What is your relationship with your father like?

Originally Posted by Jordanscrub

What's a father? 
Nnonexistent. I tried at one point but I later found it pointless. He put so much love and support in his second youngest child w/ another woman (I'm the youngest) that he bascially said f me and his other kids. My mom feels for him now since he had a stroke and is messed up mentally but I couldn't care less.
My dad is my best friend. He has always been there for me and bailed me out of many situations. I wouldnt be half the man I am without him
Nothing, met the guy once when I was 15 in LA. That was it, my mom raised me herself and my stepdad. I view my stepdad as a perfect fatherly figure and I'm living with him until I graduate college in december
Pops and I are cool af. We chilled together in nyc this past weekend.

I love that man. I never went hungry or cold. He taught me how to be a man.
Mannn i got the worst luck.

My biological didn't bother. Minimal contact until 6, then none at all. Talked to him like 3 times since then. He never keeps his word and now has a wife and 2 daughters.

The rest of my would be father figures are drug addicts and alcoholics.

My uncle is the closest thing I got to it. He's a genius, but lives that YOLO drug life. I respect him though because he didn't have kids for that reason.
Man, I love my Pops.
He's the definition of a MAN to me.
He taught me what life's about.

I remember him taking me to the hospital & elderly homes to see people who we wasn't even related to, I didn't get it then but now I do.
He does everything in his power to make sure the people in his life are happy, even if he has to sacrifice is on happiness. I mean dude even lends
his family members who he knows don't like him money when they need it.

To be honest, If I could be half the man as him ill be satisfied with Life....
He's my Daddy and Love him like my own brother.
My Dad dedicated his entire being to me and my mother.
He made sure that I had everything that I need, and most of what I wanted.
Most importantly, he taught me how to be a real man and how to be a great husband by how he treats my mother.
He was my best man at my wedding, and hes an amazing grandfather to my two girls.
This is rare, and I'm truly blessed to have him in my life.
I love my dad because he is my dad. Our relationship hasn't been the greatest by any means. We used to be closer, but he made decisons and when I got older I understood some of his decisions and for the life of me I couldn't understand why he did some things he did. Overall, he's good man, has some flaws. I will say this, if you feel some sort of anger towards your dad, LET IT GO! No need to take on the burden of the other person when it's not your fault. You'll stop yourself from growing. Pops made a decision that strained our relationship when I was a teenager. I was mad for a long time, grew, forgave and moved on. Hope we get closer again before it's all over. You only get one dad.
My father has to be one of the coolest dudes to walk this earth.  Always there when I've been in a tight situation, blessed me and the wife with a generous wedding gift last year(along with my mother of course), easy to talk to, honest and upfront, etc.  I gotta give him a call today and check on the status of him repairing his grandchildren PC.  
I love him but I also resent him. My parents divorced when I was 6, and he has always payed his child support on time and provide for me (clothes, presents, etc), but he's selfish at the same time. He used to visit every weekend, but when I moved out of New York i would only see him like 2-3 times a year. He got remarried and has 2 kids with his new wife, and he loves us all the same. But it's still unfair, they're going to grow up with a father figure while I basically didn't. I love them though, no resentment towards them... Now that I'm back in New York we see each other alot more and hang out, pretty close.
Me and my pops are cool. Not the closest, but we're good for the most part. I'm kinda segregated from my parents on the slick..
Originally Posted by wigglez25

my dad is one of my best friends.
This. Go out drinking and everything but still plays the parent part and gives good advice. Dude is Vegas right now on a "business" trip.
Just like his son would be.
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