What college are you currently attending?

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Love the sports, party scene, academic credibility
Dislike the area around the campus.
Harvard University in Massachusetts

Just kidding
...I'm going to apply for VA Tech
Northwestern University (sad to see i'm the only nter there...

Pros-Academics, Big Ten Sports, Great campus atmosphere, close proximity to Chicago
Cons- WEATHER!!!, workload

Social life is what you make of it.
UC Santa Barbara...parties are cool, women are fine, but the workload is really intense if youre a science major. i just make sure to study my $+% off duringthe weekdays (taking organic chem and 6 week upper division bio courses during the summer FTL) and enjoy my weekend nights
temple university in philly.
school is ok. its probably known for its law, medical and business schools. anything else is ehh. more than half of the student body is women so thats a plusif your a player.
not a party school at all, which is expected since the university is an open campus in the hood (aka north philly). besides i don't really like partieswhere the crowd just stands around talkin to each other with decent music playin and beer pong. i like a club atmosphere.

im 4th year engineering student so my $+$ is busy all the time.

shoulda went to northeastern, but couldn't afford it. philly is a wack $+$ city (im from nyc) but i don't regret temple tho. only because i met a fewgood friends and i met the love of my life.

workload at temple varies. if your majoring in something that will be of value to society like engineering, actuarial sci, bio/chem, comp sci, then its morestudy then play.
if your doing something like communications, business, or i dunno....english? >_> then you'll enjoy mad free time and a nice gpa.

thats all i can say about temple. oh yea. they give us great deals on condoms...pause, but 10 magnums for $1 is a bargain and a half lol.
OGMIKEY wrote:

I graduated from CSUN in 2008, with a BA in History and in Economics.. I am sure that as a CSUN student you hear a lot of negativity, especiallyfrom fellow classmates who complain about not having the "traditional college experience" or that the school is not prestigious enough. While more ofboth qualities would have been great, far too many current and former undergraduate students fail to realize that if CSUN were how they say they want it to be,they would be paying more in terms of money and in terms of the quality of the teaching.

Based on accounts from my friends who actually did go to the types of schools, which so many CSUN students wished that they attended, the constant complaintfrom my friends those schools, was that most of the professors were mediocre, if not outright bad at teaching, even the upper division classes could have 300or more students and many lower division courses were taught mostly or completely by grad students. At Northrdige the classes are usually small, grad studentsnever teach an entire class and bad professor were very rare.

A big reason why I majored in Economics, despite hating the subject after a very bad experence with AP macro in HS, is because my micro professor at CSUN madeEconomics too relavent, too inspiring and too important to not understand. I was impressed by how his various charts, graphs and formulae became a means toclarify and elucidate, when used properly. I took a pair of econ classes the next semester and that part oftwo more well taught classes, which answered manyquestions about the world and raised many, many more, solidified my choice to major in the subject. To crown it all, we had a great department chair, she madeherself avaiable to students to talk about our schedukle of classes, how well we were progressin gat getting our degree, our future after graduating and ofcourse, she is always willin gand able to talk abour current events and policy.

In a few years, I will be starting Law School so I can add another school to my list and in the interim, while I am working, I might just, as requested by thechair of CSUN Economics, return to CSUN as part time Masters student and get my MA in Economics and Public Finance. Hopefully, I can get into UCLA law schooland if not that then USC, LMU or Pepperdine would all be great.

Cliff Notes: I loved attending California State University, Northridge (CSUN) and recommend it to anyone who wants to be well taught your subject, especiallyif that subject is Economics.
Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

Georgetown '11

So, you went from being some big dawg making big money to being 20 years old, to being a college dropout and now your graduating from Georgetown in 2011.

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

Georgetown '11

So, you went from being some big dawg making big money to being 20 years old, to being a college dropout and now your graduating from Georgetown in 2011.


mixed e-personas FTL.
Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by richKarlmarx

Georgetown '11

So, you went from being some big dawg making big money to being 20 years old, to being a college dropout and now your graduating from Georgetown in 2011.


mixed e-personas FTL.

i was georgetown '06
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