Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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There is a theory of evolution in biology that the scientific community agrees on. There aren't multiple theories that are being debated within science. There are certainly different mechanisms that are researched and discussed. 
There's nearly 5-7 theories of evolution...however, you're using the correct scientific terminology 'mechanisms'.
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There is a theory of evolution in biology that the scientific community agrees on. There aren't multiple theories that are being debated within science. There are certainly different mechanisms that are researched and discussed. 

There's nearly 5-7 theories of evolution...

Name them. All of them. Don't side step, name them all. Because I got the feeling you don't know what the hell you're talking about and don't even realize it

@DC. I won't marry a chick that wants to raise my child in the church. I got no problem teaching my child about different religions, I got no problem that when she or he grows up the choose to practice a certain religion, but I won't allow my kid to be indoctrinated.
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If I love her enough she can do whatever the hell she wants but it is highly unlikely I will end up with a super religious woman. The best way to create an atheist/agnostic is to expose your children to every religion and have them formulate their own opinions.
1. A woman doesn't have to be super religious to want to go to church often man. If you woman goes to church, and she wants your child to go with her what do you do? Let that be the question.

2. Expose them to every religion. Starting at what age? They have to be of the mindset to be able to even understand that. And quite honestly, HS is around the time they can rationally think about this stuff.
I'm not sure you know what evolution is if you're insinuating that it "miraculously" explains life and is somehow linked to atheism. 
I am very aware of what evolution is...

You can believe in a Higher being and evolution.  I was just stating that SOME of the Atheist I've encountered with as posed evolution as a standing ground for the development of life.

I wasn't trying associate atheism with evolution. If I did, my apologizes.

However, the point I was trying to make is on the contrary to religious people often states that maybe science is the "miraculously" explantion proof that God exist. Also, that there's always a belief factor in some kind of label hence even atheism.
A mechanism of evolution is not the same as the theory of evolution. 
Boris, please correct if I am wrong.  From the look of your post, it seems you have a great detail background in science (no sarcasm). This is what I remember in terms of theories...




Natural Selection
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A mechanism of evolution is not the same as the theory of evolution. 

Boris, please correct if I am wrong.  From the look of your post, it seems you have a great detail in science (no sarcasm). This is what I remember in terms of theories...

Natural Selction - Maltus *sp came up with this theory 

This guy :smh: :lol:.
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. This guy
 Hey if I am stating incorrectly, please correct me. 

I've been walking around thinking that there's different theories of evloution.

I asked my girl who's a biology major from Rutgers University...(Either I need to get a refund from the school or I am being scam)

I quote:


A theory that we evolved from primates...

Another is that we evolved from plants...

Another is that we were placed by aliens....

Another is that we are aliens....

Another is that we were evolved from 'primordial ooze' - basically we came from the sea. "

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Everyone is born not believing in anything. You don't become an atheist, you're born one. Its dumb that you think you came out the womb having perceived notions of god. If anything, you're brainwashed and influenced heavily by people around you that believe in the cults. So when you asked, "Will you pass along this belief to your kids?" what do you mean? My child will have no idea about religion until someone puts that idea in his head, which wont be me. The real question is, why are you in a religion?
i had this same discussion with someone and pretty much sums up my stance...i also subscribe to the same way of thinking in many aspects such as born a killer,rapist,thief,gay, etc... i havent seen personally anything that provides evidence of predestine to certain traits or beliefs...
Boris, please correct if I am wrong.  From the look of your post, it seems you have a great detail background in science (no sarcasm). This is what I remember in terms of theories...




Natural Selection
Genetics, for example, is not a theory of evolution. Genetics, however, is used to support the theory of evolution. As I mentioned earlier, evolution deals with genetic change. 
Genetics, for example, is not a theory of evolution. Genetics, however, is used to support the theory of evolution. As I mentioned earlier, evolution deals with genetic change. 
Bet. Thanks.

A mechanism would basically explains how we evolved/ what evolved us.  So like climate would be once mechanism for evolution or really climate change?  Another would be genetic mutation?
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 Hey if I am stating incorrectly, please correct me. 

I've been walking around thinking that there's different theories of evloution.

I asked my girl who's a biology major from Rutgers University...(Either I need to get a refund from the school or I am being scam)

I quote:


A theory that we evolved from primates...

Another is that we evolved from plants...

Another is that we were placed by aliens....

Another is that we are aliens....

Another is that we were evolved from 'primordial ooze' - basically we came from the sea. "

I'm not saying those are correct, but they would be theories on how  organisms evolved. They are not individual theories of evolution. 
I'm not saying those are correct, but they would be theories on how  organisms evolved. They are not individual theories of evolution. 
Then I have to ask whats the difference between 'how organisms evolved' and 'individual theories of evolution'?  I don't see a difference. A theory is an unproved idea? 

A theory stays unproven until there is enough data and research to make it into a scientific law. Meaning that it always happens a certain way.  Basically, there are no laws of eveloution because it happens over extended period of time.

I am just trying to understand the language and word meaning.
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Bet. Thanks.

A mechanism would basically explains how we evolved/ what evolved us.  So like climate would be once mechanism for evolution or really climate change?  Another would be genetic mutation?
On a very general level, a mechanism explains how something evolves. For example, natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift are three different mechanisms for evolution. Climate change is really specific and would cause evolution, but it's not considered a mechanism. A mechanism in that instance could be natural selection as a result of a change in the climate. 
:smh: :lol: . This guy

 :lol:  Hey if I am stating incorrectly, please correct me. 

I've been walking around thinking that there's different theories of evloution.

I asked my girl who's a biology major from Rutgers University...(Either I need to get a refund from the school or I am being scam)

I quote:


A theory that we evolved from primates...

Another is that we evolved from plants...

Another is that we were placed by aliens....

Another is that we are aliens....

Another is that we were evolved from 'primordial ooze' - basically we came from the sea. "


Sorry if I was condescending before but brah you really need to know what. First off evolution is not consider a scientific theory, evolution is a fact, like Boris said some of the mechanism are considered theories and that's where it seems you are confused

The "theory"/fact of evolution states is that all life on Earth originated from a single common ancestor and because of different forces genetic changes occurred that have separated species.

Evolution is not a ladder, going from one step to the next. Think of it more like a huge tree. The universal common ancestor in the trunk, and every species are like branches, and those branches have branches, and those branches have branches. Human and apes are leaves on the same small branch on one side of the tree, and the big plant life branch is way on the other side. But they all still belong to the same tree

There is a pic to illustrate. Life on earth
View media item 232841
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Then I have to ask whats the difference between 'how organisms evolved' and 'individual theories of evolution'?  I don't see a difference. A theory is an unproved idea? 

A theory stays unproven until there is enough data and research to make it into a scientific law. Meaning that it always happens a certain way.  Basically, there are no laws of eveloution because it happens over extended period of time.

I am just trying to understand the language and word meaning.
No, that is not what a scientific theory is, a theory will never become a law, theories explain, laws describe.  Evolution is both a scientific theory and a fact. 

There is a difference between the everyday use of the word theory to mean hunch or guess and the scientific meaning,

From the United States National Academy of Sciences
It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence. Many scientific theories are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms (atomic theory), or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics)
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world. The theory of biological evolution is more than "just a theory." It is as factual an explanation of the universe as the atomic theory of matter or the germ theory of disease. Our understanding of gravity is still a work in progress. But the phenomenon of gravity, like evolution, is an accepted fact
Then I have to ask whats the difference between 'how organisms evolved' and 'individual theories of evolution'?  I don't see a difference. A theory is an unproved idea? 

A theory stays unproven until there is enough data and research to make it into a scientific law. Meaning that it always happens a certain way.  Basically, there are no laws of eveloution because it happens over extended period of time.

I am just trying to understand the language and word meaning.
The way in which something evolves, and what it evolves from, is different than the fact that something evolves. We know that organisms evolve, so that's not what's in question.

A scientific theory is different than the every day use of the word "theory". A scientific theory is an idea proposed to explain an observed phenomenon. This doesn't mean that the theory is "unproven". 
How did you end up atheist?
I was born this way. As I grew older I learned new things. People tried to convert me and I said hell no. If some religions believe you will die if you don't do a certain thing, then why aren't I dead when I don't do them?

Will pass along this belief to your kids?
No. My kids are free to believe what they like. I will not however let my child become one of those people who will harm themselves for religion.

Do you have an authority?

Do you fear death? What are your fears?
As a human I fear death. I fear not being successful in life. I fear that I won't be happy.

What do you believe happens after you die?
Nothing. I will just die.

Do believe in life beyond earth?
Why is this question being asked? It's the same as the one above.

Do you believe in any forces in action beyond human control?
I believe the mind is very strong. I believe fear can be a very cruel thing.
- Growth and experience. watching things around me, unanswered prayers (not just my own), disturbing lack of evidence for tremendous claims.

- I will not. she has already started questioning on her own. "this is stupid, snakes can't talk, etc etc"

- Police and myself.

- I do not fear death. I fear not seeing my daughter grow up. I cannot be afraid of something I tried to bring to myself.

- Nothing. There's no evidence to suggest otherwise. Knowing there are extreme amounts of DMT pumped right before death, it could mean that the mind is suspended into a trip forever... that's just a theory I have though.

- Aliens exist. While there is no concrete evidence to suggest this that has been publicly released, it's naive to think we are alone in existence.

- No. No karma, no luck, no miracles.

You scared or police or prison?
" I cannot be afraid of something I tried to bring to myself." you try to end it?may I ask why? What changed your decision?

Not scared of police or prison. Would much rather not spend any of my limited time on Earth locked in a cage though.

Yes I did. Stress, depression, and lack of a proper outlet. Still dealing with depression.
Everyone is born not believing in anything. You don't become an atheist, you're born one. Its dumb that you think you came out the womb having perceived notions of god. If anything, you're brainwashed and influenced heavily by people around you that believe in the cults. So when you asked, "Will you pass along this belief to your kids?" what do you mean? My child will have no idea about religion until someone puts that idea in his head, which wont be me. The real question is, why are you in a religion?

when your born, you dont know jack. you’re right there. but i feel like as you develope and become
more aware, you know there is/might/should/could be more. its like a void that you can't
explain, and prolly dont even pay any mind to unless something stimulates you to
examine/or question it. like being born without a mom n gettin raised by wolves. that
void my be examined, but if an accepted reunion occured, one would acknowledge a more completenes
for lack of a better word. Might miss the wolves tho. forgive my for my isshhtty example, and half *****ed explaination.
Im trappin of my droid n i hate typin alot.
The way in which something evolves, and what it evolves from, is different than the fact that something evolves. We know that organisms evolve, so that's not what's in question.

A scientific theory is different than the every day use of the word "theory". A scientific theory is an idea proposed to explain an observed phenomenon. This doesn't mean that the theory is "unproven". 
I got it now.  Thanks. I can't ever say I don't learn anything on NT.
How did you end up atheist?
I was born this way. As I grew older I learned new things. People tried to convert me and I said hell no. If some religions believe you will die if you don't do a certain thing, then why aren't I dead when I don't do them?

Will pass along this belief to your kids?
No. My kids are free to believe what they like. I will not however let my child become one of those people who will harm themselves for religion.

Do you have an authority?

Do you fear death? What are your fears?
As a human I fear death. I fear not being successful in life. I fear that I won't be happy.

What do you believe happens after you die?
Nothing. I will just die.

Do believe in life beyond earth?
Why is this question being asked? It's the same as the one above.

Do you believe in any forces in action beyond human control?
I believe the mind is very strong. I believe fear can be a very cruel thing.

life beyond earth can mean many things. spirits, aliens/life on ther planets, galaxies
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