home eating by themselves. But when you are eating in public you feel the need to close your eyes and bow your head.

Am I alone to think it is for show?

I get it. Its hard to imagine. Some ppl fake im sure. Me, everything that touches my
lips , ill acknoledge Gods provision rite quick before I eat it. (unless chips or candy,
i drew that line myself, like drinks).

With others, like food wit friend, other fam, ide feel weird af, but did it anyway cus i rather
be a weirdo to ppl and a loyal soldier for God. Now, i just dont give af. I do me
and let others do them.
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Tell me if I am alone with this though.

I made a thread about this and folks damned me to hell for it.

But I think folks visibly saying grace in public is a stunt. I wonder how often folks do the same when they are home eating by themselves. But when you are eating in public you feel the need to close your eyes and bow your head.

Am I alone to think it is for show?

that is your cynicism and nothing more.

It's not right but I remember at times doing a quick sign of the cross that could've been misconstrued as anything for simply not wanting to draw attention to myself and just say my grace and eat my food. A bit older now so I don't care who watches but I highly doubt anyone is praying in public for show
:lol: @ praying over food in public. Only time I've ever seen that is when a congregation from a church is having a picnic/brunch.
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@ praying over food in public. Only time I've ever seen that is when a congregation from a church is having a picnic/brunch.

There was no defining moment in my life that made me an atheist. It just sort if happened gradually. I went from bring raised in the church, to believing, but not going to church as often, to bring agnostic, to full blown atheist.
I still introduced religion to my children. Aside from my wife still being religious, I feel it is a great way to teach a child about morality. I was raised in the church, and eventually formed my own opinion and am a good doing well rounded individual so I feel that when they reach adulthood they will do the same.

I think it is appropriate to leave these here. One of then is a repost from the philosophy thread:
View media item 235678View media item 235679
^ Damn :lol: :smh:

Hey man, introduce your kids to philosophy if you want to teach them about morality and ethics :smokin Plenty good tales so they can get the moral of the story.
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What happened to you that turned you to faith? 

I've noticed that a sudden turn to religiosity occurs shortly after something really ****** up happens to a person. It's almost always something deeply psychologically scarring either due to an emotional episode (sometimes the emotional episode is triggered by a physical episode). 

It's just a way of coping for some. Religion's greatest appeal is that it provides comfort for it's adherent in the sense of do A, B, and C and you will receive X, Y, Z.  When in reality, life is nothing of the sort. Variance plays such a large role in our world that there are no set formulas. And that's what scares many people. 

My most favorite quote is by Hugh Hendry. He said:

'God is dead, life is absurd and there are no rules".

Humans are always trying to make sense of the world because it seemingly makes no sense at all. Due to our intelligence, we believe in rationality but the world is almost never rational in anyone's lifetime (mayve over a long enough time horizon it is oddly rational). 

Look at everything around you. So many things make no ******g sense. The young die, the old live. The good are poor, the bad are wealthy. Some are born healthy while others are born sick. Someone throwing a ball into a basket gets millions while someone feeding the hungry volunteers their time. Etc, etc, etc. 

Religion attempts to provide some rationality to the world but in the end it's just more irrationality created by humans. It tries to make sense of something that does not make sense. It provides a simplistic explanation for something that is so immeasurably complex that one can only claim that it must be a farce. 

We humans are a sick species. The same genetics which makes are intelligent and concious of our own existence, also makes us behave the way that we do.  The same genetics that exhibit love, happiness, friendship, altruism, etc. also create hate, jealousy, greed, selfishness, fear, etc. 

The idea of a God is an easy way out in terms of humans not taking responsibility for controlling themselves.  What we may be afraid of in the end, is that we subconsciously realize that our species is destructive. It's easier to be bad/do wrong then to be good/do right. 

Maybe history doesn't repeat itself. It may be that the human species is built on irrationality. 
This man knows whats up...

What will they think of next. Got animals with no God complex praying... How delusions some of these owners are... These dogs just know behavior equals food.
What will they think of next. Got animals with no God complex praying... How delusions some of these owners are... These dogs just know behavior equals food.

the animal was prolly starved and mistreated in the process of learning how to do that.
Serious Question:

When someone sneezes, do you say "Bless You"?

from webby d.-

Definition of BLESS

: to hallow or consecrate by religious rite or word
: to hallow with the sign of the cross
: to invoke divine care for —used in the phrase bless you to wish good health especially to one who has just sneezed

To me its just common courtesy.
View media item 237058
Funny I stumble across this thread after I'm getting shunned to Hell on the Thunder board for suggesting that we remove the pregame prayer and questioning the overall inconsiderate-ness and even legality of it (religious coercion).

Consensus was obviously most of us (Oklahomans) are Christian so if you aren't, don't participate or find a way to deal with it, it's only a few minutes, not a big deal. Of course once I posed the hypothetical of having a Muslim or Hindu prayer, they were all about how they wouldn't take that and would walk out, etc. Hilarious, same hypocrisy you see in all majority/minority arguments
:lol: @ praying over food in public. Only time I've ever seen that is when a congregation from a church is having a picnic/brunch.

View media item 235422
View media item 235724
thanks for restating my point! 

View media item 237313
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