What college are you currently attending?

Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Fordham University.
how do you like it? I took a tour a couple months ago


-Nice campus (go to the bronx, LC site is just a building. Yes they are expanding but it won't be done before you graduate. The expansion has yet to beapproved by city as well.)
-Very high level of education as Jesuits are the epitome of education when it comes to Catholicism. And they won't shove things down your throat as theyare very liberal.
-Pretty diverse, atleast comapred to other Catholic private schools like Villanova which has some ridiculous ratio

-Dangerous area surrounds the campus but I have yet to get robbed at a party. It's mostly soft as preppy suburban kids who get robbed. I grew up inBrooklyn, so the area isn't much different than the environment I grew up around. And yes I am white, but playing ball in shady neighborhoods was the normfor me growing up.
-You'll hate having to take so many core classes in order to graduate.
-Compared to friends who go to other schools, I usually have tougher assingments and a larger workload. But it prepares you I guess.
Originally Posted by macNcheese


Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by kidposite

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Fordham University.
how do you like it? I took a tour a couple months ago


-Nice campus (go to the bronx, LC site is just a building. Yes they are expanding but it won't be done before you graduate. The expansion has yet to be approved by city as well.)
-Very high level of education as Jesuits are the epitome of education when it comes to Catholicism. And they won't shove things down your throat as they are very liberal.
-Pretty diverse, atleast comapred to other Catholic private schools like Villanova which has some ridiculous ratio

-Dangerous area surrounds the campus but I have yet to get robbed at a party. It's mostly soft as preppy suburban kids who get robbed. I grew up in Brooklyn, so the area isn't much different than the environment I grew up around. And yes I am white, but playing ball in shady neighborhoods was the norm for me growing up.
-You'll hate having to take so many core classes in order to graduate.
-Compared to friends who go to other schools, I usually have tougher assingments and a larger workload. But it prepares you I guess.
yea i know what youre saying about nova my brother and sisters go there
University of Arizona

Hate: There isn't much to do in the city outside of parties which gets old after a while, the heat gets real bad in the summer

Likes: The parties, The girls, the football/ basketball games
CUNY LaGuardia CC for now, class of.... w/e

Probably gonna transfer or get an AA degree and go to BK college and waste more time until I find something I love or get rich.
Oregon State University

pros: Has a good Engineering program....I'm sure there are other pros

cons: It's located in a sink hole that the world forgot, and didn't care about, called Corvallis.
There's no close fishing, hunting, or hiking
I'm a Duck's fan which isn't that serious to me, but it is to some which is annoying
The bars terrible
There's only one "club" in town
I hate this city
I hate this city
I hate this city
Originally Posted by hic57999

Shot in the dark here... anyone attend Vanderbilt University? Im going there next fall....
an NTer named The Wizard goes /went there.. he frequents the Sports forum usually. and i'm pretty sure there are a couple others.
Originally Posted by Millzhouse719

Any Penn State Beaver heads on NT
? Wanna know how my first two years may turn out.
there are some that posted earlier
and i think DJ Supernova is from there too
might wanna contact him
Originally Posted by enrique23

Originally Posted by atlballa15

Duke University...Class of 2012

how hard was it to get in there?

duke is one of the toughest colleges to get into america. i believe it is ranked 8th in US News & Report annual college rankings.
the academics are great, and the alumni connection is also top notch. people that get into duke are pretty much ivy league caliber and might have gotten intoan ivy as well.

collegeboard.com states that the acceptance rate is 22%
and that the average SAT scores range in...
math: 680-780
verbal: 660-760
writing: 660-760

with 95% of all applicants falling in that range.

judge for yourself, but its def. one of the hardest colleges to be granted admission too.
Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

Originally Posted by jermz101

Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

northeastern university c/o 2010

In boston of course right? How you like the area?

whats up man?
yeah in boston. im from providence and spent alot of time in boston growing up and vowed to my family i would never go to school in boston haha but i ended up there.
i recently heard/read that northeastern was voted best urban campus in all of america. they have done wonderful things to the campus, and they keep putting up brand new housing/academic buildings all the time.
if you go behind columbus, the area can get kind of shady, but i've had no problems.

pros of northeastern: co-op. lol.

Haha yeah the area directly behinf ruggles station is pretty much the hood, glad you like it...I don't know if you know where mattapan is but that'swhere I'm at
I heard Mattapan is kinda hood too. But i've never been. NEU is good stuff, after 4 years I have no complaints. Its the perfect mix of real campus life,and urban campus as you can get. We still have our Quads, and its easy to tell which buildings are school affiliated and which are not (unlike Suffolk), butthen again, there is a main st leading straight downtown that cuts through the middle of campus.

Oh yea, and I agree with the Co-op comment.

As we speak I am sipping a Modelo especial, perusing niketalk and getting paid at my Co-op job. I guess it all depends where you land a job, but the experienceis priceless nonetheless.
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