How was your highschool experience socially?

It was average at best. I didn't really fit into any cliques. I was kind of the non-existent wall flower if you had to say

I was friends w/ almost all groups of people except for the band kids; they were just all weird to me and never had anything to relate with them

I truly had maybe 3-4 real friends that I kicked it with and everybody else was mere acquaintances. Felt Batman and Lonely if I got stuck with a lunch period that none of them were in 

Then stupid shh went down at home and basically got kicked out in middle of my senior yr and had move out of state to another school where I felt even more lonelier. What made it even worse for my last 4 months of high school was being at a school with a bunch of lames
I smoked so much weed in high school I was pretty much to myself most of the time. All my close friends from back then were heavy smokers too, and that definitely had an impact on my social life.
High school was awesome!

- skipping homecoming court(I was voted on to it) assembly to get high and drunk with a couple friends before the homecoming basketball game. Senior year.

- getting kickd out of prom for elbowing the principal during some rock song, we(the guys) were moshing. Someone was like "some one should hit pertunin(princepal)". So I did. He ended up chasing me around the hall the dance was at for like 6 mins. Totally clowned the guy. Then when they finally got ahold of me EVERYONE was chanting my name. Was awesome. I was drunk, cops were called. Cop didn't even care. Said "I was your age once, have a fun night tonight." My mom had to come get me. I went home showered, had our limo pick me up. Hit the after party. Only down side from that was I ended up getting banned from the walking ceronmony. My mom was really upset about not seeing me in mhy cap and gown. Only regret I have.

- spring break@ PCB. Enough said.

- banging this chick under the auditorium stage in the storage space.. there was a couch down there..that was the "love shack" it seemed. Was kinda gross.

Damn. High school was awesome.

Class of '06
Freshmen year I was expelled for selling weed. Had my friend in jr high selling for me. He got caught. Snitched(till this day he still says he didn't. I know he did). Administrators got me while I was in gym class about to do my sit up test. Searched my locker had like 6 grams on me and like $50. I live in a small town they acted like it was a HUGE drug bust. Front page of the paper and everything. After that the school really had it out for me. I think that's why I rebeld so much 10th-12th, just to piss them off.
I was in the gifted program and was segregated from most people at school, we'd all have basically the same classes at the same time every year minus the electives we picked. I did AFJROTC and expanded my social circle via that, almost took an Air Force scholarship too, but I got cold feet about committing to 8 years of active duty as a weather officer (probably would have ended up chasing hurricanes out of Keesler) and got out of it before my first semester of college ended.

It's weird reading about how poor the school system I graduated was, but back when I was in school if you wanted to go far the teachers actually worked with us to help us better ourselves, we didn't get taught to the test and they'd let us get away with the sort of thing people get arrested for now. It worked too, most people from my social circle have ended up with post-doc degrees.
HS was soo small that the unpopular kids were knew everybody

overall everybody just stayed with their familiar circles, like every lame HS does
It was amazing! I was the type of dude that could hang out with the jocks one period and with the nerds the next.
I got along with everyone and was very well known. Teachers, security guards and even principals would look after me and let me get away with a lot of bs I'd do!
Since 9th grade I just had that respect from everyone, it was great! Loved highschool and damn do I miss it.
i went to a fairly large high school in alabama... large enough where it was easy to get lost in your own group. if i fit any stereotype, it was probably the shy band nerd. i definitely wasn't popular, but i wasn't unpopular either. if you know anything about me, it's probably no surprise that this was also an awkward time in my life. ironically, i'm the only one among my close friends that went to prom, lol...
High school was aight.

Not really diverse. Most of the black people hung out together, but I didn't hang out with them because I was seen as "white-washed" or whatever. I was cool with everybody I knew, many daps and hugs throughout the day.

I met a lot of people through skateboarding really, so I was friends with people from different schools. That paid off in the later years party wise.

My sophomore year I dated a senior the whole year, tied me down, because of that I got some cred.

Junior year were the most fun. Smoked a lot, did street shiii, skated, had a good circle of friends.Got expelled for a month. After that I started getting better grades.

Senior year started off tight af, then my parents went broke. I stopped hanging out with my good circle of friends and started chilling with this circle from another school. Most of them were hella superficial and concerned about their popularity. I still don't know why they liked me. They would smoke me out every day and I was stressed so it was cool.

Now I'm pretty secluded and don't talk to any of those people from my past. Everybody thinks I went crazy. Partially true.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by MaddoxKay

About to finish up my freshman year. Everybody at my school talkin about how much they hate hs and stuff, funny bc i know in 8 years they'll all be saying how great it was like you guys.
So far for me:
- A lot of friends in all different groups (athletes, popular crowd, couple music and hipster kids), but wouldn't necessarily label myself as popular
- Sports all 3 seasons
- Kinda shy around girls, haven't really done anything in that aspect this year
- One of my best friends is a 5'7'' indian kid who gets ridiculous bunz, makes me mad haha
- Been getting good grades and taking honors look to keep that up
We'll see how the next 3 years play out. BTW I go to a tiny %%% private school in LA
freshmen year of college??? 

all boys Catholic school, it was cool because when i was lazy i would let my hygiene slide and not give a flip because there were no girls (trife i know), but there werent any groups, everyone graduated knowing each other and then the class dispersed after we graduated, i only have one friend from hs that i still kick it with
Originally Posted by solegit08til

High school was aight.

Not really diverse. Most of the black people hung out together, but I didn't hang out with them because I was seen as "white-washed" or whatever. I was cool with everybody I knew, many daps and hugs throughout the day.

I met a lot of people through skateboarding really, so I was friends with people from different schools. That paid off in the later years party wise.

My sophomore year I dated a senior the whole year, tied me down, because of that I got some cred.

Junior year were the most fun. Smoked a lot, did street shiii, skated, had a good circle of friends.Got expelled for a month. After that I started getting better grades.

Senior year started off tight af, then my parents went broke. I stopped hanging out with my good circle of friends and started chilling with this circle from another school. Most of them were hella superficial and concerned about their popularity. I still don't know why they liked me. They would smoke me out every day and I was stressed so it was cool.

Now I'm pretty secluded and don't talk to any of those people from my past. Everybody thinks I went crazy. Partially true.

This is debauchery on her part.
I went to a smaller school, knew most of my classmates, got along with almost all them but spent most of my time with a small group of close friends most of which were athletes like I was
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

3 different high schools in 3 different states in 4 years. Take a wild guess 

That sucks. I told myself when I have children I wouldn't move them around.
Originally Posted by mints

I was in the gifted program and was segregated from most people at school, we'd all have basically the same classes at the same time every year minus the electives we picked. I did AFJROTC and expanded my social circle via that, almost took an Air Force scholarship too, but I got cold feet about committing to 8 years of active duty as a weather officer (probably would have ended up chasing hurricanes out of Keesler) and got out of it before my first semester of college ended.

It's weird reading about how poor the school system I graduated was, but back when I was in school if you wanted to go far the teachers actually worked with us to help us better ourselves, we didn't get taught to the test and they'd let us get away with the sort of thing people get arrested for now. It worked too, most people from my social circle have ended up with post-doc degrees.

An officer in the miltary especially af wow. Do you regret passing on that opurtunity.
Stayed to myself, quiet and reserved, of course, said a few things here and there. Just basically showed up for class, did the work and left. I wanted to experience the college life in high school, I hated high school something serious. No cliques, and I wouldn't say it was hell, but I was tired of it by the 11th grade.
The same dudes I chilled with on the regular in high school, I still chill with today.

Really high school was a breeze, all I did was play ball for a few years, and did well enough in my classes to graduate and to get me into the school I wanted to get in.
If I could go back I'd do a lot of things differently, I never did the typical high school stuff. Avoided parties, didn't go to any dances, or prom. It all just went by so fast.
I hung with upper class folk my whole freshman year thanks to my older cousins. My sophomore year I started working my 1st job and I smashed this bad mixed senior but the condom broke so I never heard from her again and a lot of folks wanted to fight me and my cousins. My junior year was cool I started working again so I started buying more jordans girls started coming from all angles and I ain't know what to do since another girl I thought I'd gotten preggers transferred to my school but she lied so I wasn't a father. My senior year was ok I picked up where I left off with the females and started taking Ls with them I could of had a car but instead I bought clothes with my summer job money (probably for the best considering all the womb that was getting thrown at me) I started chilling with some of the more cooler folks because I wore a lot of air max 95s and I didn't go to prom because I couldn't buy a ticket.

All in all the experience was aite I learned some life lessons fast but I hated my school.
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