The last children by Truthgetsbusy

if you was born after like 91 then you can't relate.... maybe to an extent but not all the way....
100% correct my brother. I was just talking to my girl about her nieces and nephews. They are NOTHING like we were back in the day. You brought back memoriesforreal! 85' ALL DAY 80s babies STAND UP!!!
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Iwas born in '85 but if you were born before '88 then you will understand this.....

We are the last children...the last generation of growing up without the internet. We grew up in the 80's/early 90's....this is when kids had lives. During this era kids had no choice but to go outside because the only thing poppin inside was Nintendo/Sega or some VHS tapes. From the city to burbs we had a crew of friends and just went out and about. We went on little missions to the corner store or in the woods or whatever. We played ball in the park til it got dark or the street lights came on. We played football in the streets. We rode bikes. We knocked on doors and ran. We ate candy and looked at dirty magazines. We had school clothes and play clothes. We seen Michael Jordan play. We had trading cards. We watched cartoons on Saturdays.

We are the last children...we didn't have swag. We didn't have myspace, facebook, twitter or whatever to connect us with people who we don't give a damn about. We didn't have our JV basketball roster posted on the school website. We couldn't google anybody, anything, anywhere. We didn't download music. We didn't have thousands of pictures of ourselves.

We are the last children because we didn't a cell phone to Jr/Sr year of high school. And that phone had a green background with black text. That phone was for calling/texting/snake/tetris and chirping if you was ballin.

This is not to hate on the younger generation but I feel for you guys. We know what its like to have peace and quiet. We know what its like to knock on somebody's door and ask their parents if they were home. We know what its like to call a girl on her house phone and hope she answers before her mama do. We know what it's like play a video game get all the way to the end and not be able to save your progress. We know what it was like to record a song off the radio with a cassette tape. We seen Michael Jackson when he was black.

I feel for the younger generation because every song has a sample from a older song, every movie is a remake of an older movie or cartoon. It's really sad the lack of oringinal entertainment these days. Every shoe you guys get is a retro or fusion. I feel for you guys. Trying to bring back high top fades and 80's fashion....why? Make your own mark on history.

We are the last children. I fear that we are slowly losing touch with reality. These kids are growing up soft, they are eating horrible, they getting fat, they don't have people skills, and by 18 they can't even get a date. As much good technology has done it has done bad. Please discuss NT.

- good read. on point too.
Was just talking about this the other day to my dudes.. preach
Livin my life since 88...

During my early years I've witnessed:

Winners Don't Use Drugs and Stay in School on video game screens on arcades
Nickelodeon...from Nicktoons to SNICK to all the good game shows.
My mom usually bought me Reeboks and Filas when I was little...don't knock me on this
Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES
Champion jackets....I never owned a Starter...and the Champion Jacket I've had was a Seattle Sonics one
HI-C Ecto coolers

good god I miss those days...
Originally Posted by JiveTurkey813

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Iwas born in '85 but if you were born before '88 then you will understand this.....

We are the last children...the last generation of growing up without the internet. We grew up in the 80's/early 90's....this is when kids had lives. During this era kids had no choice but to go outside because the only thing poppin inside was Nintendo/Sega or some VHS tapes. From the city to burbs we had a crew of friends and just went out and about. We went on little missions to the corner store or in the woods or whatever. We played ball in the park til it got dark or the street lights came on. We played football in the streets. We rode bikes. We knocked on doors and ran. We ate candy and looked at dirty magazines. We had school clothes and play clothes. We seen Michael Jordan play. We had trading cards. We watched cartoons on Saturdays.

We are the last children...we didn't have swag. We didn't have myspace, facebook, twitter or whatever to connect us with people who we don't give a damn about. We didn't have our JV basketball roster posted on the school website. We couldn't google anybody, anything, anywhere. We didn't download music. We didn't have thousands of pictures of ourselves.

We are the last children because we didn't a cell phone to Jr/Sr year of high school. And that phone had a green background with black text. That phone was for calling/texting/snake/tetris and chirping if you was ballin.

This is not to hate on the younger generation but I feel for you guys. We know what its like to have peace and quiet. We know what its like to knock on somebody's door and ask their parents if they were home. We know what its like to call a girl on her house phone and hope she answers before her mama do. We know what it's like play a video game get all the way to the end and not be able to save your progress. We know what it was like to record a song off the radio with a cassette tape. We seen Michael Jackson when he was black.

I feel for the younger generation because every song has a sample from a older song, every movie is a remake of an older movie or cartoon. It's really sad the lack of oringinal entertainment these days. Every shoe you guys get is a retro or fusion. I feel for you guys. Trying to bring back high top fades and 80's fashion....why? Make your own mark on history.

We are the last children. I fear that we are slowly losing touch with reality. These kids are growing up soft, they are eating horrible, they getting fat, they don't have people skills, and by 18 they can't even get a date. As much good technology has done it has done bad. Please discuss NT.
Im not reading this novel homie

you are probably the demographic that he is talking about in his "novel"
talkin' bout you're not reading it.
@$@$ is 5 paragraphs you drop out.
go to the library or something b.

get off the internet.
This is some true @%#. I remember going outside allllllllll day. Sun up to sun down. Give it like 20 years and all the kids gonna look like Sherman Klump.
Football games from as soon as school got out to when your moms had to come find you for dinner.

Riding bikes in dirt hills/ out to the gas station and making huge free sample ice creams.

Beefin with the kids a few streets away, having football games with them that would rival Raiders/Broncos games.

Kids just stay inside now and play WII/Xbox/PS3. its a shame
i know what you talkin about OP, **@* just aint the same...

these 90s babies tryna be us, lol

...hold up i got a message on my pager, is there a phone booth around?
I was born in 1985 as well. Anyone else feeling like we're going to get screwed by the government, someway somehow? (If we haven't already).
knock knock zoom zoom/ _ knocking.

Funny story one time my dude took a %!$! on this dudes welcome mat and rang the bell.

He stepped in it.

Didn't find it funny.

As we ran away, he yelled "I'ma kill you lil _'s"

I ain't come outside for a week after that
The Last Children though?

What do you think the older people thought when yall were kids?

Times are always changing yo. Your perspective isn't really new.
dear mr henshaw

late night doorbell ditch

downloading whack%#% pr0n for the first time

event gatherings and kids would play mario kart
This dude is still trying to separate himself from people who were born a few years after him.

Imagine, 40 years from now, someone asks you what it was like growing up (wanting to know about things from fashion to entertainment) and then asks anotherperson who was born a few years later than you the same thing.

How different do you think the responses will be?
Originally Posted by mr5dollarfootlong

...hold up i got a message on my pager, is there a phone booth around?


Lucky you - I wasn't allowed to have one because of the whole "drug dealer" stigma.

I had the candy fake-me-out from the corner store though. Frontin like a mutha %%+!.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

I'm a 80's baby... well, 89
. But great post, I can relate to both generations in your argument. I was outside playin ball and causing trouble with my friends every day when I was a kid. And I don't have a facebook because anyone I've ever met that I have a meaningful and lasting relationship with I see in person often. I'm also not fat

naw homie. I was born in 79 and I'm not a 70's baby. you know you're fat.
Its different but not necessarily cousins are going through the same childhood I had, just "upgraded"
...and another thing - kids can get full length porn on their damn cellphones nowadays.

!%$% ever happened to Showtime gettin' it poppin wit "Women: Stories of Passion" and "The Red Shoe Diaries"??

And don't even get me started on that one titty you could see on the scrambled Spice channel.

%#*+*%' spoiled brats.
Born in '92, I know all about the stuff your talkin' about OP. I can see the difference in the younger generation.
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